Dagger build
D/D is pretty fine for open world and dungeons.
You can take valk armor (not the rest) and/or SA as trainingwheels but your endgoal should be to be full zerkers with DA, CS and T or DrD, others might know better if taking DrD over DA or CS would be better (I’m not running DrD anymore, so I don’t know too much about that line).
And for PvE (except raids probably and in a lot of fractals) it is still meta =)
Give me a sec, I’m giving you my builds
I added the wvw build for SA – but tinker a bit with the last 2 slots – I insist on having Cloaked in Shadows even though Shadow Rejuvenation might be a bit better suited for a beginner. And maybe you can make Hidden thief work.
(edited by Jana.6831)
If you’re planning on Pvping with it, at least in ranked, not a good idea.
D/D is doable in WvW but pretty hard. Run a mix of marauder and anything with toughness, like soldier. Aim for as much power as you can get while keeping around 2.3 to 2.4k armor. At that point you shouldn’t really have to worry about HP because you’ll have gear that gives HP. Run daredevil rune (or pack, but daredevil gives nice stats and crit on dodge)
Run trickery and daredevil, those are mandatory. Depending on what you want you can run SA, DA, or Critical Strikes as your third slot. You can also run Acro, but I don’t think that’;s what you’re going for.
Good luck and happy hunting!
The single largest issue with d/d in WvW is the at your feet untargetted AOE you will encounter. It doable in small scale battles but even as you stealth enemies have so much access to AOE that does not need a target it pretty hard to survive wading through it.
Classes like the Scrapper with a seemingly endless supply of lightning fields with stuns and the DH with traps at the feet will be especially difficult. With your selected traitlines closing the gap to an enemy will be hard for an in and out style so you have to be very deliberate about stalking your prey. If in larger groups , roam the periphery.
Keep something on the utility bar that can get you out of melee quick or ensure sb as an alternate weapon.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
Yo, guys, the OP wants to play open world PvE
If I personally wanted to be overly successful in wvw I wouldn’t run a power D/D thief – I wrote why I linked my wvw build – you just need to read it to get why it’s in this thread :P
(edited by Jana.6831)
I missed the part on opn world PVE , but the set works fine there. Some of the bigger bosses can be tricky or things like those raptors in HOT. If in open world you do not really need trickery . Acro works real nice there and in fact gives some nice sustain that can be helpful in those dungeouns. I would lean towards Daredevil runes for Crits from stealth and the DA line to get mug over going hidden killer and CS over DA but that a personal preference.
I used to do most of my PVE roaming as a D/D. It’s fun, you open up with a Cloak and Dagger to follow up with a backstab for nice damage and finish ennemies with 1-2 auto attacks and a Heartseeker. Not hard to stay alive because you burst ennemies down fast enough to not really get hit more than once or twice (if they have a lot of health).
I recently switched to D/P for solo roaming though because of the recent buff in AA, making Backstab not a necessity to do damage. With D/P, you still have the HS finisher and access to stealth (though it’s more expensive than CnD), but you also get an incredible blind/gap closer with Shadow Shot, as well as an amazing “perm blind” with Black Powder.
Black Powder ticks often enough that pretty much all attacks done by ennemies will miss if you keep it a 100% uptime, allowing you to tank larger ennemies with ease.
Appreciate the responses it is exactly the kind of info i was looking for .