Dagger storm

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Lukinos.2401


I think this elite spell should have increased cooldown on it,
because it’s doing hell of damage and you have it every 90sec,
which is in my opinion ridiculously short time.

Reason why I think this is when you use it, you gain 8 sec stability,
so players aren’t able to interrupt you ( but I was interrupted few times),
you are able to reflect projectiles and doing big damage to everybody within
900 range, causing crippled and bleeding, and you can move while you are spinning.
Also with Signet of Malice you are healed really fast.

For example In WvW I had no problem to get down 5 and sometimes even more people to downed state just pressing it and spinning around and in a while I could do that again.

So that’s why I think cooldown on this ability needs to be raised.

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Shintai.5618


You should look at the other classes too. They can do just as much, or more with a shorter colldown or the same.

If you downed 5 players that didnt move out of the way, then they are just bad.

Just like an elementalist with meteor shower could down 25 people if they didnt move.

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Kyus.3812


as much as I love my thief, yes it definatelyt hsould have a longer cool down it is way too powerful in its current form.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Vexus.5423


How To Counter Dagger Storm:

1. Melee the crap out the Thief who cannot dodge for 8 seconds while channeling this attack (but can break channeling to dodge, yes I know).
2. F-key stomp after he’s down

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


How To Counter Dagger Storm:

1. Melee the crap out the Thief who cannot dodge for 8 seconds while channeling this attack (but can break channeling to dodge, yes I know).
2. F-key stomp after he’s down

You’ll need condition removal or some good runspeed, otherwise the thief will simply spin away while you’re crippled and trying to chase.

You’re absolutely right about the counter, and there is nothing more satisfying to me as a thief than gap-closing and ruining someone else’s daggerstorms, but thieves have a good toolset for it that many other professions won’t be able to readily pull out against daggerstorm.

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors can get a traited 48 CD Elite that gives them 30s of 5 Stacks of Might/Fury/Swiftness, with 30 points in Vitality, it lasts forever.

+20% Critical Chance.
+5 Stacks of Might.
+33% Movement Speed.


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Dagger storm

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


I can run more stacks of might than that and permaswiftness with just food and dodging with acrobatics. That isn’t that impressive for an elite.