Daredevil - DD + CS + Acrobatics
Here is an alternative that substitutes CS for DA. Useful if you are getting fury from your group.
Acro seems like a great fit with the extra Vigor but it has a lot of overlap, the final tier has no really great trait and that line has no big increase on damage unlike trickery. Oddly the two best DareDevil synergy traits you didn’t take (Vigorous Recovery and Hard to Catch). Sadly Acro is the weakest line for the thief by far.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I actually found that I had enough endurance without those traits, which is why I opted for heals and condition removal instead.
The damage from the build comes from being able to constantly spam WC + Bound or HS + Bound as opposed to static damage modifiers. I can definitely trigger these more with this build, but I’m not sure how being able to use these abilities more compares to the flat damage modifiers.
DD + Acro build only if you are using Bound as part of your DPS, otherwise there’s no point in taking Acro.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I’ve seen variations of this build in different threads now. Anyone who’s played it will tell you how much fun it is to run around dodging + WC constantly. You can take out large groups of mobs without any fear of dying. Against bosses you can melee many who are typically ranged because of the dodges.
Most importantly, it makes thief really really fun to play.
I’ve yet to see anyone do a DPS comparison of this build (or similar) to Nike’s. Maybe I missed it though? Anyone?
Personally DD by itself gives you enough Endurance to run for days.
Acro may not be encessary.
Give a chance to the new heal + trait for cooldown. Works pretty darn well despite being easier to interrupt.
- DA is stronger when finishing off targets below 50% vs CS being stronger while the target is above 50%. One works with the idea of thief finishing targets, the other doesn’t. While staff builds do seem to be focusing on sustained damage rather than bursting -50% targets, most people just take DA because it was used over CS in the past, and so they assume it’s always better.
- DA works well with Trickery. If you have Trickery, take DA. If not, take CS.
I’ve tested this one out and it seems to work better the more enemies around due to the high heal on crit. (exact opposite of any thief build ever…). Been having alot of fun with it and it uses CS/Trick/DD Also like to point out that the riskiest portion of the battle for most thieves is the 100% to 50% enemy health range because of our low health
therefore, i will always suggest CS over DA
-Retired Thief
Drop acro for trickery if you want more defensive viability. The extra ini, boon rip and instant stun are much more useful. Acro really isn’t needed for daredevil.
Acro is still a bad trait line.
I do not know anything about build used by other people/dps calculator. Nonetheless, i found a build for a daredevil i liked a lot, involving trickery and acrobatics. I use equipment with carrion stats, and run dagger dagger, with a sigil that refunds endurance whenever I kill an enemy. I can basically “dance” through trash mobs, and veterans are also no problem, because of the near permanent dodging. I am not sure how i could share my build over the forums, if anyone is interested.
(edited by General Ablon.9760)