[Daredevil] Grandmaster Traits (IMO)

[Daredevil] Grandmaster Traits (IMO)

in Thief

Posted by: meepeY.2867


Hey guys,

So reading around I can see the general consensus is that Daredevil is somewhat lacklustre. That’s fine, it’s a beta test weekend. That’s why they host these weekends. Now my complaint is that we’ve gotten nothing new in terms of profession specific skills.

A lot of people have suggested making the 3 new dodge rolls into F3-4-5 skills with a 10 Second cooldown. I believe that this would be the best solution for a Thief Daredevil and make the Grandmasters alter the way a specific one works in a dramatic fashion. Also making them extremely unique and difficult to chose between would be the best outcome.

Please keep in mind that the current Grandmaster traits would be the dodge rolls on F3 4 and 5. Choosing a new Grandmaster would alter the way the specific one works

Now what do I propose for these Grandmasters? I propose the following:

- Enforcer Training [Minor]:

Give access to F3 4 and 5. They are swappable through combat but switching between puts the other two on a 10 second cooldown. This keeps things balanced.

- Lotus Training

Using this Trait removes the physical damage, and applies 3 stacks of bleed and Torment instead of 1. The cripple time is increased to 5 seconds

[The saving grace of DD Condi builds. The physical damage is what was holing back the true condition damage potential because it was revealing you in Stealth]

- Unhindered Combatant

Using this Trait increases the speed of which you cover the distance by twice as fast, it now cures Immobilize as well as Cripple and Chilled. For each one of these Conditions cured, return 15 Endurance.

[Really good with an evasive build like Sword/Dagger, maybe Staff at a push]

- Bounding Dodger

Rename this trait to “Bounding Giant”

Remove the evade portion of the ability. Increase it’s base damage to roughly 1000-1300 or higher, when you land cause a shockwave (450 units wide) which causes anyone hit to be dazed for 1 second and apply 3s of Weakness. If an ability is interrupted apply 10 stacks of Vulnerability to the target.

Possibly, if it isn’t that appealing, make it cause the interrupted ability to become a Timebomb that if they activate the same ability again within 10 seconds it causes a pulmonary impact and a 1s stun.

[This skill would be nice with an interrupt build around Pulmonary impact]

I would also love to see Pulmonary Impact hit harder by about 1000 damage, as it can’t crit. This takes it to the middle point of between high damage and a crit. The trade off of the skill is you need to have good timing on interrupts, but the 2.5k damage isn’t very much. Also it needs to NOT reveal you from Stealth.

These are just some baseline things I thought of. They may be OP or really silly or whatever. Please feel free to post replies as to what you think they should be or what you’re ideas are.

I’ll gladly answer any questions and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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(edited by meepeY.2867)

[Daredevil] Grandmaster Traits (IMO)

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I never really liked that suggestion. It would just be too complicated. People are just bothered by the fact that we technically didn’t get any new profession mechanic, and are trying to compensate with something weird and hard to use. They should keep it the way it is, just increase the flow of the skills and fix them up a bit. We don’t really need anything else altered, our steal is already good, and 3 dodges is pretty nice. Don’t really care if it requires a GM or not to change them.

[Daredevil] Grandmaster Traits (IMO)

in Thief

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


while i’d prefer the F3-F5 solution as a baseline to the spec (then give us 3 new GMs) ………i’d also be fine w/ them removing the animation delay, and having the attack dodges auto target. the dodges as they are animated now are simply unusable.

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