Daredevil'a dodge Bound
Facepalm was so hard got a mark on my face
just practice and you learn how to time your dodges on the target
easy for me mainly on group enemies
In other words, don’t leap “away”, leap “into” battle.
Ground targeted dodge.
It took a while to overcome the despair, but once I did... Thanks for the laugh I guess.
Seriously though, if you were desperate, wouldn’t it make more sense to suggest the damage be dealt at the start of the dodge? Of course this is equally absurd for other reasons, but at least it makes some sense.
Ground targeted dodge.
It took a while to overcome the despair, but once I did… Thanks for the laugh I guess.
Seriously though, if you were desperate, wouldn’t it make more sense to suggest the damage be dealt at the start of the dodge? Of course this is equally absurd for other reasons, but at least it makes some sense.
I think he wants an F button that make his character play in his stead……
“Toggle: The damage from your dodge can be applied at the start of the animation or the end”
“Toggle: Breathing – Are you currently breathing through your mouth or nose.”
Gate of Madness – Chaos Legion (CL)
You could try it with Staff 3 for dodge attack then go for dodge bound toward the target. :\
I mean, I guess its equivalent to the warrior trait where you dodge and then aoe damage around yourself, this one just felt natural as a ground target to me due to the animation. But since people are so shocked about this idea, maybe its not as natural as I thought
Ground-target seems more cumbersome than making it affected by camera angle, like how Heartseeker currently is. Although the devs might feel that might be too strong or at least too strong at quickly and easily killing newer player, which is historically a big no-no for them.