Daredevil idle and run animation PLEASE!
Agree 100%. This might sound silly but it’s the only reason I refuse to use a staff
Can’t resist :P https://youtu.be/yHqdESArkqU?t=206
now imagine darth maul holding his laser sword like a hammer^^
i agree, the hammer holding animation doesnt fit the staff, I hope they listen to us
It does need a change.
Doctor Love – Mesmer
Captain Awesome – Warrior
Yeah I just feel like it kills what the daredevil is themed for. Love what they did with the AA animation, looks so much better, but like I said.. Any transition made after anything we use looks terrible because of the idle / running animation with staff. If we ran with the staff behind our backs being held with just our right hand, the transition from dash back to normal run would look so much smoother and fitting. I hate the hammer holding and run animation allot at this point.. Really takes away allot from the class.
agile class. needs to run and hold weapons agile…not strength.
I feel like this will be another dead horse beside the pile of dead horses that include capes, mounts, and build-saver.
I feel like this will be another dead horse beside the pile of dead horses that include capes, mounts, and build-saver.
well…..not all dead horses stay dead ^^
the gliders came VERY true.
as did the stealth hunters(ranger, rev, engineer)
and the guild halls/custom maps.
and devs have said that animation swaps for a weapon(like engi holding rifle like warrior, or human ranger longbow 2 skill firing flat like asura ranger longbow) were “possible and interesting”
heck….while i still say mounts wont be coming…..they sorta did…..just not to us. HoT has an enemy who rides a mount xD
I feel like this will be another dead horse beside the pile of dead horses that include capes, mounts, and build-saver.
However for the record I will +1 the change. Current animation definitely ruins the immersion of being a daredevil.
Is that the Chanter animations in Aion? Cuz I personally had a tremendous hatred for Chanter’s Idle animations. Was happy I could change it later on when they started selling animation sets like the Ninja one. Bad game though so don’t play it anymore.
I just want the Monkey King’s animations. They’re already completed all they gotta do is copypasta it.
I don’t know why developers and gamers continue to consider a staff held with one hand (it’s a two-handed weapon) behind the back to be a martially intelligent decision. It’s not.
For what it’s worth, holding it out front like a hammer would actually provide better protection. I’m not saying I like the current animations, but it actually makes more sense than all of that silly flair.
Don’t mind me, I’m not trying to rag on ideas too hard, and I would like to see some visual improvement. But, do we really need the same BS hokey that we get in every other game? As someone who has used the staff for several years as a way of fitness and training, it just doesn’t make sense to move with it behind the back like you’re some anime character. People don’t run with their guns behind their backs, right? I’m willing to bet a Spartan didn’t run with the dory behind his back, either.
My point is this:
Wouldn’t it be cool if this weapon didn’t look like it does in every other game (cheesy), and if it didn’t look like a hammer? To be honest, centralizing the the holding animation so there’s equal lengths on either end would go a long way, for me. Another option would be to hold it perpendicular to the body at hip level, so that the staff faces the opponent. This has the martial value of your enemy not knowing the length and reach of your weapon.
Edit: Pluralization is hard.
(edited by Floyd.7482)
Well if logic was involved I could shoot my guns further than someone could throw a 2handed hammer. I personally fight with no skill and use loud stylish moves like an annoying Naruto Ninja and win battles via a trolly, cowardly playstyle like most Thieves so it wouldn’t bother me much. Wielding it in a manner of better protection also wouldn’t matter anyways since we don’t fight in a physically defensive manner with any staff blocking skills and use speed and magic instead.
Well if logic was involved I could shoot my guns further than someone could throw a 2handed hammer.
I personally fight with no skill and use loud stylish moves like an annoying Naruto Ninja and win battles via a trolly, cowardly playstyle like most Thieves so it wouldn’t bother me much. Wielding it in a manner of better protection also wouldn’t matter anyways since we don’t fight in a physically defensive manner with any staff blocking skills and use speed and magic instead.
Hah, fair enough!
Well if logic was involved I could shoot my guns further than someone could throw a 2handed hammer.
I personally fight with no skill and use loud stylish moves like an annoying Naruto Ninja and win battles via a trolly, cowardly playstyle like most Thieves so it wouldn’t bother me much. Wielding it in a manner of better protection also wouldn’t matter anyways since we don’t fight in a physically defensive manner with any staff blocking skills and use speed and magic instead.
Daredevil has a pretty cool martial artist vibe and quite a bit of defenses thrown into the mix. Somewhat sensible fighting stance actually makes it better in my eyes.
Well since theybseem very martial arts / physically oriented, then for the love of God why can’t they follow the theme completely. They used to seem so intricate with these sorts of details on launch. I hate the thrown together feel I get with these animations. I know the behind the back is not a realistic approach, but neither is tossing fireballs or throwing great swords like boomerangs, I like the flairy look of rushing at my opponent with the staff behind my back. It gives a nice emphasis on the speed aspect that daredevil already strongly plays into.if they ever change it I hope to god they make it look this way.
Really agree with changing the idle and run animation, though I support using the monkey king stance. Please change it!
As cool as that stance looks, the current “hammer” form is much closer to the Aikido form that the moveset seems mostly inspired from.