Dear Dev's: Please

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


Please read these forums. Just one response, that’s all we ask.

Please acknowledge you nerfed Acrobatics just to make Daredevil work, what are you going to do with Acro now?




Desolation [KISS]

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Yes, I’m absolutely sure they are going to respond to your request and acknowledge they nerfed acrobatics for daredevil.


Fact is while they are similar, they aren’t identical, and do offer different bonuses. If you want to be a dodging fool, they will compliment that playstyle very well.

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


The point is, it’s been YEARS since an official response on this forum. Regardless of what they say initially, to respond at all would help people feel that they are being heard.

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The point is, it’s been YEARS since an official response on this forum. Regardless of what they say initially, to respond at all would help people feel that they are being heard.

That is true in most parts of the forum. It isn’t unique to the thieves.

Also, be aware that many mmos you get no responses at all from the devs. Would we all like more communications? Sure. But I don’t hold my breath on it, and honestly I can’t think of a single post ever where someone specifically requested a dev’s response and actually got one, other than like very serious game bugs that are breaking the game (like the revive on clone death they recently fixed).

What’s more, posts with extremely negative tones tend not to get answered either. I find that if a dev ever responds, its almost certainly to a post that is providing feedback without resorting to backlash-style attitudes. Of course, even then it’s not guaranteed.

But they are watching. Changes have been happening. The revenant, for instance, had some substantial changes based on feedback given on the forums. Same with tempest, dragonhunter, etc etc.

Focus on constructive rather than destructive feedback and, even if you don’t get a response, you are more likely to be heard. BTW, constructive feedback doesn’t mean POSITIVE feedback – it just means giving an honest explanation of what you feel is right AND wrong with something… in a manner trying to improve the game rather than insult the devs and anet.

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


Fact is while they are similar, they aren’t identical, and do offer different bonuses. If you want to be a dodging fool, they will compliment that playstyle very well.

True they aren’t identical, Acrobatics is “hit” with an “s” in front.

Desolation [KISS]

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


Fact is while they are similar, they aren’t identical, and do offer different bonuses. If you want to be a dodging fool, they will compliment that playstyle very well.

Sure, they’re not identical, but a lot of the effects that Daredevil has are essentially better versions of what you could get in acro, rendering the line almost obsolete. It should be re-themed at this point. They could theme it around reveal or shadowsteps or general mobility so it wouldn’t be DD’s weaker version.

Re-theming it to general mobility would allow them to keep decent traits like Don’t Stop and build out the rest of the line, increasing shadowstep distance, removing condis on shadowsteps, enhancing swiftness, etc.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


That is true in most parts of the forum. It isn’t unique to the thieves.

Sorry, but I don’t think that’s genuinely true. Developer responses are rarer in the profession subforums than in more general ones, yes, but compare and contrast the Thief forum with the other profession forums and you will see that we have consistently gotten the least attention. You can postulate as to why that is, but it is what it is.

I do have a higher opinion of ANet than other MMO developers, which is why I’m still playing to begin with. But their treatment of Thief has never wowed me, and the Elite Spec hasn’t done anything to address my core concerns with the profession, shiny as it may be. I am trying to remain optimistic, but I can’t help but notice that the professions that’ve gotten meaningful core improvements through their elite spec feedback so far have been those attended to by Robert Gee or Roy Cronacher, not Karl McLain.

I will continue to deliver the same constructive feedback that I have been: I think the Thief profession is greatly lacking in its core competences. Whether Karl and others at ANet listen and take that feedback into account is something that remains to be seen.

(edited by Amante.8109)

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


The whole reason i made this topic is that this elite specialization is what may have convinced me to pre-order or even buy the game, but if feels like being short changed, “Here is a great idea, lets take away survivability and then give it back if they pay $50 for it.” facepalm

Desolation [KISS]

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”

Conspiracy theory? More like a blatant observation!

Desolation [KISS]

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”

Conspiracy theory? More like a blatant observation!

Observation = “Acro and DD have a lot in common!”

Conspiracy theory = “ANet nerfed Acro just to make me buy the expansion! They’re a bunch of meanies out to ruin my day and steal my money!”

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


They removed the 10% dmg while endurance is not full from acro and now they gave it to dardedevil. 2 identical traitlines make no sense… just merge some acro traits that r on sucesful evade with daredevil and make acro something different and useful

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


I understand why people feel that way, but let’s try and maintain that blurry line between emotion and evidence, eh? There’s nothing overt that blatantly says they’re “reselling” anything to us quite yet, even if it feels that way.

Now, if HoT hits and they haven’t done ANYTHING with our Core traits—Acro included—then we have basis for that theory.

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”

Conspiracy theory? More like a blatant observation!

Observation = “Acro and DD have a lot in common!”

Conspiracy theory = “ANet nerfed Acro just to make me buy the expansion! They’re a bunch of meanies out to ruin my day and steal my money!”


Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


They removed the 10% dmg while endurance is not full from acro and now they gave it to dardedevil. 2 identical traitlines make no sense… just merge some acro traits that r on sucesful evade with daredevil and make acro something different and useful

They aren’t identical, and they can be used side-by-side.

Let me give you an example: If the spec had been rifle instead, and they had moved ricochet to that spec, I wouldnt even have blinked an eye. I even theorized at one point (read “wishful thinking”) that they had taken out ricochet to move it to rifle thief. Ah, my QQs when I found out I was wrong. Ah well. Hope springs eternal.

In any case, yes, they have a lot in common, and yes, some things got shuffled around, but I believe they are trying to give thieves options where they don’t have to go with stealth for survivability… so, vastly improved dodging. Combine acrobatics with DD for even more evasive goodness.

So I really don’t see the problem. I mean, is there some reason you CANT stack acrobatics with Daredevil?

Dear Dev's: Please

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”

Conspiracy theory? More like a blatant observation!

lol he thinks that having 150 Endurance is not what Feline Grace used to be, thus he thinks it is a conspiracy theory.

People will see what they want to see and be blinded from the truth. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.