Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Tringsh.2380


…can we get some?

There’s been so many posts submitted regarding the lack of diversity the thief class now offers.
- Pistol ricochet being removed without a range buff or replacement trait.
- Mesmers out-stealthing us with little to no reveal.
- Vitality trait removed along with a lot of other survivor traits.
- Feline Grace and Shadow’s Embrace now not worth taking following nerf alienating most sword users.

Can we please have at least a response to say you have read and understand our feedback?

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


A lack of a response is a response in and of itself.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


true that
-i will write something here now because i need to use 15 elements for whatever reason lols :P

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


- Pistol ricochet being removed without a range buff or replacement trait.

The range buff is actually on Ankle Shots, they just forgot to update the tooltip information.

…can we get some?
- Mesmers out-stealthing us with little to no reveal.

Reveal works the same for Mesmers, and anyway if both Thief and Mesmer trait for maximum stealth, the Thief can still get a lot more (and do it more often). I don’t see the problem with this, if they want to trait for lots of stealth why should they have less stealth than a non-traited Thief?

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


it works the same way but a PU condi mesmer will kill you without being revealed once, well until your dead. and yes we can trait into stealth, we get 1 second, mesmer gets the double amount. that would be fine if they wouldn’t be able to outstealth a thief, especially DD thieves

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


it works the same way but a PU condi mesmer will kill you without being revealed once, well until your dead. and yes we can trait into stealth, we get 1 second, mesmer gets the double amount. that would be fine if they wouldn’t be able to outstealth a thief, especially DD thieves

But then…don’t play D/D and expect to stealth for a long duration? I mean nobody plays Mesmer without stealth skills and expects to stealth for a long time (if at all) either. Unfortunately D/P is way better than all the other weapon sets but even if it wasn’t, it’s still the go-to stealth weapon.

PU Condi is even easier, just use shortbow to shoot the clones since the clone death traits are all gone. In PvP if they do that the point will just be decapped and in WvW it should be even less of a problem as you can just use shadow refuge and ignore them by running away.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


sorry but i won’t let anyone convince me stop playing dd because dp is better, i know it is,
that’s one reason why i don’t play it, plus i can still kill DP thieves easy even tho they are my counter and PU mesmers also, but that’s not the point, the point is that the thief is being replaced with the mesmer, furthermore every other class had better buffs to their traits than the thief had, e.g. ranger marksmanship compared to thiefs new SE, the fact that CiS is a gm and that every class can go invuln except for the thief. I’m not saying tief needs invuln, I’m just saying thief has been left out badly and needs some tweeking

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


it works the same way but a PU condi mesmer will kill you without being revealed once, well until your dead. and yes we can trait into stealth, we get 1 second, mesmer gets the double amount. that would be fine if they wouldn’t be able to outstealth a thief, especially DD thieves

But then…don’t play D/D and expect to stealth for a long duration? I mean nobody plays Mesmer without stealth skills and expects to stealth for a long time (if at all) either. Unfortunately D/P is way better than all the other weapon sets but even if it wasn’t, it’s still the go-to stealth weapon.

PU Condi is even easier, just use shortbow to shoot the clones since the clone death traits are all gone. In PvP if they do that the point will just be decapped and in WvW it should be even less of a problem as you can just use shadow refuge and ignore them by running away.

im sorry,i thought ride the clones x/d spec very much outstealth mesmers.Somthing changed?

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


no that’s how i kill mesmers, i go stealth on their clones, but doing that on a condi mesmer will kill you if you take to long to kill him/trying to find him in stealth ^^

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Bret.6940


- Pistol ricochet being removed without a range buff or replacement trait.

The range buff is actually on Ankle Shots, they just forgot to update the tooltip information.

…can we get some?
- Mesmers out-stealthing us with little to no reveal.

Reveal works the same for Mesmers, and anyway if both Thief and Mesmer trait for maximum stealth, the Thief can still get a lot more (and do it more often). I don’t see the problem with this, if they want to trait for lots of stealth why should they have less stealth than a non-traited Thief?

Yeah trait for 20% deception skill recovery and then you will not be able to take shadows embrace for condi removal…

Order of Grenth ~ P/P Thief~ [OGs] TC

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: JaeleCt.3967


what? a 2 year old necro’d thread isnt good enough for you????

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Shadow.1345


- Pistol ricochet being removed without a range buff or replacement trait.

Ankle Shots includes the range increase it just doesn’t show it on the tool tip but if you take it it shows the range increase on the pistol abilities tooltips.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Get real. Only time they visit thief forums is to sell us nerfs as buffs. Devs will never aknowledge anything. 3 years to move LR……

- idk why they nerfed pp, not like it was strong on first place
- stealth alone isn’t why mesmers are so broken atm, more like stacking dazes, dmg increase (by a lot actually) + a lot more survivability than before patch
- practiced tolerance was one of those trait changes that fell to victim to devs idea of homogen trait line w/o realizing how it will actually impact thieves…. because cmon, let’s face it they never made a thief not to mention play it or BS bug would never happen on first place
- SE change makes me sad; FG may have needed a nerf in previous system however if you consider other classes its old state is almost needed nowdays (and by all means i hate sd, playing it or against it)

I know i am being dramatic, thieves are known to be dramatic but looking at how we got trolled this patch there is nothing else left, for me at least. At least mods can protect us from trolls, who can protect us from incompetent devs?

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: uglydan.1638


What do you expect when the Dev in charge of thieves cannot even remember what half the traits do because he hasn’t touched his thief for two weeks?

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


What do you expect when the Dev in charge of thieves cannot even remember what half the traits do because he hasn’t touched his thief at all?


if he ever played thief he would at least notice BS bug

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Reaven.3958


A lack of a response is a response in and of itself.

It’s true. Pretty standard operating procedure for anet — if they don’t want to talk about it, they won’t even acknowledge it. The players be kitten ed. Stupid player peasants. Go play moar PvE and spend munies in the gem store, you plebs.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Wrong subforum mate, devs do not dare to enter the thieves lair. Muahahaha….

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Reinn.7436


I sometimes even want to swear and curse every developer and their greedy bosses in this subform just to perform a social experiment if there is a mod here who is monitoring the thief corner.

“Even thieves have principles to follow.”

-Chinese Proverb.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: uglydan.1638


Haven’t pre-ordered HoT yet. Just waiting to be disappointed even more when they reveal the Thief elite spec.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


nobody on the dev team even plays thief

they all play war lol

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Wrong subforum mate, devs do not dare to enter the thieves lair.

True story.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


Devs seriously brainless.

If u check on other class forums they are still crying about thief stealth op qq and want more nerf (well mesmer pu stealth is different story). and Devs just listen to those unskilled player that qqs it seems.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Lyger.5429


What is the Backstab bug by the way?

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Princ.3598


Its all good guys, lets all just roll a mesmer and act like that is a thief 2.0

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


What is the Backstab bug by the way?

whenever you used backstab, no matter if it got blocked, blinded, dodged or if you just hit empty air, it would always reveal you…..

idk how they could miss it

Its all good guys, lets all just roll a mesmer and act like that is a thief 2.0

but they are so boring, i actually killed someone by mashing random keys on keyboard :|

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

it works the same way but a PU condi mesmer will kill you without being revealed once, well until your dead. and yes we can trait into stealth, we get 1 second, mesmer gets the double amount. that would be fine if they wouldn’t be able to outstealth a thief, especially DD thieves

Mesmers having double stealth is not the problem for dagger offhand thieves, it’s the blinds that hit no matter what.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Lyger.5429


What is the Backstab bug by the way?

whenever you used backstab, no matter if it got blocked, blinded, dodged or if you just hit empty air, it would always reveal you…..

idk how they could miss it:|

Hmm seems more like a ninja nerf than a bug.

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Solori.6025


no that’s how i kill mesmers, i go stealth on their clones, but doing that on a condi mesmer will kill you if you take to long to kill him/trying to find him in stealth ^^

But..dont you remove condies in stealth and regen health?

I’m confused, if you can kill condi mesmer’s is the issue then that they have similair stealth uptime to thieves so that makes them a little more difficult or?

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


no that’s how i kill mesmers, i go stealth on their clones, but doing that on a condi mesmer will kill you if you take to long to kill him/trying to find him in stealth ^^

But..dont you remove condies in stealth and regen health?

I’m confused, if you can kill condi mesmer’s is the issue then that they have similair stealth uptime to thieves so that makes them a little more difficult or?

the regen is small and it takes away 1 condi every 3 sec, that’s not much
and i didn’t understand what your point is in the second half ^^

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


no that’s how i kill mesmers, i go stealth on their clones, but doing that on a condi mesmer will kill you if you take to long to kill him/trying to find him in stealth ^^

But..dont you remove condies in stealth and regen health?

I’m confused, if you can kill condi mesmer’s is the issue then that they have similair stealth uptime to thieves so that makes them a little more difficult or?

Remove 1 condition, and the regen basically requires we keep stealth for an extensive duration all the while the Mesmer can be in stealth and have us loaded with conditions or cycle through their insane condition burst that has a very short cooldown.

Waiting around to recover just to fight a condi Mesmer isn’t going to happen, remember while you are recovering so are they.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


What is the Backstab bug by the way?

whenever you used backstab, no matter if it got blocked, blinded, dodged or if you just hit empty air, it would always reveal you…..

idk how they could miss it:|

Hmm seems more like a ninja nerf than a bug.

they fixed it some days later~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>