Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


only thing we have confirmed about this is…. basically that its going to happen. Question is : What do YOU think they are and how will they affect the thief gameplay?

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


They’ll give it diminishing returns, and my medium-weight crit build will become secretly awesome.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


like if you crit too much it will hit for less? wouldnt that make high defense builds a huge buff. i doubt guardians need that :/

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Guys, stop worrying. In PvP and WvW, conditions reign supreme. They wouldn’t make a huge change to critical damage simply to balance PvE in a PvP-oriented game. The most likely option is that they’ll add a “critical cap” throttle to bosses, increasing the viability of all options in PvE rather than simply nerfing zerk specs across the board. This will average the times any party of any comp will speed run a dungeon, and not kill any viability in PvP/WvW (except VS keep lords – which face it, go down way too quickly).

The other option is improve it’s scaling with power, increasing it’s viability against conditions in PvP/WvW, but making the “zerk meta” of PvE even worse.

A combination of the two would be the best option, IMO.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Hadrian Vega.5463

Hadrian Vega.5463

I’ll be honest I was not expecting changes to crit damage. So I’m interested to see what they feel will be an appropriate change.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Impact.2780


They said they were looking at changing the berserker dominance in PVE. Nothing was mentioned about berserker in the upcoming stream though, and instead a reference to changing critical damage alone. This implies that the changes to berserker dominance will be achieved through adjusting the role or effectiveness of critical damage instead of the gear itself. For a change to reduce the dominance of something, it must reduce its popularity, which means nerfing it, or improving another aspect of damage dealing. They could:

  • Nerf base critical damage down from +50%.
  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.
  • Critical hits reduce the effectiveness of another stat for a few seconds, the extent of which is determined by the difference between a normal hit and the critical hit, in an attempt to get players to build up those stats more. This would impact precision as well as critical damage and therefore berserker gear.
  • Critical hits provide a condition damage modifier either for you or the target, increasing damage you deal or the target takes from conditions. This would increase the effectiveness of condition damage and possibly promote rampagers.
EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Cush.4063


All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Impact.2780


All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.

I agree... They are focused on the wrong thing. There will always be a dominant stat combination. By attempting to shift the balance they risk further damaging other aspects of the game. Instead, they should balance classes so everyone has a access to some AoE damage, sustainable multi target damage via cleave, and options to provide some form of support which doesn’t have a significantly negative impact on the class’s ability to deal damage.

At the moment Warrior, Elementalist and Guardian can do that. Warrior has plenty of cleaves, burst skills, high damaging abilities, and provides support via banners. Elementalist can stack damage modifiers better than any other class, provide a lot of might to the group and in less DPS heavy runs can easily provide some healing support. Guardian can cleave, has some AoE damaging abilities, and supports via healing and shields.

Many classes can only play for themselves, meaning they can’t even form a different group composition allowing them to work just as effectively because they lack the ability to synergise. They also have significantly lower DPS even when using berserker, whether due to very low coefficients, no single skill which far exceeds the others in damage (i.e burst), no damage boosting mechanisms, and inability to stack damage modifiers to a point where their multiplicative nature begins to significantly boost their DPS.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Guys, stop worrying. In PvP and WvW, conditions reign supreme. They wouldn’t make a huge change to critical damage simply to balance PvE in a PvP-oriented game. The most likely option is that they’ll add a “critical cap” throttle to bosses, increasing the viability of all options in PvE rather than simply nerfing zerk specs across the board. This will average the times any party of any comp will speed run a dungeon, and not kill any viability in PvP/WvW (except VS keep lords – which face it, go down way too quickly).

The other option is improve it’s scaling with power, increasing it’s viability against conditions in PvP/WvW, but making the “zerk meta” of PvE even worse.

A combination of the two would be the best option, IMO.

i think what u say is probably going to be true…along the lines of anyway.

but what i worry about is thief roles in dungeons/fractals etc. its hard enough as is to get an experienced/pro/speed groupwithout getting booted or “no thieves” in the LFG title. our only + is dmg and shadow refuge. without bursting for insane dmg we are not going to be useful in pve/dugneons/fractals. yes i supposed we can “survive” but i will look at my line up of characters on teh log in screen and say hmmm which one willi take for this run? hrm… thief? no…any of the other 7 produce better and easier.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.

I agree… They are focused on the wrong thing. There will always be a dominant stat combination. By attempting to shift the balance they risk further damaging other aspects of the game. Instead, they should balance classes so everyone has a access to some AoE damage, sustainable multi target damage via cleave, and options to provide some form of support which doesn’t have a significantly negative impact on the class’s ability to deal damage.

At the moment Warrior, Elementalist and Guardian can do that. Warrior has plenty of cleaves, burst skills, high damaging abilities, and provides support via banners. Elementalist can stack damage modifiers better than any other class, provide a lot of might to the group and in less DPS heavy runs can easily provide some healing support. Guardian can cleave, has some AoE damaging abilities, and supports via healing and shields.

Many classes can only play for themselves, meaning they can’t even form a different group composition allowing them to work just as effectively because they lack the ability to synergise. They also have significantly lower DPS even when using berserker, whether due to very low coefficients, no single skill which far exceeds the others in damage (i.e burst), no damage boosting mechanisms, and inability to stack damage modifiers to a point where their multiplicative nature begins to significantly boost their DPS.

u made me think of something. god. lol. they are trying to play god with their game. yes its theirs. w.e. but my point is they try to fix everything by breaking somethign. they need to stop thinking nerf nerf nerf nerf and try buff buff buff areas that can counterbalance problems.

whats that you say? everyone is using zerk gear (not true meta is condi)? well lets buff conditions a tad and see if that gives people more competitive options.

whats that you say nobody wants to play medium/light classes? (instead of nerfing heavies) lets boost up them a lil bit to give them more competitive edge to be on par.

why is it always nerf nerf nerf nerf? why not buff the weak areas?

Dear anet……

Imagine . . . you have a 1 foot diameter ball of clay. this ball of clay you have is not perfectly round but you would like it to be so. you start shaving off little by little. the more you shave off the more critical you become and continue to shave moreoff as you come closer to your ideal spherical perfection. much time has passed. younow have a 1 inch ball of clay that is much more round than it started with but its also much . . .much smaller.

Incase youdont follow your ball of clay is GW2 metaphorically of course. stop chiseling away at your game and add things . buff things. stop trying to take things down and start building them up or you are going to have nothign left (aka the players).

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.


i really hope i won’t be forced to play condi build…i might just quit

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


What’s the change? Granted I guess we can wait 36 hours, but now I’m curious

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Impact.2780


Imagine . . . you have a 1 foot diameter ball of clay. this ball of clay you have is not perfectly round but you would like it to be so. you start shaving off little by little. the more you shave off the more critical you become and continue to shave moreoff as you come closer to your ideal spherical perfection. much time has passed. younow have a 1 inch ball of clay that is much more round than it started with but its also much . . .much smaller.

Incase youdont follow your ball of clay is GW2 metaphorically of course. stop chiseling away at your game and add things . buff things. stop trying to take things down and start building them up or you are going to have nothign left (aka the players).

You might be more right than you realise. Berserker wasn’t always the most popular set. When it was newer, various group combinations were great and each person would be using different gear sets, often balancing defensive and offensive capabilities. But over time, players began focusing on how to make the content we have more challenging, for lack of NEW content. Eventually it becomes less interesting, and people just want to rush through it, "get it done", looking down on new players in their PVT, trying to get them into the highest DPS gear ASAP. Some still try to make it fun by making a challenge out of it - to find the optimum builds and groups etc. But eventually even that will lose their interest.

Adding more is not just centred around class capabilities, but content too. Living story is not the same as unlocking a new area of the vast amount of unchartered zones on the GW2 map. It’s not the same as a permanent new high level challenging dungeon, or a wide range of new PvP maps and game types. There needs to be a steadt stream of updates that will get the interest of players, and keep them entertained until the next update is out. Otherwise the most interesting aspect of the game will be speculation as to what the next update might bring, which will involve more hope than keenness.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.


Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Swimfan.8014


I have to say that I’m indeed a little worried. So far Anet has proven kinda poor regarding their balance. I hate that they go on nerfing the wrong stuff. Sure, zerker is a really big problem looking at how speed-run everything has to be in dungeons BUT how about balancing the classes themselves which use crit?! Like WARRIOR for christ’s sake!

They should stark giving higher critical damage the lighter your armor is. Look at it as a back-around balance of the fact that, beside the fact that they lied about how every class in this MMO can be anything, the lighter armor you wear in this game, the harder it is to survive … or classes with the worst HP pool hit the hardest … like hell, this IS normaly why they have so low HP. We have the lowest HP and middle-class armor and Warriors hit as hard as we do … where’s the balance in that?!

(edited by Swimfan.8014)

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Potato.7318


Well one thing is for sure. Thief builds will have to change. Since we rely so much on crit damage. Maybe we don’t have to be so deep rooted in crit strikes, but we will probably be affected the most. :P

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Swimfan.8014


Whenever Anet trys to solve something, they kill of other classes – just not Warrior! It’s always Ele and Thief that suffer the most. Can’t believe anyone there is payed for what they do!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: godofcows.2451


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Gallows.4318


All I have to say is, condition damage in spvp and wvw is so over the top it sucks to play sometimes. And if they buff it by doing this, they will have only ripened the meta with maybe people picking different gear to do more conditions. No thank you and please god no. I’ll take skill with melee over passive conditions any day.

Yep. Condition damage is very much over the top and combined with the dire stats, that armor stat name really describes the state of this issue. Condition damage is very easy and forces the other player so much on the defensive, while you can just continue to apply pressure. Condition builds is what I use when on my laptop and have forgotten my mouse, so I just have to play with the pad and one hand.

They should balance conditions out, so it becomes much more viable to make conditions part of your build, but a 100% focus on condition damage won’t work.

The following is also very much part of the problem and should just be removed:
- On kill stacks giving bonus.
- 25 stacks of might

The bonus you get from those two alone and the ease of getting it is the biggest unbalance. 5 stacks of might, and any stacks beyond that just add duration. Remove the on kill stat bonus sigils. It’s a tiresome job to stack them before entering combat.

When that is said, the imbalance goes the other way too, because without the huge damage, bunker builds become even more powerful and at times it’s already a farce.

They need to think very hard about what they do. At the moment there is playability, because to some extent the extreme damage builds and condition builds can counter defensive builds. They need to create diminishing returns on toughness/vitality to match whatever they do to direct damage.

Then they need to rebalance conditions to fall better in line with those as well. If they do it by stack limit, creating diminishing return on condition damage or whatever – they need to take it into consideration as well or the game will certainly fall apart.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: AlexEBT.7240


Guys, stop worrying. In PvP and WvW, conditions reign supreme. They wouldn’t make a huge change to critical damage simply to balance PvE in a PvP-oriented game. The most likely option is that they’ll add a “critical cap” throttle to bosses, increasing the viability of all options in PvE rather than simply nerfing zerk specs across the board. This will average the times any party of any comp will speed run a dungeon, and not kill any viability in PvP/WvW (except VS keep lords – which face it, go down way too quickly).

The other option is improve it’s scaling with power, increasing it’s viability against conditions in PvP/WvW, but making the “zerk meta” of PvE even worse.

A combination of the two would be the best option, IMO.

According to your suggestion, rampager becomes the new PVE meta and we are back to where we started.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


I am amazed to realize that after everything that happened thief subforum has the most positive prognosis on crit damage nerf.

Well it won’t be the first time thieves will laugh and cry so hard at same time.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


So in current condi damage meta when condition users with all their tankyness BURST harder then physical builds, they chose to nerf crit damage ? Makes sense.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I think they are just going to change the scaling of crit-damage away from a fixed %-number to a more abstract numerical value like most other stats.

So instead of having +1% Crit Damage on gear in the future we will have +21 Crit-Damage on gear.

This allows for:

  • Better scaling should the level-cap ever be increased.
  • More nuanced gear-differentiation instead of relying on full-% jumps.

The problem is seen in Ascended gear where only one item has an actual increase in Crit-Damage instead distributing the increase across multiple items.

It’s essentially the same problem vanilla WoW had when it featured fixed-% for Crit-Chance instead of abstract but scalable numbers.

I don’t think it will be a straight-up nerf to Berserker gear or even that play-style albeit we might find ourselves with slightly less Crit-damage.

I also thing they will change Sigils to no longer procc “on crit”, and instead procc “on hit”.

Again, not huge changes but slight alternations to make them more appealing to a wider range of builds.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Discordia.7293


I see incoming nerf for lyssa, critical dmg and energy sigils.

Thief rank 80 – I hate overpower condition duration in wvw.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

All is vain.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


If they change defiant to give some crit defense then that will not be the end of the world as we know it.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


I am amazed to realize that after everything that happened thief subforum has the most positive prognosis on crit damage nerf.

We have Hidden Killer. To some small extent, Thief is insulated from a change to one of the legs of the tripod, since we can technically load up on Power and Crit damage.

Naturally this depends on the nature of the change.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


They could:

  • Nerf base critical damage down from +50%.
  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.

These are all likely. I’d add one more, diminished returns on crit damage past a certain threshold. More fair than a hard cap.

  • Critical hits reduce the effectiveness of another stat for a few seconds, the extent of which is determined by the difference between a normal hit and the critical hit, in an attempt to get players to build up those stats more. This would impact precision as well as critical damage and therefore berserker gear.
  • Critical hits provide a condition damage modifier either for you or the target, increasing damage you deal or the target takes from conditions. This would increase the effectiveness of condition damage and possibly promote rampagers.

Too complicated, very hard to understand for normal players, unlikely.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.

These seem the most likely to me. Maybe they’ll buff base hit damage to bring it close to crit hit damage (if they don’t bunkers would further dominate against power builds). They could also change the way crit damage multiplies with modifiers and it’ll become additive instead (i.e. going from 1.5*1.05*1.05*1.2*1.1*1.1=2.401 to 1.5+1.05+1.05+1.2+1.1+1.1=2.0 (This would be with a 25/30/0/0/15 build)) which would significantly close the gaps between high and low values on thieves. Again, base damage would need a buff.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.

These seem the most likely to me. Maybe they’ll buff base hit damage to bring it close to crit hit damage (if they don’t bunkers would further dominate against power builds). They could also change the way crit damage multiplies with modifiers and it’ll become additive instead (i.e. going from 1.5*1.05*1.05*1.2*1.1*1.1=2.401 to 1.5+1.05+1.05+1.2+1.1+1.1=2.0 (This would be with a 25/30/0/0/15 build)) which would significantly close the gaps between high and low values on thieves. Again, base damage would need a buff.

Ah yes sure and do all this after introducing ascended gear and letting ppl sink tons of time in it, then making them redo it cause they speced more into crit damage then critchance. Why not to nerf crit chance then? this would surelly nerf berserker builds dominance when they cant run around with 100 % crit chance. This would allso make classes that proc burn on crit invest more into precision to reach enough of crit chance that way decreasing their sick survivability that came with dire gear. I havent seen a game yet where u can reach 100 % crit chance w/o meeting certain conditions, like stealth or skills that make following skill to crit.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

(edited by Karolis.4261)

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: yski.7642


They better not touch my instant kill builds

Learn the ways of the mighty Deathleaf:

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


well if they drop us down in pve/wvw like they do in spvp to a 66% cap on crit dmg…. then we are in big trouble. this is bc we will offer nothing special as our dmg will be normal like other classes and be more fragile all the same…. in the end we deal same dmg but die faster! who would want that in a party?

running conditions in pve isnt a good idea bc at world bosses etc your conditions cant get over 25 stacks and everyone else on map is doing bleeds so its useless.

one thing that ALWAYS STACKS no matter how many players there be 5 or 500…. is direct damage. thats why thieves are still sort of usable in PVE groups and still allowed in some tpvp groups. dmg. venoms are horrid and will never work until venomshare is dropped form the game.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.

These seem the most likely to me. Maybe they’ll buff base hit damage to bring it close to crit hit damage (if they don’t bunkers would further dominate against power builds). They could also change the way crit damage multiplies with modifiers and it’ll become additive instead (i.e. going from 1.5*1.05*1.05*1.2*1.1*1.1=2.401 to 1.5+1.05+1.05+1.2+1.1+1.1=2.0 (This would be with a 25/30/0/0/15 build)) which would significantly close the gaps between high and low values on thieves. Again, base damage would need a buff.

Ah yes sure and do all this after introducing ascended gear and letting ppl sink tons of time in it, then making them redo it cause they speced more into crit damage then critchance. Why not to nerf crit chance then? this would surelly nerf berserker builds dominance when they cant run around with 100 % crit chance. This would allso make classes that proc burn on crit invest more into precision to reach enough of crit chance that way decreasing their sick survivability that came with dire gear.

I didn’t say that it was a good idea, I’m just suggesting that that might be what they do. They could then say “We didn’t change any of your hard earned ascended gear (under their breath) just the way it interacts with your build.”

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


  • Cap critical damage at +150% i.e +100% from gear/traits.
  • Cap critical damage at +100% i.e +50% from gear/traits.

These seem the most likely to me. Maybe they’ll buff base hit damage to bring it close to crit hit damage (if they don’t bunkers would further dominate against power builds). They could also change the way crit damage multiplies with modifiers and it’ll become additive instead (i.e. going from 1.5*1.05*1.05*1.2*1.1*1.1=2.401 to 1.5+1.05+1.05+1.2+1.1+1.1=2.0 (This would be with a 25/30/0/0/15 build)) which would significantly close the gaps between high and low values on thieves. Again, base damage would need a buff.

Ah yes sure and do all this after introducing ascended gear and letting ppl sink tons of time in it, then making them redo it cause they speced more into crit damage then critchance. Why not to nerf crit chance then? this would surelly nerf berserker builds dominance when they cant run around with 100 % crit chance. This would allso make classes that proc burn on crit invest more into precision to reach enough of crit chance that way decreasing their sick survivability that came with dire gear.

I didn’t say that it was a good idea, I’m just suggesting that that might be what they do. They could then say “We didn’t change any of your hard earned ascended gear (under their breath) just the way it interacts with your build.”

And i dont blame u for saying it, just releasing my anger :P . And still that would be same kitten move from anet as messing up with gear stats directly.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


But now on serious note ( see how i raise my post count by adding new thoughts to new post? hehe)… why would they nerf crit damage when reducing precision effect on crit chance would “fix” so much more, including berserker builds domination in pve.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

And i want to repeat myself once again now. Crit power must stay. Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered (that is if they want to reduce berserker builds domination in pve by messing around with crits). That would even make thieves and warriors dps somewhat closer since warrior wouldnt be able to crit so much and thief would still be able to crit with hidden killer trait, which now is useless in zerker pve with 100 % crit chance.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

And i want to repeat myself once again now. Crit power must stay. Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered (that is if they want to reduce berserker builds domination in pve by messing around with crits). That would even make thieves and warriors dps somewhat closer since warrior wouldnt be able to crit so much and thief would still be able to crit with hidden killer trait, which now is useless in zerker pve with 100 % crit chance.

If by crit power you mean crit damage, then that’s getting changed.
If by Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered you just mean crit chance, then that’s not getting changed.
At least from what they about what they will talk about… specifically saying “Critical Damage”…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

all we know is its going to be a nerf. reworking it can never be good bc they wont make it higher or thief would be OP. hence its going to be downgraded which will inevitably hurt thief immensely.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

And i want to repeat myself once again now. Crit power must stay. Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered (that is if they want to reduce berserker builds domination in pve by messing around with crits). That would even make thieves and warriors dps somewhat closer since warrior wouldnt be able to crit so much and thief would still be able to crit with hidden killer trait, which now is useless in zerker pve with 100 % crit chance.

If by crit power you mean crit damage, then that’s getting changed.
If by Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered you just mean crit chance, then that’s not getting changed.
At least from what they about what they will talk about… specifically saying “Critical Damage”…

Im just saying that nerfing crit damage is wrong move and lowering precision effect on crit chance would reach same goal w/o undesired consequences.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


even tho it’s gonna be thief nerf this is good change still. ANET said we can play however we want, but zerk stat it too much in PvE. All stat combinations need to be good, that will make the game more fun since there will be more than one viable stat combination.

All is vain.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

And i want to repeat myself once again now. Crit power must stay. Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered (that is if they want to reduce berserker builds domination in pve by messing around with crits). That would even make thieves and warriors dps somewhat closer since warrior wouldnt be able to crit so much and thief would still be able to crit with hidden killer trait, which now is useless in zerker pve with 100 % crit chance.

Say they capped stat based crit chance at arbitrarily 25% and changed fury to +10%, that would be a pretty significant nerf. That would significantly buff builds with hidden killer, unsuspecting foe warriors, and even necros with deathly perception. Nerfing crit chance would be a major change to the game dynamic.

Edit: I have to say, I sort of like this idea after thinking about it because it would secure thieves’ damage as the top (with HK burst), buff power necros, bring control warrior up (since they mentioned emphasizing more control in PvE and changing defiant a little bit ago), and bring power and condition builds closer together in PvE.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

(edited by Maugetarr.6823)

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


most thieves will probably still go full zerk so it’s a thief nerf as usual

Indirectly, but not exactly specifically directed at the thief. We more than likely will suffer this coming patch though, at the very least because of the general crit-dmg nerf.

And i want to repeat myself once again now. Crit power must stay. Precision effect on crit chance must be lowered (that is if they want to reduce berserker builds domination in pve by messing around with crits). That would even make thieves and warriors dps somewhat closer since warrior wouldnt be able to crit so much and thief would still be able to crit with hidden killer trait, which now is useless in zerker pve with 100 % crit chance.

Say they capped stat based crit chance at arbitrarily 25% and changed fury to +10%, that would be a pretty significant nerf. That would significantly buff builds with hidden killer and even necros with deathly perception. Nerfing crit chance would be a major change to the game dynamic.

same as crit power since that would simply make hidden killer useless trait. And no, hard capping is bad since curent gear parts become useless. Now 21 precision gives 1 % crit chance if im correct and with that you can reach 100% crit chance, so im speaking about reducing this ratio.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

I predict they’ll change it like magic find and make it only give 3% per piece of gear. 5% on 2 handed weapons

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

I’m worried by how many posts I had to scroll through until someone said this.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


I predict they’ll change it like magic find and make it only give 3% per piece of gear. 5% on 2 handed weapons

And further increase condition spam builds domination in pvp – good move.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

I’m worried by how many posts I had to scroll through until someone said this.

Cause we are panicking! I myself dont even know the source of crit damage nerf.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

I’m worried by how many posts I had to scroll through until someone said this.

Cause we are panicking! I myself dont even know the source of crid damage nerf.

There is no source for “Crit damage nerf” – they are exploring “Critical Damage Changes” which could mean anything.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

I’m worried by how many posts I had to scroll through until someone said this.

Well, it could go one of two ways:

Dev’s don’t think crit damage is up to par with conditions, thus should be buffed

Dev’s think crit damage exceeds condition based damage and should be nerfed in some form.

Speculation and discussion is at least interesting while we wait.

Edit: (but which seems more likely?)

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

(edited by Maugetarr.6823)

Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

how about we all just wait first and react afterwards when details have been given?

I’m worried by how many posts I had to scroll through until someone said this.

Cause we are panicking! I myself dont even know the source of crid damage nerf.

There is no source for “Crit damage nerf” – they are exploring “Critical Damage Changes” which could mean anything.

Some pointed out in that post that numbers either increase or decrease… I don’t think they can change colors…

Also even if crit damage numbers stay the same, just more mathematical functions/constraints are added to compute the end damage… more then likely it will be lower than before.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)