Final Thoughts – 11 Oct 2012
- I have concluded that the opinion is roughly split into half about whether the change is good or bad. I personally feel that it was unwarranted and takes something unique out of the Thief class. It still works yes, but not in the same reliability as before.
- The world will not end nor will it make us suffer much in PVP which is why it makes it all the more sadder. It wasn’t game breaking in the first place, why bring it down weaker than a weapon skill now.
- Any Basilisk user will adapt to it, but I for one totally dislike the direction ANet seems to be pushing Thieves into.
- Basilisk Venom: Increased stun duration to 1.5 seconds. Stun breakers now work on this skill.
With the Basilisk Venom change, how does everyone think about its practical uses as an Elite Skill, versus Devourer Venom in PVP and to a lesser extent in PVE? This thread is for discussion purposes so please do let me know if there are any errors in my statements. Now for the meat and potatoes.
Even prior to the change, it didn’t make sense for non Venomous Aura (venom sharing) builds to take both Devourer and Basilisk, as the primary use of them is to catch a target and ensure your damage skills land. Secondary being for kiting a mob/player or running away.
Basilisk was clearly stronger when traited with Residual Venom (extra strike) for an unbreakable 2 second stun for initiative spam/damage dealing. And although Devourer immobilizes for a good 4-6 secs, it is breakable, and given any decent opponent would be broken anywhere from 1-3 secs and possibly instantly (lucky condition break/removal).
Now with Basilisk being changed to a breakable Stun, its advantage over Devourer in my opinion is completely gone. Not only in terms of duration, but in terms of reliability and any semblance of an Elite skill.
Not only is Basilisk now subjected to removal via traits, it is also removal by all the 20’ish stun break util’s from all the classes. In fact, several of these same stun breaks DO NOT remove Immobilize! Sure you might argue that condition breaks removes Immobilize easily, but in any given 1v1 or group fight, there’s going to be at least 3-4 conditions on the target and only a few skills can wipe multiple conditions compared to the multitude of GUARANTEED stun breaks.
TLDR: Broken down into point form with references. Stun Vs Immobilize.
Main purpose of both skills, to deliver unavoidable incoming damage unless an escape is used. Secondary purpose, to retreat from a bad matchup and run or kite a target.
Elite skill is at best level, if not worst in reliability and practical application to a Slot Skill.
Elite: Basilisk Venom
- Synergizes well with 6pc Rune of Lyssa
- Stuns prevent enemy from attacking and using weapon/non stun break skills
- Can interrupt channeled or casting time abilities
Unbreakable by any method like Moa Morph
- Does not work on most champions
- Can be guranteed stun broken with 20 over utils and many traits
- Shorter duration than Devourer (traited or untraited its still 2-3 seconds shorter)
- Has a 1 sec cast time, cannot be used as a reliable interrupt
- Uses up Elite slot
Slot Skill: Devourer Venom
- Works on most champions due to it being a condition
- A good 1/3 of utility stun breaks will not break Immobilize and can be “covered” with mutliple other conditions to prevent removal
- Lasts longer than Basilisk
- Instant cast, can be chained into any attack, any time
- Has higher chance of reapplying due to 1 extra strike application
- Long 5 – 6 sec duration pressures opponents to use escape/removal compared to short 1.5 – 3 sec stun
- Easier to kite monsters
- Can’t use it with Rune of Lyssa
- Enemy can still attack while Immobilized
- Does not interrupt skill use
- Can be removed by larger number of condition removal skills
- Enemy can disable/stun you in return or transfer condition
Once again I reiterate, for an Elite skill, it really doesn’t seem all that different from a Slot skill now does it? Was the change warranted? Thoughts and opinions please?
(edited by Yahrim.9485)