Devs: Tactical strike / Chocking gaz fix?

Devs: Tactical strike / Chocking gaz fix?

in Thief

Posted by: Saku Joe.2857

Saku Joe.2857


Just asking:
Tactical strike still missing the 33% damage buff isn’t it?
Chocking Gaz still 3s instead of 4s right?

Congratz Anet cunts, u finally made me uninstall your S H I T.

Devs: Tactical strike / Chocking gaz fix?

in Thief

Posted by: Raiden The Beast.3016

Raiden The Beast.3016

Nice that you made the post, even if you think nobody from the BOSS notice that We discussed it ingame. MAKE CORE SD GREAT AGAIN !!! BR ISeanl

Devs: Tactical strike / Chocking gaz fix?

in Thief

Posted by: Saku Joe.2857

Saku Joe.2857

Yeah mate like i told you there’s tons of things i’ll never post because i know they ‘ll never be fixed.. Look at Rev’s hammer auto attack took 2 years( almost) to get fixed. For some people it’s nuthing but when you’re in WvW and you take an anvil at the back of your head dealing 6K from 1.600 range (instead of 1.200 and piercing too btw)… i do think it needed a fix.
People don’t care of some bugs as long as it does’t hurt them.. imagine a second the 33% missing on TS would be a 33% more dmg on backstab, u would probly see the whole community asking for a fix ASAP!!

(Im still waiting for DH pull to be fix and toned down so i’d stop dying from “lauch you into the stratosphere and you die from falling dmg hahahaha” )

Congratz Anet cunts, u finally made me uninstall your S H I T.