Disabling shot rubber-banding

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: bingo.8349


Hey all,
Not sure if I posted in the right forum so correct me if it is misplaced.

I’ve noticed that every time I use this skill, I always seem to rubber-band about half the distance I travel backwards after the animation is over. It also locks me in place for a split second each time I use it.

I’m from Australia so my ping to the servers are about 240-250 average. But I only experience with short bow 3 for thief. It doesn’t do this for other evade moves (flanking strike) and it happens when I use shadow-step abilities but not to the extent.

Basically when I use shortbow 3, it takes about half a second before I can input anything after the animation has been completed due to the rubber-banding (all done on a consistent connection).

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


Yup! Same here lol that’s why I barely use shortbow. The only thing that’s worth it about shortbow for me is skill5 which I find really helpful. There’s an evade frame yeah but it just doesn’t feel right rubber banding.

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: Odyssey.2613


Thieve’s shortbow is a perfect example of Anet’s “…if it aint broke, fix it so it appears we’re doing something!” philosophy. First it was decrease the range. Then it was reduce the projectile speed. Then it was the backwards evade induces lag. Then it was the poison field causes revealed.
Now it is nothing more than an escape/mobility tool and a bagger tagger.

For the longest time, I was under the mindset that it was required no matter what. A while ago I put mine in storage and haven’t looked back.

The dev team has proven they can’t balance a 2×4 on a cinder block.

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: Warshade.2984


On a seperate note – but still related to the Shortbow – I hate how slow the projectile speed is for #2, as if I am running and shoot it forward at max range, it will land behind me (if I have swiftness). Why is it that it shoots so slowly (and with such little range too I might add)?? Heck an Engineer can throw a handful of grenades (backhanded!!) at almost twice the speed and distance as my bow can shoot a single cluster bomb?? Sad…

It would also be nice if the range was increased when shooting downward, as on some walls I can’t reach the ground…and that just feels weird.

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: bingo.8349


Oh ok, so it’s not just me haha. I guess it’s just something that I have to deal with.

I still find it odd though, that it only happens (to that extent) with that particular skill rather than all evade and shadow-step skills. Oh well.

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: Tempest.4507


On a seperate note – but still related to the Shortbow – I hate how slow the projectile speed is for #2, as if I am running and shoot it forward at max range, it will land behind me (if I have swiftness). Why is it that it shoots so slowly (and with such little range too I might add)?? Heck an Engineer can throw a handful of grenades (backhanded!!) at almost twice the speed and distance as my bow can shoot a single cluster bomb?? Sad…

It would also be nice if the range was increased when shooting downward, as on some walls I can’t reach the ground…and that just feels weird.

Couldn’t agree more! And about the rubber-banding. It is true. It is even worse when you have at least 300 latency.

Disabling shot rubber-banding

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Thieve’s shortbow is a perfect example of Anet’s “…if it aint broke, fix it so it appears we’re doing something!” philosophy. First it was decrease the range. Then it was reduce the projectile speed. Then it was the backwards evade induces lag. Then it was the poison field causes revealed.
Now it is nothing more than an escape/mobility tool and a bagger tagger.

For the longest time, I was under the mindset that it was required no matter what. A while ago I put mine in storage and haven’t looked back.

While rubber banding is not why I ditched sb, it took me a while to get used to not having the sb ports/range. I still have sb in my inv when I need to aoe a wall or when running with zerg, otherwise I don’t touch it. Certainly sb can be very useful and in hands of a good thief deadly too, but I prefer melee for secondary wep set. I feel naked with sb :x

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