Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ehtom.5047


Is there anything that can even survive, let alone kill you?

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Make a Thief yourself and find out.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ehtom.5047


I did. I have played my thief for about 1h total and I always completely crush people with it in spvp. Hence why I asked my original question.

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Lan.1968


You made a thief for an hour and you think the class is unbeatable? Who are you fighting against?

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ehtom.5047


Players? Like everyone else in spvp…

The first time I tried thief I used an outdated PW build and it was ok, I could own people. However today I found the build that I called “practically griefing” in another thread – the “death blossom” bleed build and I really have no words for it.

Every fight I would literally click steal, click death blossom 3 times, roll away use my initiative util, shadowstep, spam some dodge for caltrops then spam death blossom again. Nothing survived, and with 13k hp I hardly ever took damage since all I was doing was evading. God only knows how ridiculous this would be if I learned what shortbow did and what my other abilities do and if I stopped clicking and learned the keybinds.

Is there anything in the game that can even survive this? Maybe even kill the thief?

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ddrake.5436


you are either really good as a thief (doubtful as PW has been nerfed and DB spam is a waste) or your pvping against complete noobs. no offence.

everything can counter a thief, provided the players know how. conditions can be removed and thief in melee against warrior/guardian without dodge/stealth will get smashed, at ranged hunters/engineers will also smash if you think P/P will help you survive. 1v1 against mobs, sure we can use black powder or shadow shot, but someone with a bit of skill will know how/when to attack a thief.

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Lan.1968


First of all, it’s called the unicorn build. Aslo, I’m not certain how you only have 13k hp with the unicorn build unless your equips are wrong.

That aside, the unicorn build has severe drawbacks if you followed the guide step by step.
The unicorn build does not work against a kiting class with condition clears. Despite how much you can stick on a person, there will be a period where you “run dry”, meaning you run out of endurance, initiative, and cooldowns. When that happens, you have to either run or hope your opponent is an complete idiot and haven’t realized you stopped doing anything but kept chasing him.

Second of all, unicorn does not work against players who know the unicorn build. They can anticipate when you will start to spam your death blossom, and keep their distance until they know they can put the pressure on you. Trust me, you will feel very helpless with the unicorn build from the guide.

Third of all, the unicorn build is put to more defensive/disrupt plays than offensive plays. This is basically because your dps output is mediocre at best, and the build only takes maximum effect as your opponent drags the fight out. If your oponent decides to focus on running away, you’ll have a hard time killing him.

Last of all, the unicorn build is too flashy for a thief. When you’re dancing around your opponent, his team will notice you very fast since you’re also doing aoe damage and dropping caltrops. If you don’t anticipate on how the fight goes, then your oponent would chew you up.

Lowell didn’t make the unicorn for high-level fights, or not with the one in his guide. He just knew it was a great pubstomper because most people panic too fast when they see a thief whirling around them and think they must respond quickly or they might be one-shotted. However, the best defensive against the unicorn is to use your defensive skills just as the bleed takes substantial amount of health from you and the unicorn’s effectiveness is reduced greatly.

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Unicorn build in your dreams, it is called Blood Storm and I was probably the first person who made this build while people where rocking their PW and HS

@ OP, come do a 1v1 against me, name a time.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ddrake.5436


Unicorn build in your dreams, it is called Blood Storm and I was probably the first person who made this build while people where rocking their PW and HS

@ OP, come do a 1v1 against me, name a time.

haha I love it when someone thinks they have copyright over a build. you sir are just silly. you didn’t come up with anything unless you designed and built the game :P

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Unicorn build in your dreams, it is called Blood Storm and I was probably the first person who made this build while people where rocking their PW and HS

@ OP, come do a 1v1 against me, name a time.

haha I love it when someone thinks they have copyright over a build. you sir are just silly. you didn’t come up with anything unless you designed and built the game :P

I don’t think I have copy right, my version is called Blood Storm and I was playing it before the name “unicorn” was even mentioned on this forum

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: ddrake.5436


ah, in that case Blazer Hellsing’s Blood Storm – has a ring to it.

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I did a 1vs3 against a group at docks, throw feathers, steal, caltrops, 2x leaping death blossom, weapon switch for rune bleeds, 1x leaping death blossom… the amount of small numbers that popped out of each player with such speed, it looked like a fountain of blood. It was the most amazing thing I saw in GW2. Of course they go in their downed state within 1 sec of each other and I just throw some more leaping death blossom and bleed them do death.

That scene inspired the name.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: castillle.5248


I have trouble when i stack 25 bleeds on a necro and he sends my bleed, weakness, cripple, and poison back to me.

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.5904


“Is there anything that can even survive, let alone kill you?”

Well Ehtom, i had a quick look through your post history to determine what class you played so i could try to answer your question. Seems you play a Mesmer and a Necro which, ironically are 2 really good classes at countering the build your mentioning.

May i suggest you hover your mouse pointer over your utility slot skills (those are the 7, 8 and 9 skills)
This gives you information about what those skills do, for instance:

As you can see there are ways to counter the build (your welcome)

On a seperate note since you play a mesmer and a necro im curious as to why 90% of your posts are in the thief forums?

I’ve provided you some more handy links below:

Also im glad that you finally see thiefs as a threat and no longer waste your time complaining about warriors 100 blades skill:

Ehtom – “People seem to mainly be concerned with thieves and while I can see the logic behind the complaints (1shot from stealth outside human reaction time is not fun) they are also squishy and not particularly useful in groups.
Warriors on the other hand just seem like god mode to me (I play Mesmer/Necro)… 100 skills gives ridiculous 1shot potential, they seem very tanky and hard to kill, they have alot of cc, they can easily run away from you and if you do down them they can just resurrect themselves and get back to the pain train. About 1/2 of everyone I see in sPVP is a warrior. Why does nobody talk about this, what am I missing?”

And finally yet another link that might interest you

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Rome.3192


“Is there anything that can even survive, let alone kill you?”

Ehtom – “People seem to mainly be concerned with thieves and while I can see the logic behind the complaints (1shot from stealth outside human reaction time is not fun) they are also squishy and not particularly useful in groups.
Warriors on the other hand just seem like god mode to me (I play Mesmer/Necro)… 100 skills gives ridiculous 1shot potential, they seem very tanky and hard to kill, they have alot of cc, they can easily run away from you and if you do down them they can just resurrect themselves and get back to the pain train. About 1/2 of everyone I see in sPVP is a warrior. Why does nobody talk about this, what am I missing?”



Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

“Is there anything that can even survive, let alone kill you?”

Ehtom – “People seem to mainly be concerned with thieves and while I can see the logic behind the complaints (1shot from stealth outside human reaction time is not fun) they are also squishy and not particularly useful in groups.
Warriors on the other hand just seem like god mode to me (I play Mesmer/Necro)… 100 skills gives ridiculous 1shot potential, they seem very tanky and hard to kill, they have alot of cc, they can easily run away from you and if you do down them they can just resurrect themselves and get back to the pain train. About 1/2 of everyone I see in sPVP is a warrior. Why does nobody talk about this, what am I missing?”


haha aother person who complained about heartseeker taking down a bunker guardian in 2-3 sec also made a claim that he was hit by 12k Bull’s Charge, I repeat HIT not CRIT.

These people are either trolling or really bad at PvP :p

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.5904


“Is there anything that can even survive, let alone kill you?”
Ehtom – “People seem to mainly be concerned with thieves and while I can see the logic behind the complaints (1shot from stealth outside human reaction time is not fun) they are also squishy and not particularly useful in groups.
Warriors on the other hand just seem like god mode to me (I play Mesmer/Necro)… 100 skills gives ridiculous 1shot potential, they seem very tanky and hard to kill, they have alot of cc, they can easily run away from you and if you do down them they can just resurrect themselves and get back to the pain train. About 1/2 of everyone I see in sPVP is a warrior. Why does nobody talk about this, what am I missing?”

Just to clarify, that’s me quoting Ehtom’s (OP) post history, not something i wrote :P

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Aeden.5896


Keep/tower doors are tough.

Seriously though, regarding the death blossom build. This might make me sound like a D-bag. I’m sorry. But here it goes…

I’ve seen a lot more thieves trying to DB spam me over the last week. I forgot that was popular with the kids these days. But every time it happened, all I did was instinctually dodge away because, as we all know by now, that’s what you always do when somebody uses an (always powerful) rooted ability on you.

I cloak and dagger them after they’ve finished dancing (the ability queue can suck, but for brainless ability spammers it’s like a free initiative burn!), that removes 2 conditions for me, no more bleeds (…lol…), and proceed to annihilate them like I do anyone else. Even if they root me, those bleeds are gone in like 5 seconds (… lol…).

… what’s the deal guys? I’m not that l33t, and none of those things I did are exactly OP thief only abilities.

Condition removal=like 10x more not dead

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Asum.4960


Every fight I would literally click steal, click death blossom 3 times, roll away use my initiative util, shadowstep, spam some dodge for caltrops then spam death blossom again. Nothing survived

And then you meet players who are able to click one button, a condition removal.


So much skill needed to counter Thieves…

Do thieves have trouble with anything 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: Lan.1968


Unicorn, bloodstorm, doesn’t matter. I like unicorn more cuz it was funny when lowell referenced it