Dodge Timing

Dodge Timing

in Thief

Posted by: Kaliron.4098


Ive only just started playing GW2 and rolled a thief (currently 26). While questing in Diessa Plateau ive joined in on the Champion event at Nageling and i can never seem to dodge his AoE stomp. Ive tried evading when the shockwave graffics hits me, as soon as his foot hits the ground and also just before it. No matter when i do i always get hit by the AoE.

Im also playing from Australia so not sure if my timing is off because of slight latency delays or if i just need more practice. If anyone else has had issues with dodging AoEs and has any tips they would be appriciated.


Dodge Timing

in Thief

Posted by: leonardoraele.3725


The lag/latency delay does not help a lot, but if you manage to dodge in right timing it will take effect(as you probably noticied with other mobs). But I also get some problems to dodge AoE attacks. I think some are inevitable(unless you get away from it in time).

Dodge Timing

in Thief

Posted by: FatFuzzy.2659


I’ve timed it (what seems perfectly) many times and always get hit anyway.

LvL 80 Thief “Axxeman”
Sorrow’s Furnace
Planet Earth

Dodge Timing

in Thief

Posted by: GODLIKEDEVIL.6479


I have done that event many times, and on my experience, I dodge whenever he raises the foot. Let me repeat that, WHENEVER HE RAISES THE FOOT. I thought that I was dodging prematurely, but 8 out of 10 times, the giant’s AoE attack, or straight line shock wave won’t hit, and I know it was because I timed the dodge that way because the white “evaded” text pops up. Seems to be the case with other mobs that telegraph their moves. I don’t know if it’s because of latency or lag or whatever, but this has allowed me to go close range and melee the giant with Dagger/Dagger.

One caveat though, if there isn’t enough room for the roll, you’ll tend to miss it more and get squished.

Hope it helps!

(edited by GODLIKEDEVIL.6479)

Dodge Timing

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


Never fought that Champion but if he’s that much trouble for normal dodging why not get a sword and use Infiltrator’s Strike. That way you can just briefly retreat when the Nageling stomps and dive right back in afterwards. Or Shadowstep if you really want to keep your weapons. (Though the cooldown on Shadowstep is quite long.) If you look around, Thief has a few skills to get him/her back on his/her feet.

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