Done trying

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Centh.2081


I’m done trying to make thief work as well as the other professions. I see no role for them to play that another profession can do twice as well and still perform another role as well. Balance has been handled poorly, as well as mechanics (which are terrible. Pressing 2 buttons over and over is so much fun…).

Putting my thief (which is my main) on the bench due to being useless in pve, meh in wvw, and not great in pvp.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Iove.3902


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Thieves are for those who can handle the challenge.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Meridian.8730


Challenge is a waste of time when it is constantly unrewarded. I am still trying to play mine simply because I enjoy the mechanics of the prof so much more than any others…but I am not playing it as much anymore. Ranger, boring as it is, now gets more attention…and my mesmer is coming back. Mesmer is fairly enjoyable, but not nearly as much as thief. However, I can actually win fights with a mesmer or ranger.

The destruction of thief has led me to want to buy a few more slots with gold so I can add new characters/professions to my account.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


we are stat wise one if not the worst in game. however even without stealth people would ask for a nerf on infiltrators step and anet will cave and do it as they have for the past 20 nerfs. its not going to end and the community is getting fed up.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Linnael.1069


I’m done trying to make thief work as well as the other professions. I see no role for them to play that another profession can do twice as well and still perform another role as well. Balance has been handled poorly, as well as mechanics (which are terrible. Pressing 2 buttons over and over is so much fun…).

Putting my thief (which is my main) on the bench due to being useless in pve, meh in wvw, and not great in pvp.

Maybe this is why you aren’t doing well.

Stormbluff Isle – Syliara
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I could never leave my Thief. He’d be so lost and lonery w/o me.

If everyone quit who’d test all the Thief bugs when there’s no developers to.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


I actually enjoy PvE a huge lot with my Thief, I don’t know about that feeling of yours… what’s your build that makes you feel the Thief is so lucklaster?

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Invizible.2960


I actually enjoy PvE a huge lot with my Thief, I don’t know about that feeling of yours… what’s your build that makes you feel the Thief is so lucklaster?

I get depressed every time I come into this forum lol, and I’m enjoying my thief in pve as well.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

What I find hilarious is Anet tried to address stealth hate when making the Thief by giving them quick use combat-stealth only, and it made no difference. Every game I have ever been in the other players complain about Thieves. I have been playing Neverwinter a bit and one of the very first threads I see in the “class discussion etc.” forums is “Nerf Thief!”. Thief hate is just a knee jerk reaction for so many people now that they don’t even need a reason for it.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

i have made an account last night, seems nice

i also i am done trying to play a crippled class…

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


If it weren’t for the black (Neverwinter) vs white (GW2) background on the forums, I truly could not tell apart in which forum I am.

There are exactly… I mean EXACTLY the same threads on them:

“Thief is OP… Trickster rogue is OP… Nerf Stealth… Stealth is OP…. Rogues have too much damage…. Rogues have too much survivabiltiy… You only see rogues in PvP…. Nerf this class… Nerf… Nerf… Nerf…. Nerf…. Narf… Nurf… Nirf… Norf….”

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

i have made an account last night, seems nice

i also i am done trying to play a crippled class…

Think I’m going to do the same. Created an account last night and downloaded the game. Gonna try it out today.

This game was fun until they made it Zerg vs Zerg, no competitive PvP and PvE is crap…

Melder – Thief

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


I quit playing my thief, reluctantly, after the Feb patch. Played it a few more times and moved on.

No…I don’t say it is broken, unplayable etc. But the fun is gone. They finally, after the huge parade of nerfs, removed what I enjoyed. Yes, I can still kill stuff with it, achieve goals, do what I need to do…but the fun is gone. I adapted to all the changes but in the end, I just lost interest and feel little enjoyment on the thief anymore.

Everyone will have their reasons for playing a class; mine is enjoyment of a play style. For my taste, the thief just lost its fun, and holds the promise only of being changed/nerfed perpetually.

So, no rage/ranting, I just drop it and move it on.

I peek back on occasion to see what is happening, though really I know it will basically be more changes which do nothing for me, personally. An act of wild optimism really, but, one can hope.

Fortunately there are a few other profession I enjoy.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

i have made an account last night, seems nice

i also i am done trying to play a crippled class…

Think I’m going to do the same. Created an account last night and downloaded the game. Gonna try it out today.

This game was fun until they made it Zerg vs Zerg, no competitive PvP and PvE is crap…

These kinds threads are gradually turning into “I quit”s…


Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Naii.9810


^ pretty much.
I’ve been thinking of overhauling my thief build and gear in response to all the nerfs, but its too much work when the next patch may screw things up even more.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: tom.7468


I have a theif but the shortbow nerf killed it for me i don’t like it anymore.
They need to bring more to the table than stealth and heartseeker.
Im so glad i did not make this my main as a vet gw1 player i had an idea about where theif would be going. Assassin in gw1 got tons of builds nerfed even when melee where never as strong as casters which i found really unfair. In pve casters could kill mobs before melee got close and in pvp there was too many ways to shut down a melee player.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

The magic of “Free to play”. I am playing Gw2 and Neverwinter… imagine that!

Thieves are for those who can handle the challenge.

^ this

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: ski.4927


That’s why I mentioned WvW specifically. I am well aware that PvE is pretty crappy on thieves. Does not change my thirst for tears!

Turkish Krul – Druid

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Rastaman.9015


Thieves are for those who can handle the challenge.


The class master. I enjoy all of the professions.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: ski.4927



The thieves whining are simply experiencing the difficulty that other classes have had to learn through. They whine because they think they are now worse than everything else, when in fact they simply realize that they were only brought down to a level playing field.

I play a thief.

I’m a beast.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


The magic of “Free to play”. I am playing Gw2 and Neverwinter… imagine that!

Yep, the magic… I find myself playing more and more Neverwinter and less and less GW2…

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: ski.4927




Good things come to those who wait.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


I am REALLY REALLY hoping for some buffs soon, they’ve been nuking D/D forever, which I have little issue with I play P/D but these nerfs are encroaching into my already rather kitten weapon set…

Sure I can kick kitten with it being a better player using an UP weapon set, but where does that leave me in the class balance and how long before even skill can’t keep me up against other class mechanics.

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: ski.4927


I have played several other classes. I played a Ranger at launch for about 3 months. I have seen this from different perspectives. Thiefs, in my opinion, have not been nerfed. They have been normalized. The first few months, thieves ran around WvW roflstomping people.

I really, truly hope that the whole time they weren’t thinking they were super awesome or something. Someone beating you in a fight does not make you underpowered, or the other class overpowered. However, for months thieves were running rampant due to the strength of stealth + culling + incredibly high spike damage.

Fact is, the class was too strong to a large degree. Now that they have been brought more in line with everyone else, true colors and skill are showing. The whole time that people were screaming about thieves, most of the forums responses from thieves were “L2P”. I find it funny now that other classes can all tell thieves that it is a L2 kitten ue, because it truly is.

Yes, thieves have issues in PvE and whatnot. I am talking about WvW. In WvW things have finally equalized a bit.

I play a thief, and I am still a beast.
A good friend of mine is a thief. He is still a beast.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
The weak whine on forums, reroll, or quit…

Turkish Krul – Druid

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409




Good things come to those who wait.

At this point this very well could turn into vapor-ware. They aren’t even in alpha builds yet.


Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: ski.4927


Is not your usual MMO. The backers (Old-DAoC) community and Mark Jacobs aren’t walking away from anything. The communication from, and transparency of, the company and devs are revolutionary thus far.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Elmuerto.9840


…Thieves elsewhere are being totally awesome, stomping like a boss.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


Not sure about this “whining” some people mention, for me eventually I simply did not like the accumulated changes and the fun was gone for me in pve. The play style had finally changed enough for me that what was once fun for me was no longer so exciting.

So I just moved on to other classes which I also like. Occasionally I peek back in the forums to see what has been happening.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


I play a thief, and I am still a beast.
A good friend of mine is a thief. He is still a beast.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
The weak whine on forums, reroll, or quit…

^ preach!

Oh and I’d like to add I don’t pve or else I’d play WoW. When I do run a dungeon (only new ones) I don’t respec or change gear. I just equip pistols instead of daggers and run out of red circles. The AI in this game is so easy to defeat no idea how people fail in pve or say its not fun. What’s the bar for fun anyway? When you get loot?

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


I play a thief, and I am still a beast.
A good friend of mine is a thief. He is still a beast.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
The weak whine on forums, reroll, or quit…

^ preach!

Oh and I’d like to add I don’t pve or else I’d play WoW. When I do run a dungeon (only new ones) I don’t respec or change gear. I just equip pistols instead of daggers and run out of red circles. The AI in this game is so easy to defeat no idea how people fail in pve or say its not fun. What’s the bar for fun anyway? When you get loot?

u nailed it on the head….pve is super easy….but it dictates your playstyle as you have to range everythign :/ thats the QQ

Done trying

in Thief

Posted by: Hayas.1648


I’m playing Neverwinter till we see Wildstar, PSO2, and ArcheAge. Come join!

i have made an account last night, seems nice

i also i am done trying to play a crippled class…

Think I’m going to do the same. Created an account last night and downloaded the game. Gonna try it out today.

This game was fun until they made it Zerg vs Zerg, no competitive PvP and PvE is crap…

These kinds threads are gradually turning into “I quit”s…

just like so many other people who are upset with all this nerfs… i’ll not quit yet but i’m going to see new game options. I’m kind of sad because i was so happy with GW2 and my thief but now is not so fun as used to be