Drive by builds?

Drive by builds?

in Thief

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Hello all. I’m sorta new to thief, well never really played mine much cause I mained necro forever. But I love to scout, roam, and do all those fun things thief’s do…..LIKE GANK.

Right now I’m running vanilla build stuff:

Deadly Arts: 2,2,2
Shadow Arts: 3,2,2
Trickery: 2,2,2

What build would you recommend daredevil or old school? I really like just ganking I guess and I’m learning to survive decently given my HP is equivalent to a rabbit.


Drive by builds?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Daredevil is a straight upgrade to thief.
Unless you are commited to play stealth you should take DrD over shadow arts.
Its faster, more sustainable and deals more damage.

Drive by builds?

in Thief

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Daredevil is a straight upgrade to thief.
Unless you are commited to play stealth you should take DrD over shadow arts.
Its faster, more sustainable and deals more damage.

Ok thanks for advice! The skills are pretty amazing and I just discovered the last slot in daredevil, three evades is nice

Drive by builds?

in Thief

Posted by: NIKJOLDBHORN.7315


take a look at this! I show 2 different builds
(links in comments!)

Drive by builds?

in Thief

Posted by: TehHobNob.4687


Here is my build.

I do pick team in WvW. My jam was DA/CS/Trick back in the day. I had to make this build with compensations for losing no quarter because I loved the perma fury and ferocity increase. I like to play a bit more aggressive than the average thief. I am also convinced that stealth utility skills are not as worth it as they used to be. That is why I am using haste (could use bandit’s defense). I don’t need the extra stealth from blinding powder or the big hit me now target that is shadow refuge (also terrible to try to dodge inside the thing with any daredevil dodge. I do need the extra stun break and with trickster it is another condi clear from a trick. Every skill between 6-9 is a condi clear for me. I run improv over executioner for several reasons. The quickness along with the semi recent auto attack buff go wonderfully together. I have 12 seconds (if I wish) of quickness. This is from the utility and traited for through flanking strikes. This along with the pack runes allow me to have an extremely high amount of fury and crit chance. The time buffer with the extra steal ability and possible utility proc mean I don’t go on full cool down very often. I’m always able to do something. And I do a lot of damage in a very short amount of time. I don’t go for back-stabs. I can, the option is there…. but the main source of damage is through safe auto attacks, using well placed blinds and interrupts while maintaining an in their face play-style. I do really nice damage and I’m really slippery with short bow and unhindered combatant with signet. Short-bow also being wonderful for range, fast travel to res someone, and poision application for downs in enemy zerg.

Play how you want to play! Welcome to the class. Good luck and hope you have a great time.


(edited by TehHobNob.4687)