ES Idea: Raider

ES Idea: Raider

in Thief

Posted by: thunderfall.8095


New weapon: Mace
New Mechanic: In the Zone Mode: When you use it, your health pool becomes 3000, your utilities are gone, your heal skill is gone, and you gain 3 new skills. If you lose all your health or 10 seconds passes, leave in the zone, revert to your previous health – 1000, and teleport back 1000.
In the Zone (ITZ) skill 1: Whap: Melee, 500 damage, daze.
2: Leap to Freedom: Leap, knocking foes down when you land.
3: Escape: Leave ITZ, teleport to target area, and gain stealth.

Mace Skill 1: Whack: Melee, 400 damage.
Back: Teleport back 300.
Lack: Tackle your foe, dealing 500 damage. (Closes the distance from Back) Remove a boon from your foe.
Mace Skill 2: Pummel: 3 times 750. Final blow knocks foes down. 3 initiative.
Ma/D: Spin and Stab: Spin your mace at your opponents feet, knocking them down. Stab your foe with your dagger dealing 750. 3 initiative.
Ma/P: Aided Flight: Slam your mace into your foe, knocking your self back. While in the air, shoot your foe for 500, removing swiftness and quickness. If you remove a boon with this, regain 2 initiative. 3 initiative.

Heal Kit:
First Aid Kit: 1: Organize: Gain a stack of organized.
2: Heal 7,000 and gain might for each stack of organized. If you have more than 3, allies and you gain alactricity. Destroy your kit and lose your stacks of organized.

Utility Kits:
Disarming Kit: 1: Disarming Jab: Daze your foe.
2: Find Trouble: Reveal nearby enemies. Show the location of nearby traps.
Lock Picking Kit: 1: Pick Jab: Shank your foe with your lock pick, bleeding and confusing them.
2: Opening Jab: Remove up to three boons from your foe.
Forgery Kit: 1: Forge Authorization: Gain 1 stack of forgery.
2: Show Authorization: Show your papers, gaining invulnerability for a short period. Gain fury and quickness (duration increases for stacks of forgery.)

Elite Kit:
Multi-Use Kit: 1: Grabber Nabber: Steal 2 boons from your target.
2: Reveal Danger: Same effect as Find Trouble.
3: Stimulants: Gain fury and 3 might.
4: Mild Explosives: Plant a bomb on your target that will knock them back after 1 second.

Mesmers be like: I reject your reality and substitute my own. – compliments to Mythbusters
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…