(edited by Reikou.7068)
Just a quick little guide on how to quickly farm the Queen’s Gauntlet boss “Deadeye Dunwell,” for gold.
Build used is the following.
A similar strategy can be done with all 5 gambits as well.
EDIT 14/8/2013 UPDATE:
Modified build to the following:
(edited by Reikou.7068)
I love you right now, this works so well AND when TG is on CD
I’ve been doing this too for the past week, but have some slightly different opinions for consistency. I think TG just messes up his positioning because the guys have pulls.
I run with signets instead with Signets of Power. Smoke Screen is still there though, very powerful against him. Scorp Wire is slightly longer cast time and sometimes won’t grab him as soon as Head Shot would interrupt.
Open with Signet of Malice (5 Might) → Steal → Black Powder, then circle strafe and auto-attack him, he won’t be able to do anything because he /NEEDS/ LOS for all his abilities, even his auto-attack.
As soon as he teleports, when you see the killshot line, Headshot → Shadow Shot. Drop Smoke Screen, and back pedal abit (stand right on it and it won’t always work) auto some more until 30-40%, pop signets and drop a HS or two. If he’s not dead, he’ll disappear, swap to SB and Disabling Shot, finish with a couple clusters and/or Dagger Storm.
Dagger Storm won’t stop Kill Shots, but they will make him kill himself in between Kill Shots, often the reflected hits are 4-5k.
You can do this in absolutely full zerker’s because he just won’t have a chance to shoot you.
plz take ur post down. about to get a nerf. DUH! thanks !
5 tickets cost 20 silver and 15 cogs.
You gain 50 silver and 25 cogs.
The profit is 30 silver and 10 cogs per win with 4 gambits.
Gambits used is Hamstrung, no dodge, burned and bleed.
(edited by Rissou.7213)
5 tickets cost 20 silver and 15 cogs.
You gain 50 silver and 25 cogs.
The profit is 30 silver and 10 cogs per win with 4 gambits.
Gambits used is Hamstrung, no dodge, burned and bleed.
There is no bleed gambit I think. Squeamish makes you hit weaker, on topic…TAKE THIS THREAD DOWN QUICK
I noticed you never try to land a HS for a backstab. Any reason for that? I would have done that once or twice, I think. If it’s a problem with initiative, I’d probably do it through Smoke Screen instead of Black Powder.
I can’t play until later this week, so I’ll try it for myself then.
I noticed you never try to land a HS for a backstab. Any reason for that? I would have done that once or twice, I think. If it’s a problem with initiative, I’d probably do it through Smoke Screen instead of Black Powder.
I can’t play until later this week, so I’ll try it for myself then.
Mostly because it takes too much effort to walk to the back of the target and really doesn’t add much damage. Keep in mind you are constantly walking around at crippled speed, and while you’re trying to reposition for a backstab, you can be autoattacking instead.
That said, I have modified the build to allow for slightly faster kill-times.
Just get him to about 30%’ish health using the same strategy, and spam heartseeker until dead.
If you find an empty room and keep going back-to-back, you can easily get 60+ runs per hour, and about 20g/hr.
(edited by Reikou.7068)
I noticed you never try to land a HS for a backstab. Any reason for that? I would have done that once or twice, I think. If it’s a problem with initiative, I’d probably do it through Smoke Screen instead of Black Powder.
I can’t play until later this week, so I’ll try it for myself then.
You cant backstab him, for me at least, he reveals me the entire fight :/
And may I make a suggestion? In DA i went for the triat where traps apply vulnerability (5 stacks) for 8 seconds, and the other trait in DA that increases power for conditions on the target
You can farm him with any build dps build and scorpion wire. Although perma blindness makes it almost 100% guaranteed.
they are farming gold and cogs !!! nooooooo……
well since its already out the bag. there is an easier way to do it….more gambits is more profit per run. saves in the end especially when u are farmin for a while
well since its already out the bag. there is an easier way to do it….more gambits is more profit per run. saves in the end especially when u are farmin for a while
More profit/risk per run but a lower turnover rate.
well since its already out the bag. there is an easier way to do it….more gambits is more profit per run. saves in the end especially when u are farmin for a while
More profit/risk per run but a lower turnover rate.
how each fight was shorter than the s/p one. i use improvisation so i get back my skills 50% of the time.
well since its already out the bag. there is an easier way to do it….more gambits is more profit per run. saves in the end especially when u are farmin for a while
More profit/risk per run but a lower turnover rate.
how each fight was shorter than the s/p one. i use improvisation so i get back my skills 50% of the time
You seem to have to wait for Haste to come back up, which is on a 60s CD with a 20% chance to recharge on Steal due to Improvisation.
Sig of Malice/Scorpion Wire/Ambush Trap/Assassin’s Sig can rinse/repeat the whole rotation from talking to the NPC’s, fighting and killing Deadeye, and back to talking to NPCs all in about 35s down to the last second.
While each individual fight with your setup may be shorter, the turnover is longer because you need to wait for skill recharges.
Please tell me if I am wrong though.
That said, I have also tried doing it with 5 gambits and it definitely works just as well.
(edited by Reikou.7068)
seem to? no no no. haste is just there to make it a lil quicker. 4 out of 5 matches its ready anyway…improvisation pops it alot. just an “extra” not neccessary at all
i can aslo see assassins signet working well …but only to finish the last 25% hp with hearseeker ….i wouldnt use it early ever…..and in that case its then waiting 30 seconds for it to recharge for next fight which puts you in same boat…but again its not neccessary for haste…. see with my build u can get like 12 secs of haste …SIGIL…..TRAIT…..UTILITY
At first I’ve used Reikou’s method, but i got lazy to lay down ambush trap and smoke screen. I ended up using Signet of Agility, Assassin’s Signet, and Scorpion Wire don’t really have to use Thieve’s Guild and I’ve tried out 5 gambits all the same 4 but I added in Crowd favorite. First thing you do is scorpion wire deadeye drop your blinding powder, steal, and try not to move much so the Quaggan wont run towards you. You should be able to dps him down the same way and if the Quaggan run towards you make sure you have a blinding powder on both of them or you will probably die.
At first I’ve used Reikou’s method, but i got lazy to lay down ambush trap and smoke screen. I ended up using Signet of Agility, Assassin’s Signet, and Scorpion Wire don’t really have to use Thieve’s Guild and I’ve tried out 5 gambits all the same 4 but I added in Crowd favorite. First thing you do is scorpion wire deadeye drop your blinding powder, steal, and try not to move much so the Quaggan wont run towards you. You should be able to dps him down the same way and if the Quaggan run towards you make sure you have a blinding powder on both of them or you will probably die.
Yeah I’ve also moved to a similar strat. Still using Ambush Trap, but it works in a similar way.
For those looking for a more visual explanation, please look at this.
I did something similar, except I pull him to entrence and then shadowstep to middle if he’s still alive. First time I did 5 gambit one I actually dual daggered him forgetting I couldn’t stealth vs him but he just dies so fast. XD
Is there a specific timing? I failed to pull him multiple times.
@longwolfie not timing. look at my video above in my post. you will see exactly the fastest way. hop-e it helps.
the part I don’t understand is…what are you guys farming for?
i mean like there isn’t much to farm for in this game. even though I don’t even have full ascended, I don’t feel like I’m at much of a disadvantage at all.
I am doing it this way , i would say its safemode – you basicly never have to use your elite + utilslot 2 .
Most important thing in my opinion is the bufffood – you heavily notice when it ran out.
But well i dont’t use ambush trap at all.
And we are doing it for money of course !
Played around with builds a bit more, and have come to the conclusion that S/P IS indeed the superior option.
This is the build that I am using as of now. 30s turnover time, with 5 gambits.
I am doing it this way , i would say its safemode – you basicly never have to use your elite + utilslot 2 .
Most important thing in my opinion is the bufffood – you heavily notice when it ran out.
But well i dont’t use ambush trap at all.And we are doing it for money of course !
what can you buy with that money that you don’t already have??
i mean right now I’m sitting at 70g+ (was at 90+ before spending some yesterday), i spent some gold to get another tab in my tank…which I didn’t even need. I bought some bigger bags as well. I can’t think of what to buy really.
(edited by Excalibur.9748)
Played around with builds a bit more, and have come to the conclusion that S/P IS indeed the superior option.
This is the build that I am using as of now. 30s turnover time, with 5 gambits.
And what rotation do you use? Spam Pistol Whip?
Played around with builds a bit more, and have come to the conclusion that S/P IS indeed the superior option.
This is the build that I am using as of now. 30s turnover time, with 5 gambits.
And what rotation do you use? Spam Pistol Whip?
1. Load in Arena.
2. Scorpion Wire Deadeye Dunwell
3. Pistolwhip
4. After the Pistolwhip Animation (the stun) of the Pistolwhip Skill, it should burn the 5 Initiative Cost. Steal here, right after the initiative burn, but before the slashing animation.
5. Look at the steal, and decide if it is worth using. If it is, use it. (Everything but the Blinding Tuft is worth using.)
6. Repeat Pistolwhip Spam, however, if your health does drop to be a little low, black powder and autoattack is a slightly more defensive rotation.
the part I don’t understand is…what are you guys farming for?
i mean like there isn’t much to farm for in this game. even though I don’t even have full ascended, I don’t feel like I’m at much of a disadvantage at all.
They are
(Why is this censored?) (it took me 7 tries to get it lol)
(edited by Zepidel.5349)
what can you buy with that money that you don’t already have??
i mean right now I’m sitting at 70g+ (was at 90+ before spending some yesterday), i spent some gold to get another tab in my tank…which I didn’t even need. I bought some bigger bags as well. I can’t think of what to buy really.
Well, i for my part want to have a legendary someday .
Also the new skins are pretty nice, and if you get them for free – why not ?!
the part I don’t understand is…what are you guys farming for?
i mean like there isn’t much to farm for in this game. even though I don’t even have full ascended, I don’t feel like I’m at much of a disadvantage at all.
working on 3rd legendary. :P and saving for the new ascended armor and weapons. and 500 craft
Patch just nerfed this method VERY hard. Luckily, D/P with 4 gambits (not Crowd Favourite) is still perfectly fine.
(edited by Auesis.7301)
Isn’t S/P PW spamming still viable?
It CAN be, but he teleports a lot more randomly now. You’d have a much harder time. Shadow Shot stops that being a problem.
It CAN be, but he teleports a lot more randomly now. You’d have a much harder time. Shadow Shot stops that being a problem.
I haven’t had trouble with it. I made a post about it a couple days ago, if you do enough dps you can down him before the 2nd teleport, even if you don’t you can use 2 to get to him which I’ve done a couple times when I screwed up badly but not enough to instantly die.
If you do frailty it comes down to timing the mugs just right to heal you and the PW to interrupt/evade most of the dps. If not 4 gambits without frailty is very forgiving.
Edit: of course as I say this there’s a new patch.
Edit2: nvm changes weren’t that bad, updated my build but can only do 4 Gambits efficiently now.
(edited by brentend.7058)
I think my problem was not being able to pull after a certain range. I also changed into DP build because the damage from it is higher than SP, also with blinds it is far easier to avoid killshot.
My build goes into basilisk venom/skale with venomous strength trait, cast it prebattle.
Rotations are
F1 (casts venoms) > 5 > 2 > ambush trap > 1 (backstab) > 5 > 2 auto chains > 5 > casts scorpion wires as you see fit.
Hopefully there are no more nerfs to arena. Everytime I see anet I think of nerf.
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