Efficient dungeon build.

Efficient dungeon build.

in Thief

Posted by: Vecanski.2016


Hi peeps. I’ve created a thief as my fifth character and run through familiar content to level her up.
Now that I’m lvl 80 I realize that I’m not that familiar with profession itself because leveling became too easy.
Now I want to run dungeons with this character but I don’t want to slow my friends down by dying all the time.
So my question is can you, fellow thieves, post some basic DD/PP builds for dungeon running with armor and trinkets combinations for me to try?
Thanks in advance

Efficient dungeon build.

in Thief

Posted by: Anubarak.3012



Efficient dungeon build.

in Thief

Posted by: Molch.2078


[…]don’t want to slow my friends down by dying all the time.

And you link him the most difficult and squishiest thief-build in the game, made by someone who plays thief as his main. Troll much

However, I think 30 points into critical strikes is a must have. For ranged combat, try 25 acrobatics and P/P + SB. Not your higest range dps-build, but you have some HP.

For a more melee-focused build, use equipment with power/vitality/critical damage instead of full zerker and the trait “100% critchanche while invisible” – use D/D, traits 0/30/25/15/0.

Efficient dungeon build.

in Thief

Posted by: Anubarak.3012


Kiten I just read over the “by dying” part^^" sry, my mistake
Then 0-30-25-15-0 is much better
