There have been 20+ major patches since the game released and each of those patches, save the last, took thief from playable to not so much. The thief has had damage nerfed, skills nerfed, their mechanics nerfed, weapon sets nerfed, and their overall viability and diversity nerfed in the process. Is it any wonder that the thief community has become skeptical of Developers who claim to be looking into ways of improving the thief? Is it any wonder that thieves are becoming scarce in the higher eschelon of PvP and WvW?
In the last patch, the thief gained a boon to one ability on one weapon… the ability to steal 2 boons from an opponent. This ability comes with a degree of difficulty, as all good abilities should, in the execution. The thief needs to 1) use an attack which telegraphs itself by rotating in the same direction around a target every time and 2) then land the chained ability in hopes that the opponent does not move after such an obvious animation… it also requires the opponent to have boons up in the first place. Its a great concept and one that thieves were happy to see… however, the impact was not as positive as the negatives the thief has received in the past. It was a single weapon and did nothing to help out other builds that had been nerfed to dust in the past.
Still, with all the nerfs, other classes still cry about how over powered a thief is. They complain that a thief can go into stealth and remain there indefinitely making them indestructible… they complain that the thief can 1 or 2 shot them to death, using numbers that are unreal to illustrate the fact… they complain that thieves that use stealth are cheesy and unskilled… they complain that heart-seeker is overpowered and an automatic death skill… and now, they complain about the ability to remove 2 boons from an opponent. Of course these same people never complain about a Guardian being able to keep retaliation up forever and a day, or a warrior’s ability to continually fear their opponents, or an elementalist who, with one build, is suited for every situation in WvW or PvP… nor do they complain about Necro’s and their ability to reflect conditions or use conditions to strengthen themselves or to put on stacks on stacks of conditions with little effort. Instead, they get onto the thief forum and complain how OP thieves are all the while never actually seeing if they could adapt their play style to effectively deal with the inherent weaknesses of the thief class… weaknesses only amplified by the numerous nerfs and constant changes to the class.
The point here is obvious… players do not like the thief class and no incarnation of it will ever make them happy. No matter what any Dev does to nerf or buff the thief class, those who do not main thieves will continue to find something that makes them OP… case in point, it took only a few hours after the May patch before people were swarming the thief forums complaining about how OP it was. Now that tells me… the complainers didn’t have time to adapt to the situation therefore they were complaining only because they refuse to learn to adapt… as they have constantly told thieves to do… adapt or die.
So, what is the solution…. Its simple really… Get rid of the thief class. Wait, you say, how will this help those who play thieves? Well, its simple. By getting rid of the thief class, the Devs set up a precedent for players to use when they begin complaining about other classes they feel are OP just because they cannot adapt to them. Eventually, GW2 will become a game of one class, one build, one set of gear, one set of accessories, and one set of Runes/Sigils… when that happens, the game will become Star Wars Galaxies and will go by the way of the Do-Do Bird… extinct. Granted, this may take some time… after all EQ is still going even though the game is basically a wasteland of players who know how to press an auto attack button while fixing their favorite nachos.
The thing of it is, players who play thieves will eventually become so bored and frustrated with the constant changes that they will drop thief entirely in favor of another class or stop playing altogether. There will be the die hard thieves who stick it out… but they will be far and few. So why not just do the thief community a favor and end the class? Save Anet the embarrassment of having a class available but hardly played because of what THEY did to the class rather than any real choice of players.