Enlighten me please
Can’t say I’ve had any issues with them… Maybe use Shortbow more to bait out dodges, heals and utilities?
Or consider going for a more offensive build if possible. Hard to tell if I don’t know your build.
The shock aura has gotten me killed so many times. Along with a possible invuln, ele can shut down our opener, shut down our burst, and just faceroll aoe hard enough to make you thinking of maining engi.
I did manage to kill what I suspect was a pure zerker ele. But I came at him from an odd angle as he was camping a point. I say zerker because I’ve never done a 8.8 backstab before. Throw in the sigil procs, mug, CnD, and a single HS and I’m sure it was a case of overkill.
What I’m trying to say is you can kill them if they are pretty much afk lol.
What I’m trying to say is you can kill them if they are pretty much afk lol.
Thieves excell at killing afk players.
Save your stolen skill, especially if you have improvisation!
Use it after they rotate out of water, they may not be able to cure the chill -> easy
Keep in mind though apart from Water attunement the usual Cele D/D Ele 10011 has 2×4 condi remove on utilities and traits (burning fire), another 2×1 condi remove on utilities (lightning flash + armor of earth)
they also have another 1×1 condi remove (if its fixed now) on a 20sec CD or a burn+chill remove on dodge on 10sec CD (Stop, Drop and Roll iirc)
D/F eles also have a 3 condi remove in earth but one less in water.
So Improvisation may be really helpful (btw its an awesome trait against thieves, mesmers, guards, condi rangers and ranged warriors or with /P)
(edited by Tarkan.5609)
Save your stolen skill, especially if you have improvisation!
Use it after they rotate out of water, they may not be able to cure the chill
This exactly. Cele Ele are all about attunement swapping and rotation of skill to keep them alive. If you screw up that with chill you affect them of two side. One, their skill won’t be up at the proper moment, and their will be gap in their rotation. Those gap will mean delay in their healing, defensive skill, etc. Done right and they won’t be able to keep up with your damage.
The second side is psychological. Like I said, cele ele is all about rotation and a chill can thought it off sync. That can screw up with the player itself that kind of lose track of its rotation for just a moment. Good Ele know what to do in those moment, but most will have a moment of hesitation. They gonna need to think about what they need to do next and not think about what you are doing. They can take a bad decision and swap to soon or wait too long in a particular attunement.