I’ve said this in multiple ways in multiple threads but I’m really sick of reposting it so here it is in my own thread. I hope ANet takes a gander as I am generally very fair minded in my evaluations because I want this game to be awesome :-D
I’ll just jump right into it (and anyone can feel free to steal this explanation for any other thread that could really use it). The way it currently works is:
1. A Thief will activate Basilisk Venom, Skale Venom, and Assassin’s signet while out of combat.
2. When a target is spotted, the Thief triggers Cloak and Dagger.
3. While the animation is warming up the skill (but before the skill procs), the Thief triggers Steal, which instantly teleports them to the target and deals damage because they’ve traited it.
4. This is where things get shady. Rather than overriding Cloak and Dagger, the activation timer keeps ticking while the Thief is using another skill and the .5 second activation time of C&D essentially becomes less than .2 seconds, rendering it IMPOSSIBLE to avoid by any non-ninja human.
5. Target gets hit by Steal damage and is instantly and unavoidably smacked by Cloak and Dagger, which applies Basilisk Venom and Skale Venom, thus rendering them (a) surprised, (b) stoned, © vulnerable, (d) weakened, and (e) setup for the next stage, for which the Thief triggers Haste and doubles his or her action speed at the cost of, well, nothing really.
6. The surprised target now has about .25-.5 seconds at this point to react with a stun breaker if he was facing the Thief when this all started and .125 seconds if not. The Thief gets behind his or her stone target and triggers Backstab, which is very likely (and even possibly 100% reliable if traited with Hidden Killer instead of Executioner) to crit if the Thief is built properly.
Total time for this combo (not including Basilisk Venom)? About 1 second; maybe less. Total available reaction time? More often than not, about .125 seconds.
This is the problem non-Thieves are not understanding. Make Steal trigger like any other skill in this game (ie. One skill at a time) and the combo suddenly becomes: Venoms -> Steal -> Cloak & Dagger -> Positioning -> Backstab. The combo time would not increase much at all as the same skills are being used but the reaction time would increase about 6x to somewhere around .75 seconds with .5 of those devoted to avoiding the initial Cloak and Dagger attack, Skale Venom, and Basilisk Venom altogether. Half a second is an eternity to dodge, pop an invulnerability skill, block, or whatever. If the target couldn’t handle that, then he or she has other problems.
Now, granted, Haste is still and always will be a problem. ANet missed when they nerfed Pistol Whip instead of this skill. The Thief, even given this change to Steal, could trigger Haste at the same time and change the .5 second Cloak and Dagger into a .25 second skill with a .125 second Backstab, depending on target orientation.
This is still not a problem with Backstab!
The issue they need to fix is the setup. There definitely shouldn’t be a combo in this game that is unavoidable by natural human reaction speed. The way Haste works will unfortunately continue to create these types of scenarios where, because of the Thief’s hidden nature, will cause players to rage and scream about the class in general. A class who relies on stealth and instantaneous burst damage should not have a way to speed up their attacks.
So that’s basically it. Lay off of Backstab, everyone. It’s a red herring. The true targets of this fix should be Steal and Haste……and Haste should have been targeted long ago. It’s 4 seconds of canned OMG, if you ask me.
Also, ANet, in my opinion it’s ok to put Pistol Whip back the way it was and just change Haste into an entirely different skill. Give us an evade or an initiative builder instead…or something. I’ve just really thought, since day 1, Haste is generally just a bad idea for the Thief’s skill bar.
Sorry for the wall of text, all, but I hope it was informative.
ps – Here is a link to the build. You can see how it’s designed to just decimate 1 enemy every 45-60 seconds and that’s it.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
(edited by Moderator)