Equip For Perma Stealth?

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Chafaso.6759


Im triying a perma stealth with Dagger/pistol.

In your opinion, what gear is the best?
(For WvW, Runes, traits, etc)

Need some help on this..


Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Theres runes that stealth wen at 10% hp stack 30 in shadow arts, get stealth life regen initiative regen and stealing gives you 3 secs of stealth. The other traits are up to u but i advise either trickery or deadly use shadow refuge shadowstep and theres a skill that blinds and stealths and take the theifs for ult

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Traits depend on if u want tanky distraction or more of a stealth dps

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Chafaso.6759


Traits depend on if u want tanky distraction or more of a stealth dps

DPS Stealth…

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


My build is 20/30/20 and is basically perma stealth i go a sustanable crit bs build

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Yea… Bs with dps. So its nokt a 1 trick poiny

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


Im triying a perma stealth with Dagger/pistol.

In your opinion, what gear is the best?
(For WvW, Runes, traits, etc)

Need some help on this..


You’ll want to go either 0/20/30/20/0 or 0/10/30/30/0. I recommend the latter – the Acrobatics tree has better traits than the Critical Strikes tree.

Obviously you take +2 initiative per stealth, condition removal, and stealth healing in Shadow Arts.

With Acrobatics, the only mandatory major trait is plus 2 initiative per 10 seconds. This is the equivalent of a -37.5% cool-down on all your weapon skills. Some highly recommended major traits are Fleet Shadow (plus 50% speed in stealth) and Assassin’s Reward (healing from using initiative).

The Runes you use will depend on your equipment and how much of a DPSer you want to be. I personally use Runes of Rage with Full Berserker equipment to counterbalance my survival-heavy trait allocation, but I have been pretty satisfied with Runes of Mercy with Knight’s equipment for a tougher rez-oriented build (quite useful in buying time for camps, towers and keeps by rezzing the supervisor/lord). The Knight’s build might actually be more desirable for WvW; but I’m role-playing an agile acrobatic murderess, so I’d rather not spec for toughness.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Columba.9730


I thought we were scolded that perma stealth is impossible? I thought it was only possible with exploiting the culling bug.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


I thought we were scolded that perma stealth is impossible? I thought it was only possible with exploiting the culling bug.

True perma-stealth is entirely possible with Black Powder + 3 Heartseekers, although slightly difficult to pull off (try landing 3 Heartseekers in that smoke field without hitting anything – it’s not so easy).

With expert timing and target selection, back-to-back Cloak and Daggers never expose the Thief for more than a fraction of a second; which is for all intents and purposes "perma-stealth”.

The former method does not require a target but leaves a tell-tale smoke field. The latter method requires a clean hit; no misses, no blinds, no blocks.

Don’t expect perma-stealth to go away once culling issues are fixed; more experienced Thieves will be minimally affected.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Columba.9730


I thought we were scolded that perma stealth is impossible? I thought it was only possible with exploiting the culling bug.

True perma-stealth is entirely possible with Black Powder + 3 Heartseekers, although slightly difficult to pull off (try landing 3 Heartseekers in that smoke field without hitting anything – it’s not so easy).

With expert timing and target selection, back-to-back Cloak and Daggers never expose the Thief for more than a fraction of a second; which is for all intents and purposes "perma-stealth”.

The former method does not require a target but leaves a tell-tale smoke field. The latter method requires a clean hit; no misses, no blinds, no blocks.

Don’t expect perma-stealth to go away once culling issues are fixed; more experienced Thieves will be minimally affected.

thank you. what tradeoffs must they make for true perma stealth?

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


I thought we were scolded that perma stealth is impossible? I thought it was only possible with exploiting the culling bug.

True perma-stealth is entirely possible with Black Powder + 3 Heartseekers, although slightly difficult to pull off (try landing 3 Heartseekers in that smoke field without hitting anything – it’s not so easy).

With expert timing and target selection, back-to-back Cloak and Daggers never expose the Thief for more than a fraction of a second; which is for all intents and purposes "perma-stealth”.

The former method does not require a target but leaves a tell-tale smoke field. The latter method requires a clean hit; no misses, no blinds, no blocks.

Don’t expect perma-stealth to go away once culling issues are fixed; more experienced Thieves will be minimally affected.

thank you. what tradeoffs must they make for true perma stealth?

Minimum requirements: 15 in Shadow Arts, and 20 in Acrobatics.

Key major traits:

  • +2 Initiative per stealth
  • +2 initiative every 10 seconds (combine with Infiltrator’s Signet for +3)

Most thieves consider the 20 points in Acrobatics to be a burden. You cannot max Critical Strikes and have Mug.

I personally don’t value Mug very much. It makes my Steal break stealth, and I am a fan of Blink-stabs. I like the Critical Strikes tree, but I do not miss it. I rip through opponents easily enough with full Berserker gear. Additional burst damage is useless if you cannot sustain it.

So for me, there is very little trade-off. I am willing to take some DPS hits (11k to 6k Backstabs) to ensure that I can survive to Backstab again.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Columba.9730


So 6k attacks and perma stealth are possible. So if an enemy has 18k health, they can die without ever seeing their enemy? Weren’t we told that this was impossible?

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


So 6k attacks and perma stealth are possible. So if an enemy has 18k health, they can die without ever seeing their enemy? Weren’t we told that this was impossible?

6k every 3 seconds bare minimum. Also maintaining the stealth by that combo isn’t exactly cheap on resources, if they want the high damage they won’t have any points in trickery so they’ll only have the base 12 initiative pool. And Black Powder + Heartseeker is 9 initiative right there. Also because Black Powder is a field, the enemy does have a general idea of where the thief is. All in all it’s not the most efficient combat style.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


So 6k attacks and perma stealth are possible. So if an enemy has 18k health, they can die without ever seeing their enemy? Weren’t we told that this was impossible?

No its not possible, figure it out. Well since im sure that you wont i will tell you what was told many times. Each time you attack from stealth you get revealed debuff which doesnt allow you to stealth for 3 seconds Yes you can maintain perma stealth with d/p while not doing damage at all and investing in othervise useless traits as initiative every 10 s and faster initiative regen in stealth.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Chafaso.6759


i was thinking in a Power/thoug/vit thief on gear for a perma stealth build.

What runes and sigils u recomend?

the idea is a survivor Wvw Thief but with a nice damage.

Equip For Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


^ if u want nice dmg, go look for a thread named something like [s/d d/d oh my…].

perma stealth needs d/p and traits for stealth, since u r using p/t/v, u will lack crit to make back stab bursty, and u dont really have other damaging attacks on that set