(edited by TheFool.4589)
Feed back on my crit thief.
Deadly Arts adept should be Mug over sundering. Mug has a very high damage ratio and will net you better DPS and burst damage.
Revealed Training is bad without mug as it won’t do anything for your stabs and only really applies towards using HS/auto-attacks for a little extra which IMHO is pointless. I’d take one point out from DA and move it to Trickery for the 15 initiative so that it allows for the First Strikes trait to go into effect and gives you more initiative overall for using abilities.
D/P plays poorly without Shadow Arts/Infusion of Shadow due to its initiative cost.
I think traited quickness is useless unless you’re PvE and are just spamming 1 to kill people. It will also pop the ICD on the sigil of rage making the mixture useless. You’re better off with Signet Use or practiced tolerance for better durability. Sigil of Frailty is pretty much junk; force or even accuracy would be better. Fire/Air is the undisputed best possible combination, but I think it’s overpowered and cheesy and personally don’t use them. That said, it is the strongest.
On a signet build, you need Assassin’s Signet. Most people use D/D as well as it offers way better burst damage because CnD hits hard and applies 3 vuln.
I’d drop BP for Shadow Refuge or just go into 3 signets for Assassin’s signet. Basilisk Venom is a better elite if you’re doing small-scale, and can also be substantially better for periph in blobs. DS is only really useful when you see a ranger (or a few) coming at you and can swap it in before you go into combat, or are trying to tag/cripple/reflect in the center of a blob if walled in (like in SMC).
Signet Stab/crit builds are usually the most functional on D/D, though, as it offers by a very large margin superior damage, thus allowing for your target to have a more likely chance of being dead after striking initially. Otherwise you just blow utilities for no good reason and leave yourself vulnerable while low on initiative from consuming 8/9 from BP + HS.