Fighting Skill Point are annoying

Fighting Skill Point are annoying

in Thief

Posted by: xyger.7349


I don’t know if any of you other thieves had it as bad as me but I found it annoying when I had to fight for SP. Not that it’s hard or anything but majority of the time they’re just annoying.

We use stealth, and I use it more often than most thieves (Shadow Art’s tree here) and when fighting for SP I have to use all of my skills right? Well I go invisible, the guy walks back and resets… and I have to start all over. Especially when the… mob hits hard and I have to heal I go invisible want it or not and it the mob returns to its original position and resets as if I died. OR if it doesn’t reset it just says it stupid catch phrase about 20 times during the fight (lol).

Anyways, I wanted to see if anyone ever find this annoying. I also wanted to suggest there be some sort of solution for this? It’s helpful when we fall to the ground, go invis and the mob resets and we stand back up after healing(meaning we don’t die and lose silver on repairs) but… other than that it could be fixed. Just kind of make the mob not reset.. or reset after 3 seconds of no fighting?

Fighting Skill Point are annoying

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


…I’ve never had that issue. It does take several seconds for them to actually reset and start recovering after you stealth.
Normally, at least.

Fighting Skill Point are annoying

in Thief

Posted by: Puz.8529


Just use (or swap to) Thieves Guild. Nothing will live through you + pets!

Puz – TDA

Fighting Skill Point are annoying

in Thief

Posted by: Hyde.6189


I havn’t had any trouble with skill points since unlocking my elite, thieves guild makes them all pretty easy. I have noticed once or twice them resetting when I stealth, but that doesn’t happen very often, certainly not every time I use stealth.