Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Screenshot speaks for itself.
I, a bunker built elementalist (pure Precision, Vitality, Toughness build) wearing all exotic gears along with guild backpack, etc, was in WvW and dropped by a thief in one second.
Saw a group of enemies, but needed to get to the zerg that was protecting our trebs from the enemy, so proceeded to try to out run them.
It obviously didn’t end that well. In literally ONE SECOND, not even joking. I didn’t even see my health go down! I was dead.
That should NOT be possible.
Elementalist = are known in ALL games to deal damage or be support. An elementalist on GW2 can go pure glass cannon and not put out that amount of damage, especially not in that short of time either.
You couple that damage + perma stealth in wvw due to culling = ridiculous.
And no, I should not have to run in a group in order to not die. I have no problems taking on 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, and even 1v4 at times. But yet this thief comes along and pretty much 1 shots me? I say one shot because 4 shots don’t even matter since it was less than a second which means I have NO time to respond.
“You wear light armor of course you are going to die”. So an elementalist can never defeat a thief? “No, they can. You just have to L2P and dodge.” Yes. Let me dodge a move that I had no time to react to because I couldn’t even see it coming. Great advice. Tell me how to L2P better with that one.
“Your computer must suck”. Computer Specs: i7 3930k (six core processor) OC’d to 4.6ghz. Geforce 680 GTX. 32GB of RAM. Game is running on an SSD SATA III. I also have the 2nd fastest internet in my state!
“That thief was obviously using a glass cannon build and would die if he was attacked.” True, but read my post above. My class which is suppose to be known for DPS and bursty, if it goes glass cannon it will NEVER achieve this amount of damage, especially not in less than a second. And regardless if he was glass cannon spec’d, he should not be able to completely obliterate an enemy in less than a second. If the class is intended to do so, than everyone should just roll a thief and go glass cannon. That way it will be purely about numbers instead of skill. 2 thiefs vs 4 thiefs = 4 thiefs win since they just cancel each other out by 1 shotting each other. Get the point?
Go ahead and flame away. I have read plenty of threads on here to know how incredibly defensive some of you can be. And your only arguments is already addressed above. But feel free to try to say how elementalist < thief is the way it was intended. And post comments ignoring the fact that this thief came out of nowhere, and did over 16k damage in less than 1 second (no exaggerating here either!). I won’t be responding. This is merely for Anet to take to their meetings and discuss this “balance” issue.
INB4 L2P, L2Dodge, Elementalist < thief, you obviously suck, you should be able to tell the future, and whatever ridiculous comments.
heh you got pwned but honestly the numbers show you obviously were not that great of a bunker build I run a backstab buffer thief, and have never thwacked any body but the lowest armored stuff for 7k remember 3k armor means about 30% reduction in damage and if CnD is still hitting for 4k damage omg expecially after a 33% damage nerf in the latest patch. Those numbers suggest either one you have crap armor meaning not right equipment maybe traited but not correct Items through out, or those are pre patch numbers.
Are you traited correctly? The numbers add up to 16K, which imo, isn’t really that high. My own thief actually has 19K. Are you putting 30 trait points into vitality?
just curious, since my bunker/bleed thief has around 19k hp, do bunker eles really have that little hp?
at any rate, yes thief burst from the uber back stab build could use some toning down. making the 33% nerf to cloak and dagger in pvp apply to WvW would help some, and rendering REALLY needs to be fixed. making teleports interrupt cloak and dagger would also help against that build. though I think that would hurt eles and a few other classes too. and yeah, warriors/thieves seem to be on top where damage is concerned.
on the other hand, he can only do this about once every 45 seconds, and it does work better on light armored classes, on bunker warriors/guardians/thieves and even engineers/necros that build often just fails to kill and then gets stomped in the face.
those tend to be the two sides of the coin. at any rate, it is out of my hands since it isn’t like thieves have an inside line to Anet. (I lied, we totally do)
Those numbers suggest either one you have crap armor meaning not right equipment maybe traited but not correct Items through out, or those are pre patch numbers.
You’re killing me man. That screen shot was taken a little bit ago in WvW. I just got off and posted on the forums, literally.
My equipment, I already listed.
All Exotics:
Precious, Vitality, and Toughness Gear ALL around, yes this includes accessories.
The build I am using:
But yes, I am running around with 16k health roughly.
(edited by DivineBeing.2086)
Can’t say much he got lucky really, those numbers are in fact the high end of the spectrum for DD and he pulled off a lightning strike with the attack essentually he pulled a move that one only happens once in every 45 seconds and got top end roles on all 3 hits triggering a lightning strike. probably happens 1 every 20 or 30 times he gets those numbers. honestly if he misses the lightning strike and his bs hits for 5.5k<the more average hit of a bs he doesn’t kill you in the volley.
….. and for some reason (I used the Soldiers trinket to get stats on vit/toughness ((don’t care about Prec. as it has little to do with survivablity you should have 19k hp.))
(edited by Plaxy.4617)
My main is thief full exotic berserker 10/30/30/0/0 for survability. There must be new trick tho cuz my backstab, with all foods, signet, and when specing 30/30/10/0/0 never wevt over 12k on soft target. With my current it is 8-10k on softs. But when i tried my mesmer in WvW 2 days ago, i got hot by 9k,steal,6k cnd,15k backstab. I was also like wtf. So there must be new thief trick to reach these numbers, which also will lead to complains and sooner or later the backstab/steal dmg witll get mega nerf.
16K HP? That´s kinda far away from bunker build
I´m not a bunker/tanky Thief and have over 18K HP myself (with Valkyrie equip). Even without single point in vitality. Based on the fact that Thieves and Eles have the same base health pool, you´re either badly specced/equipped or just trolling here. End of story…
I think the thief was buffed with a good amount of stack of might. If u have a good equip and a good build this is a high number for a thief, i can’t do 4K and 7K on a really bunker build without buff me on a fire field.
PS. to all thief, have you already tried to got buffed from fire field with blast and with guardian staff skill and rangers feline skill? U can have the max amount of might in the game and u gonna hit hard XD
(edited by Kerishan.8460)
To DivineBeing.2086
Full glass cannon thief 2199 P 14,6kHP
Backstab DMG =(weapon damage 981)power 2199(skill coe. 2,405 on back attack)/enemy armor=518811,695/enemy armor
Bunker Elementalist has 2755 armor and 16k HP
Enemy armor 1500=3458,74 DMG
Enemy armor 2000=2594,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2200=2358,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2500=2075,22 DMG
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
Or there is the possibility that he was greatly might stacked, nevertheless, OP was outplayed by coordinated players (If he is really bunker Ele), or is just lying about his build/equip.
First case is basiccaly 2 vs 1 (no character should survive this with 16K hp). SEcond case, troll. both cases OP´s fault. Nothing to discuss here….
PvP isn’t balanced around WvW.
Thief nerfs apply to sPvP, in WvW nerfs are not applied.
Furthermore, at least 5 classes can deal 16k and even 20k with 3 skills / 2 seconds.
If they were to balance WvW then what about Warriors 1shotting 3-5 people from 1500 range? That’s triple the damage a Thief can do, and on a 8-10s CD instead of long CD.
PvP isn’t balanced around WvW.
Thief nerfs apply to sPvP, in WvW nerfs are not applied.
Furthermore, at least 5 classes can deal 16k and even 20k with 3 skills / 2 seconds.If they were to balance WvW then what about Warriors 1shotting 3-5 people from 1500 range? That’s triple the damage a Thief can do, and on a 8-10s CD instead of long CD.
Exactly, with one little correction. C&D nerf was global, not only for PvP, which had hit a lot of viable builds unfortunately…
I have been one shotted by a rifle warrior with Kill Shot. My health bar also went from hero to zero in <1 sec. It isn’t a weapon damage issue – it is a situational awareness issue. Note: I did not go to warrior forum to complain about how 1500 range 1-shot-instant-death should be nerfed, I rolled a warrior and levelled him to 35 and now I understand warriors much better to the point I don’t begrudge them having a Kill Shot in their arsenal.
The main issue with your play style is this:
Saw a group of enemies, but needed to get to the zerg that was protecting our trebs from the enemy, so proceeded to try to out run them.
The main mistake you made was to turn and run from one of the fastest and most mobile professions in the game whose specialisation is assassinating anyone who turns their back to them. Our entire profession mechanic (initative) is built around burst. So the fact you went down so fast to a glass cannon thief is understandable. Same thing would happen if a glass cannon warrior did a similar combo of moves (Bulls Charge+Frenzy+100B). Glass cannons kill you quick. Even glass cannon Elementalists can take people down very quickly. That’s just how the game is.
Thieves who run builds like yours will never take you down this fast.
I seriously doubt your claim that you had no idea a thief was on you. The Mug (steal) and Cloak and Dagger should both have given audio and visual clues that you needed to dodge and impacted upon your health bar. Not to forget the GIANT flash of Lightning Strike when Sigil of Air procced. If you dodged following the lightning strike then the backstab wouldn’t have landed and you’d have yourself a fight. I think you just kept running and hoping you could reach the zerg so they could take some heat off you.
It isn’t so much a L2P issue, more of a L2P-against-thieves issue.
I suggest you level a thief up for a while and then come back and your complaints will be taken more seriously when you have spent some time learning the profession.
I’ve seen a staff elementalist do over 16k AoE damage with meteor swarm. How is that any different from backstab? you can do it from range, and they can’t avoid it when you combine it with immobilize, and it’s on a 30s cooldown. A Backstab combo like what you saw is on a 45s cooldown, must be behind the target, land the C&D and he’s in melee when finished.
….. and for some reason (I used the Soldiers trinket to get stats on vit/toughness ((don’t care about Prec. as it has little to do with survivablity you should have 19k hp.))
For Elementalist the single greatest boost to survivability is being able to pull off more dodges. This means getting Vigor by way of the trait Arcana Vi Renewing Stamina which grants Vigor on critical hits.
….. and for some reason (I used the Soldiers trinket to get stats on vit/toughness ((don’t care about Prec. as it has little to do with survivablity you should have 19k hp.))
For Elementalist the single greatest boost to survivability is being able to pull off more dodges. This means getting Vigor by way of the trait Arcana Vi Renewing Stamina which grants Vigor on critical hits.
Assuming that you know when to dodge, which OP obviously didn´t….
I’m not here to flame but you can counter it if you know how, I suggest rolling a Thief and trying out that 30/30/0/0/10 Spec and see what the weaknesses are.
I’m okay with nerfing the Backstab damage nowadays but in return i’d like some other stuff changed and buffed in our arsenal, that’s the least they can do.
I have vit on every gear piece as well and have almost 21K HP. I thought Thieves were the lowest HP pool. How do you have such low health if you have vit on all gear? Even without any dodging or stun breaks I could survive that Alpha with 21Khp and 2500 armor.
To DivineBeing.2086
Full glass cannon thief 2199 P 14,6kHP
Backstab DMG =(weapon damage 981)power 2199(skill coe. 2,405 on back attack)/enemy armor=518811,695/enemy armor
Bunker Elementalist has 2755 armor and 16k HP
Enemy armor 1500=3458,74 DMG
Enemy armor 2000=2594,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2200=2358,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2500=2075,22 DMG
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
Heh man YOU ARE GLASS CANNON AND UGLY LIAR !!!!!Or there is the possibility that he was greatly might stacked, nevertheless, OP was outplayed by coordinated players (If he is really bunker Ele), or is just lying about his build/equip.
First case is basiccaly 2 vs 1 (no character should survive this with 16K hp). SEcond case, troll. both cases OP´s fault. Nothing to discuss here….
Even a full 25 stacks of might added into that math above would not put the damage at 7k. The OP is GC specced and lying, I’m quite certain. Especially with the 16k HP despite claiming he has Vitality fully stacked in all slots.
Even a full 25 stacks of might added into that math above would not put the damage at 7k. The OP is GC specced and lying, I’m quite certain. Especially with the 16k HP despite claiming he has Vitality fully stacked in all slots.
Yes, the 16k HP are pretty obvious…. As I said, my backstab Thief has more HP than that….
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!
ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
You forgot :
- thief trait Deadly arts 25 = +10% damage on target with a condition. Thankfully, C&D puts a condition on the target already.
- thief trait Critical Strike 25 = 10% damage when above 6 initiative which isn’t have to pull if all you did is a single C&D
- major thief trait Trickery = +5% damage when attacking the back or flanks. Backstab kinda guarantees it’s on the back or flanks
- C&D puts vulnerability on the target, 3 stacks
Result? Assuming the traits add themselves up additively we get +25% from traits and +3% from vulnerability.
The damage becomes 6700.
You said to use Eagle runes but the Scholar runes are much better for backstab also. And then activating signet of assassin gives 5 stacks of might if traited (which it’s probably). He could also have used another signet for even more might. I don’t think 7700 damage is far fetched.
Those attacks took more than a second. Betting he really pulled what I call the Mad Hatter Rabbit Trick. Its something I call to the thief’s eye-popping-what-the-heck moment in WvW.
What i’m thinking here is like what stof.9341 stated the traits are possibly like that. As a thief myself I do get my chances of doing such attack. Same goes if I face a fellow thief it’s like a battle in the Wild West. The one who draws the fastest is the winner.
What I really think that contributed a lot to your quick death are either of the following:
- Nourishment that increases Power and/or Precision
- Might Stack ( may come from a sigil or buffed before he did the strike )
Though I maybe a thief, i just hope this does not discourage you. I faced a lot of elementalists in WvW and there are some who are to be reckoned with. Just keep playing and you’d get used to dealing with us thief players and you’d get us one way or the other. We’re not immortal.
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!
ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
Heh man YOU ARE GLASS CANNON AND UGLY LIAR !!!!!You forgot :
- thief trait Deadly arts 25 = +10% damage on target with a condition. Thankfully, C&D puts a condition on the target already.
- thief trait Critical Strike 25 = 10% damage when above 6 initiative which isn’t have to pull if all you did is a single C&D
- major thief trait Trickery = +5% damage when attacking the back or flanks. Backstab kinda guarantees it’s on the back or flanks
- C&D puts vulnerability on the target, 3 stacksResult? Assuming the traits add themselves up additively we get +25% from traits and +3% from vulnerability.
The damage becomes 6700.
You said to use Eagle runes but the Scholar runes are much better for backstab also. And then activating signet of assassin gives 5 stacks of might if traited (which it’s probably). He could also have used another signet for even more might. I don’t think 7700 damage is far fetched.
True my mistake
1883*1,30 pasive traits (10% dmg with poison and 10% when initiative is ower 6 and +5% dager damage,5% signet on weapon)=2447 DMG—>crit with 260% crit DMG is 6364 DMG, but this is an ideal situation =)
BTW Thief on this build has 10805 HP and zero surival + burst DMG only once per 45 sec =)
(edited by Evilek.5690)
Hi OP, I’m also an Ele. I don’t run full bunker, more or less just tanky. Anyways, we have plenty of tools to ruin a BS theif’s day: Mist form, cleansing fire, lightning flash all break stun which will get you out of the combo, shocking aura also completely disrupts this combo. These should give you plenty of breathing room and just a bit of time to turn the tables which is all you need. I realize by now you’re saying “But, but, 1 SEC!!!! How can I react?” All I can say is practice your reflexes and keep your finger on a stun break if you are approaching enemies.
Once you have distrupted, swap to water for a quick heal + chill them, then CC them yourself and you’ll watch them melt. If they are stupid enough to stick around, they will die. Smart(er) thieves will try to run and re-engage.
heh you got pwned but honestly the numbers show you obviously were not that great of a bunker build I run a backstab buffer thief, and have never thwacked any body but the lowest armored stuff for 7k remember 3k armor means about 30% reduction in damage and if CnD is still hitting for 4k damage omg expecially after a 33% damage nerf in the latest patch. Those numbers suggest either one you have crap armor meaning not right equipment maybe traited but not correct Items through out, or those are pre patch numbers.
Dear Mr. Thief,
The 33% reduction in CnD was for Pvp only, and not Pve. WvW is considered Pve for balance/patch purposes. Learn to read patch note????
Screenshot speaks for itself.
Sorry no, the screenshot doesn’t speak for itself. It’s a picture of you dead with some numbers, with only your word that you were built as a bunker el at the time (and from what you’ve provided, 16k HP isn’t much of a bunker build at all).
Elementalist = are known in ALL games to deal damage or be support.
Just because in game A elementalists are known as damage dealers doesn’t mean that elementalists in game B should be damage dealers as well.
And no, I should not have to run in a group in order to not die. I have no problems taking on 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, and even 1v4 at times. But yet this thief comes along and pretty much 1 shots me? I say one shot because 4 shots don’t even matter since it was less than a second which means I have NO time to respond.
So let me get this strait. You think it’s fine that you can 1v2 1v3 and even 1v4 people, but when someone 1v1s YOU, thats OP. And if you were on your own, you kind of deserve it. I don’t care what class/build you are playing. WvWvW is meant to be a group event. Anyone wandering around on their own deserves anything that happens to them. If you do need to travel on your own, ALWAYS make sure you have a finger on your escape/stun break ability. If you computer really is as powerful as you claim it to be, you should have no problem reacting to the first sign of damage you take (again, to the DAMAGE you take. Don’t wait to see the [insert class] before you react. Until they fix rendering, waiting to see something before reacting is just asking to be killed.).
Another useless thread, thieves gonna defend their proff til the end of the world, no use to post one-shottin backstabbers. Happened to me as well, not gonna post it cuz they will send me to hell-.- Anyway just to defend the OP a little since u guys dont know other classes, eles and guardians have the lowest base health of 10k, yes 10k! 16k health on an elementalist is pretty.
To DivineBeing.2086
Full glass cannon thief 2199 P 14,6kHP
Backstab DMG =(weapon damage 981)power 2199(skill coe. 2,405 on back attack)/enemy armor=518811,695/enemy armor
Bunker Elementalist has 2755 armor and 16k HP
Enemy armor 1500=3458,74 DMG
Enemy armor 2000=2594,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2200=2358,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2500=2075,22 DMG
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
Time to debunk some of these theories of me lying about my gear. So here is a nice video of my gear along with my awesome health pool.
Obviously, my build is NOT a glass cannon and there are no lies to be told here. It is a bunker build hence all my gear specing towards toughness, vitality, and healing. Also, take a close look at my utility skills. Cleansing Fire, Mist Form, and Lightning Flash. All three are stun breaks/condition removals/escapes. Bunker built.
Yes, I could put 30 points into Earth for +30 extra toughness along with changing my sockets into more vitality and toughness which is REQUIRED to counter this thief? Think before you speak. That shouldn’t be the case. An elementalist shouldn’t have to roll a SINGLE spec in order to kill one class. That is the definition of unbalanced.
And again, for this whole “you should react when you see you take damage or about it”. Culling issues = thief wasn’t even VISIBLE at the time! AND I didn’t even get the chance to react when your health goes from full to empty in less than a second! “You deserve to die if you stuck around.” READ THE POST! I was running around an enemy zerg to get to my zerg. I even RTL’d along with perma swiftness to run faster. There was no “sticking around”.
So this whole “should have obviously dodged”. Dodge what? Dodge randomly where nobody enemies are around? Who does that?
Also, my computer specs for those who think I am lying about that too /rollseyes.
(edited by Moderator)
Another useless thread, thieves gonna defend their proff til the end of the world, no use to post one-shottin backstabbers. Happened to me as well, not gonna post it cuz they will send me to hell-.- Anyway just to defend the OP a little since u guys dont know other classes, eles and guardians have the lowest base health of 10k, yes 10k! 16k health on an elementalist is pretty.
Warrior, Necromancer 18,372
Engineer, Ranger, Mesmer 15,082
Guardian, Thief, Elementalist 10,805
To DivineBeing.2086
Full glass cannon thief 2199 P 14,6kHP
Backstab DMG =(weapon damage 981)power 2199(skill coe. 2,405 on back attack)/enemy armor=518811,695/enemy armor
Bunker Elementalist has 2755 armor and 16k HP
Enemy armor 1500=3458,74 DMG
Enemy armor 2000=2594,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2200=2358,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2500=2075,22 DMG
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.
Heh man YOU ARE GLASS CANNON AND UGLY LIAR !!!!!Time to debunk some of these theories of me lying about my gear. So here is a nice video of my gear along with my awesome health pool.
Obviously, my build is NOT a glass cannon and there are no lies to be told here. It is a bunker build hence all my gear specing towards toughness, vitality, and healing. Also, take a close look at my utility skills. Cleansing Fire, Mist Form, and Lightning Flash. All three are stun breaks/condition removals/escapes. Bunker built.
Yes, I could put 30 points into Earth for +30 extra toughness along with changing my sockets into more vitality and toughness which is REQUIRED to counter this thief? Think before you speak. That shouldn’t be the case. An elementalist shouldn’t have to roll a SINGLE spec in order to kill one class. That is the definition of unbalanced.
And again, for this whole “you should react when you see you take damage or about it”. Culling issues = thief wasn’t even VISIBLE at the time! AND I didn’t even get the chance to react when your health goes from full to empty in less than a second! “You deserve to die if you stuck around.” READ THE POST! I was running around an enemy zerg to get to my zerg. I even RTL’d along with perma swiftness to run faster. There was no “sticking around”.
So this whole “should have obviously dodged”. Dodge what? Dodge randomly where nobody enemies are around? Who does that?
Also, my computer specs for those who think I am lying about that too /rollseyes.
As I wrote the post above
My bad I forgot attributed (5% dmg on weapon,20% dmg on pasive traits and +5% dmg on daggers trait)
On your armor is Backstab critikal DMG +- 7436 with full glass cannon build/gear but one per 45 sec =)
45 Seconds isn’t that long to be honest. As an elementalist that’s how long all of my utility skills CD are which I need at least one of those up when fighting in a zerg vs zerg fight (people tend to target ele’s which is understandable since I like getting in the middle of the combat and doing aoes than escaping).
What I purpose is a CD between the skills themselves. The thief shouldn’t have been able to face roll on the keyboard and dish out 16k+ damage in less than a second. I think it should be how an elemenatlist is with attunement swaps. He can’t swap attunements for a second or two after he just swapped. So add a 1 second or .5 second delay between those skills.
I could careless about the damage itself. It’s the fact it was dealt in less than a second giving no time to react. Full health to empty health in a blink of an eye is ridiculous.
I have killed plenty of thiefs but definitely watch out for them more than any other class.
Also, why do you think people complain about thiefs so much? I hear it a lot in map chat and guild chat. I never hear, “man that warrior was OP” or “oh great that stupid warrior again”. It’s always “theres that thief again!” You can’t just keep using the excuse “well they are noobs and don’t know how to counter thiefs.” If a huge majority of the people are complaining than there is obviously a problem.
I wish people said elementalist were OP. But as it stands, we have to cycle through 16+ key strokes to deal the damage that thief did to me in less than a second. But that’s what makes elementalist fun and a challenge
I play both ele and thief and i got to say out of all ele is just better period and u have verry low. health for such a build ive seen bunker eles having way more than ur 15k hp thats pretty low compared to 19k and 20k.
And now for the thief i admit i had my fun literally killing people in seconds they sit thier like a dumb rock honestly and dnt move till thier dead. Mug+steal basilisk vemom WIN and i would stack a little more vit if i was u on that ele. Just remember if u hear anything that sounds like slashing on u hit mist form ASAP> always and i use divinity runes meh i think thier just better for the extra stats.
OH and to say about bursting yes thief is burst burst burst ur goona have to deal with that mostly all thier traits boost the damage of daggers critical damage and critical chance from sides and hitting u from behind aswell. and damage period from side or behind aswell as when u get below 50% health i think i saw that correctly they get a pretty decent damage boost.
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
45 Seconds isn’t that long to be honest. As an elementalist that’s how long all of my utility skills CD are which I need at least one of those up when fighting in a zerg vs zerg fight (people tend to target ele’s which is understandable since I like getting in the middle of the combat and doing aoes than escaping
What I purpose is a CD between the skills themselves. The thief shouldn’t have been able to face roll on the keyboard and dish out 16k+ damage in less than a second. I think it should be how an elemenatlist is with attunement swaps. He can’t swap attunements for a second or two after he just swapped. So add a 1 second or .5 second delay between those skills.
I could careless about the damage itself. It’s the fact it was dealt in less than a second giving no time to react. Full health to empty health in a blink of an eye is ridiculous.
I have killed plenty of thiefs but definitely watch out for them more than any other class.
Also, why do you think people complain about thiefs so much? I hear it a lot in map chat and guild chat. I never hear, “man that warrior was OP” or “oh great that stupid warrior again”. It’s always “theres that thief again!” You can’t just keep using the excuse “well they are noobs and don’t know how to counter thiefs.” If a huge majority of the people are complaining than there is obviously a problem.
I wish people said elementalist were OP
. But as it stands, we have to cycle through 16+ key strokes to deal the damage that thief did to me in less than a second. But that’s what makes elementalist fun and a challenge
Man 16k+ damage in less than a second is imposible =) BS combo time with CaD+mug+ backstab approximately the 2 sec+,heart seeker 0,5sec not less than a second
Hi everyone,
Please feel free to join the thief feedback thread we have created and give us your opinion on what could be improved. As always, we ask you to be friendly and constructive.
Thanks for your understanding
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