Flanking strike needs nerfs.

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Sorry piece of kitten moderators but this isn’t an off topic post.

No, just a worthless one. check patch notes, fs/ls was already nerfed. /thread

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


Sorry piece of kitten moderators but this isn’t an off topic post.

i am also agreeing with the OP, thief needs more nerfs !

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: Rahar.9872


In my opinion, the skill damage and dodging is fine, you just have to learn the timing. It doesn’t make Thieves completely immune to everything, there’s plenty of time to strike back.

The problem with the skill, to me, is the unblockable skill fact and the amount of boon removal. Maybe get rid of one boon removed so if you want to counter boon professions, you have to spec for it, not just equip this set. Also, Larcenous strike, the second part of the chain, should be the one that is blockable. It’s the hardest hitting skill on the entire set, and shouldn’t have a guarantee to land most of the time. Flanking strike (the first part of the chain) should be the one that is unblockable. Of course, that’s just what I think. You’re free to think otherwise.

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: Iavra.8510


I’d be okay if you have to actually land Flanking Strike to be able to use Larcenous Strike.

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


In my opinion, the skill damage and dodging is fine, you just have to learn the timing. It doesn’t make Thieves completely immune to everything, there’s plenty of time to strike back.

The problem with the skill, to me, is the unblockable skill fact and the amount of boon removal. Maybe get rid of one boon removed so if you want to counter boon professions, you have to spec for it, not just equip this set. Also, Larcenous strike, the second part of the chain, should be the one that is blockable. It’s the hardest hitting skill on the entire set, and shouldn’t have a guarantee to land most of the time. Flanking strike (the first part of the chain) should be the one that is unblockable. Of course, that’s just what I think. You’re free to think otherwise.

LS was designed to give thieves a way counter to boon bunkers that wasn’t just based on “MOAR DAMAGE!”. This way Thieves could still be “Powerful” without 2 shotting anyone who wasn’t a bunker.

If LS didn’t penetrate block, S/D would be less effective at countering bunkers than GC D/P. While LS does hit hard, it’s literally one of two abilities in S/D that hits hard – the other being the end of the AA chain. Most S/D thieves won’t see Crippling Strike being used for a couple of reasons
- To do any damage at all in S/D, you end up with GC armor (note, you won’t have GC power, just GC Armor).
- You need to dodge/SR out of almost all the tacks aimed at you, thanks to point 1.
- You don’t have any long lasting CC.

So, you’re relying on Slice, FS, and LS to do 75%+ of your damage.

Also, it steals 2 boons because prior to the patch, FS used to purge 1 boon – bunkers typically ate the FS Swing (with was unblockable, and purged the boon), and dodged/Interrupted the LS swing (when the skill was 1 activation for both attacks), because FS did crap damage, and losing 1 boon didn’t matter as much as not taking the damage from LS.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

(edited by evilapprentice.6379)

Flanking strike needs nerfs.

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659



Agreed, I was saying this to my guild too when I tested out FS spam build. The unblockable part shouldn’t be connected with the boon steal imo. There is no use to avoid using FS when the enemy is blocking because FS will change to LS anyway and be able to steal 2 boons while dealing damage.

There is (again, my opinion) not much tactic in playing FS spam, at least not in positioning. I’ve even seen thieves use FS as a gapcloser instead of infiltrator’s strike … no idea why one would do that.

No offence to those who like using FS/LS. I don’t mind fighting against you guys and it’s mostly an even match as long as i’m facing someone who knows how to play a thief, but those are just the things that made myself go away from this setup. I only equip S/D (while using D/P) for the cloak and dagger on occasions that I need to chain stealth

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

(edited by Gwalchgwn.1659)