Everything Purple
Fleet Shadow Bug
Everything Purple
What bug are you talking about? I’m catching up to all professions in stealth, even a player with speed buff isn’t going to run away from me with that trait.
you can’t move above 133% of out of combat run speed no matter what, so the full benefit of the trait only happens in combat, since run speed is lowered in combat.
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir
Dear Professor Sensei,
All profession have slower movement speed during combat and the speed buffs are capped at swiftness speed (+33% of out of combat movement speed). Please see:
Fleet Shadow trait allows the thief to move 1.5*210 u/s = 315 u/s, which is slightly faster then the out of combat normal speed (300 u/s), but slower than the out of combat swiftness speed (400 u/s). It is still clearly better than combat speed with swiftness 1.33*210 u/s = 279 u/s. In order words you can out run other professions who are in combat and using swiftness. It is also clearly better than signet of shadows, which gives you 1.25*210 u/s = 262.5 u/s in combat.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)