For those who want to keep traveler's runes

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Pain.3480

Lord Pain.3480

So for those of you who use d/p or d/d 0/6/6/2/0 with valk armor/zerk trinks and traveler runes, this is for you. All i did was, switched from d/p to d/d, took the 2 from vita and put the 2 in power, added mug, took out blinding powder and put in assassin’s signet. Also sigils of fire and air work together now so if u put air and fire on the same weapon set, you get about a 1-2k dmg boost every 5 secs, 50% of the time you crit, which ends up being a lot. The backstabs went from 4-6k to 5-9k while keeping survivability from shadows rejuvenation, shadows embrace, and you keep up some of the blinds from d/p with cloaked in shadow. To add to that, I am only using 2 ascended trinks and the rest is exotic so the damag can be increased. Let me know what you guys think!


Vale X

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


Have you tried dps switching mug for flanking strike? That 5% damage boost for bs might be nice.
I’m still looking for a non might stacking d/d build

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Pain.3480

Lord Pain.3480

@johnpoc.8732 nah. i would lose power and 5% is only 300-600 on backstabs. Mug does about 1.2-1.4k, heals, and holds 100 power to its name. Mug works better. Also mug works well with the main d/d combo with venom because mug causes damage which uses the venom.

Vale X

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: roamzero.9486


If you are running d/p shadow arts, the solution is really simple. Switch your heal to withdraw and start running with centaur runes. The old 2/6/6 or 0/6/6/2 work.

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Lygon.4896


What about those that were running 10 (or 2) in deadly arts prepatch? Where we gonna get extra damage now. Point of traveler runes were to have an extra utility slot, now if u put another passive signet back in then you might as well just swap to strength runes or something for more bonuses.

Alas my traveler set must remain in storage for now

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Pain.3480

Lord Pain.3480

@Lygon the strength might gaining set hits the same as this build but costs 10x less (if u already have traveler’s). If you give yourself 10 stacks of might and 25 bloodlust, you will be equivalent to this with less armor, health, and crit dmg. So yea.. this patch hit hard and my build works for me, but I hear that the might stacking build works well and full glass works well if you’re careful but is very susceptible to condi’s/high burst players.

Vale X

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Interesting. I’m gonna test this out later. But I do share the same thoughts as Lygon has, that having travelers was ment to free up a utility slot, and not having an passive signet in the build. And it’s a good alternative for those who doesnt want to invest in the strength runes for might stacking, as it can be expensive for some

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


This is pretty much Yishis’ exact build, except for 10 in DA instead of Acro. I know he had a lot of success with this before 4/15 and I played it to a good extent as well, but I’m not sure how well it fares now with the critical damage nerf in WvW.

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Pain.3480

Lord Pain.3480

@mompen.7952 Well with the might stacking build you’ll need to take out 2 skills, only 1 if you want to be as slow as a turtle. With the might stacking build you need infiltrator’s signet for sure and if you want to be fast you’re going to need the one that gives you movement speed (i believe it’s signet of shadows). With this, you are saving money, time, and possibly a utility. Either way, you’re losing a utility unless you like to be slow. Also @Dahkeus.8243 this is basically the Yishis build post patch. It does about the same to a little more than what his did.

Vale X

For those who want to keep traveler's runes

in Thief

Posted by: Boom.6148


Very similar to what I’ve been running for a few months.

I never use SB though.
S/D with accuracy & fire sigils.
D/P with battle & accuracy sigils.

Lots of stealth, blindness, gap closing, and still getting decent damage.

I guess i’m a cheese thief but it’s fun to play.

Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay