[Game] Shortbow hop knowledge test!

[Game] Shortbow hop knowledge test!

in Thief

Posted by: Midi.8359


Hey folks! I found this cool vid on Youtube that lists many, if not all of the thief’s shortbow hop locations. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCKHBldKO44.

So, the video is about 10 minutes long. I thought it’d be fun if we played a little game to test the knowledge of the thief forum populace. Watch the video above with something like notepad open. Then, type an ‘x’ every time you see a shortbow hop you didn’t know you could do, or didn’t believe you could do. At the end of the video, tally up your x’s and post your results here!


  • You are your own judge. No cheating!
  • If you see a hop that makes you realize another hop is possible, and then see that other hop later on in the vid. Only mark one ‘x’ against you (So no need to count back and forth or left side/right side as two marks).
  • If you see a hop that you haven’t done before, but realize that you could’ve done it. Don’t mark an ‘x’ for it (So only count the ones you didn’t know were possible).
  • The lower your score the better.
  • Extra: If you want to, you can share which jumps you didn’t know. Or jumps that you do know that aren’t in the vid!

I scored an 8. Half of the jumps I didn’t know were from Battle of Kyhlo, which was pretty surprising since I considered that my best map >_>. I didn’t know any of the clocktower room to ceiling jumps. Most surprising jumps for me were the two that went from the courtyard below the keep in Forest of Niflhel to the keep itself in one hop, and the one that went from the hallway underneath the clocktower to the clocktower room in one leap. Also typing this one out so I don’t forget about it later: TSS, hop from Gate floor to the Ferocity buff platform (Range surprised me on that one).

Note: Vid is from the Denied Guild Wars channel, and it appears to be made by the EU guild [YuM]. Props to them for making such a nice video!

(edited by Midi.8359)