Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Crawford.4135


ArenaNET wants us all using Dual Dagger specs ONLY, and you can bet Dagger Storm is next on their list of nerfs.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Glad to see you didn’t just pull this out of your kitten and have a whole list of reasons to believe this with evidence to back it up. Good job.

all is vain

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Pistol Whip nerf was needed. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional. It’s insanely powerful for what it does. Even now, it’s still strong.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


@Crawford What’s Dagger Storm got to do with weaponset choice?

@Krathalos Pistol Whip nerf was not needed. Quickness nerf was needed, but was not included. Pistol whip with quickness will still be OP after the nerf. Pistol whip without quickness was fairly useless even before the nerf.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Yeti.5267


What Bwillb said. Quickness needs to be removed in this game indefinitely.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


What Bwillb said. Quickness needs to be removed in this game indefinitely.

Nah not removed, just cut in effectiveness drastically. Down to 50% at first, maybe even 33% if 50 is still too OP. Then also classify it as a boon so it can be ripped, and increase the duration a bit, maybe even toss it around onto a few more skills and traits. Make it more like the IAS boosts of GW1.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Pistol Whip nerf was needed. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional. It’s insanely powerful for what it does. Even now, it’s still strong.

So roll the missing damage into headshot or something, just taking 15% damage off the entire spec because that is literally the only damaging skill the spec has is too heavy handed.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


The nerf needed was Quickness. However… Pistol Whip with with Immobilize was still pretty overpowered.

Infiltrator’s Strike was an Immobilize and any condition removal you try to use would be interrupted by the following Stun from PistolWhip. So any stun breakers you used to get out of the original burst they started with would be on cooldown.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Quickness better not be changed at all unless they are going to remove the downed state completely from PvP. It’s already bad enough trying to finish people when you are outnumbered. Without quickness it’s impossible (assuming you are fighting people competent enough to revive each other).

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Blacksarevok.8104


Quickness better not be changed at all unless they are going to remove the downed state completely from PvP. It’s already bad enough trying to finish people when you are outnumbered. Without quickness it’s impossible (assuming you are fighting people competent enough to revive each other).

Honestly I’d be all for removing downed state completely.

It’s just a gimmick so arenanet can say they have an interesting (cough) mechanic

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Quinci.5968


Completely agree with all of these posts. Quickness is the problem, not Pistol Whip.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


A smart player would ignore the immobilise and use a stun breaker on the incoming pistol whip. Unfortunately there are too many players that would rather complain about things than learn how to adapt to them.

I’m furious with this change because it is a flat-out knee jerk reaction to QQ with zero compensation by spreading damage across other abilities. I expected ANet to be better than this.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Mandra Madador.1709

Mandra Madador.1709

@Crawford What’s Dagger Storm got to do with weaponset choice?

@Krathalos Pistol Whip nerf was not needed. Quickness nerf was needed, but was not included. Pistol whip with quickness will still be OP after the nerf. Pistol whip without quickness was fairly useless even before the nerf.

Look at the big picture, Other classes use Quickness as well…
Maybe they also look at everyone playing not just the ones who complain without any logical feedback.

Maybe there are players out there that are really good in a pro scenario, so they look at them.

Maybe you’re not the standard, maybe you’re not the person who sets the bar high enough to be complaining.

ever see things from different perspectives?
or do you just care about your selves?

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Other classes use Quickness as well

Yes, and it gives them OP burst as well. I’m not really sure what you’re trying to get at with this little rant. Quickness should be a nice little boost, but it is currently a major difference between being dead in the water and being ridiculously OP.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Pistol Whip nerf was needed. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional. It’s insanely powerful for what it does. Even now, it’s still strong.

Really? Please explain how it was insanely powerful, taking into account a Thief’s health pool, Armor value and the animation lock that could be easily avoided. Enlighten us

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Krathlos pistol whip now does less damage than the autoattack chain, critical damage magnifies the nerf.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973


I always believed the sword skills to be garbage in thief, and I stand by that…pre and post nerf.

Thieves lack weapon skills. This is a fact, and a serious issue that limits thieves to playing only about 3 specific builds.

Get ready for "Dagger Storm" nerf folks

in Thief

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


I don’t see an imminent dagger storm nerf, if anything the retaliation on it will be cut down, but it is not OP IMO. Too easy to counter and the damage isn’t that great (unless you haste with it, and haste needs a big nerf across the board).