Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Raitoken.6792


Alright, so this may be a bit of a rant but bear with me.

Am I the only one that feels Thief is lacking when compared to the other classes? I feel no matter what build I use I’ll always be behind someone using another build out there. Now this is not a case of me being undergeared as I have a full exotic knights set, emerald/beryl jewelry, and have 2900 power 2600 armor and 45% crit.

I’ve tried every combination of weapons and still haven’t found something that works really well(shortbow is about the only thing but still). Some of you may disagree but I ask you if you’ve fought some GOOD players with your build and won? I’m on Dragonbrand which is fighting some of the top tier servers and every other player I run into seems to roll me(i don’t count anyone sub 80 as I kill them easily but they don’t count).

I guess more or less I’m just a bit discouraged with the class and am wondering if anyone out there is actually doing really good with a particular build against GOOD players and not ones that will stand in a full pistol whip.

Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Are you referring to sPvP or WvW? as these are totally different animals………

In sPvP you have to kill quickly or risk the rest of their team showing up at the control point, where in WvW you can easily duke it out for a couple of minutes with someone undisturbed


Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Try a slower condition based thief. It plays more into our strengths such as stealth and mobility. Whats the point of those things if you have to stand next to the person you want to kill and waist 2+ utility slots just to have huge dmg.

I run a P/D condition build with lots of stealth and dodging/acro. In WvW I only even have a challenging 1 on 1 fight with GOOD Engineers and that’s if I fight them on their terms instead of sort of stalemate away from all their crap they throw down. I also can have good fights with skilled necros as they can mess with condition builds. I’ve had one really long 5min+ 1 on 1 with a Mesmer that I barely won because he tricked me on the downwed state and was able to rez. He also “acted like a clone” movement wise which I haven’t seen many Mesmers do.

I really just think the thief shines when being able to do damage while being very mobile and in stealth a hell of a lot. I still die but that’s because I routinely pick fights 1v3 and more because we really are that powerful when we combine condition dmg with our mobility/stealth.

Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Raitoken.6792


Specifically WvWvW. Should have clarified in my post.

Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Raitoken.6792


Try a slower condition based thief. It plays more into our strengths such as stealth and mobility. Whats the point of those things if you have to stand next to the person you want to kill and waist 2+ utility slots just to have huge dmg.

I run a P/D condition build with lots of stealth and dodging/acro. In WvW I only even have a challenging 1 on 1 fight with GOOD Engineers and that’s if I fight them on their terms instead of sort of stalemate away from all their crap they throw down. I also can have good fights with skilled necros as they can mess with condition builds. I’ve had one really long 5min+ 1 on 1 with a Mesmer that I barely won because he tricked me on the downwed state and was able to rez. He also “acted like a clone” movement wise which I haven’t seen many Mesmers do.

I really just think the thief shines when being able to do damage while being very mobile and in stealth a hell of a lot. I still die but that’s because I routinely pick fights 1v3 and more because we really are that powerful when we combine condition dmg with our mobility/stealth.

I actually have just build a carrion set and have been trying to use it too good effect but either I’m playing it wrong or I’m getting out played.

A few examples would be me fighting a shortbow ranger who stays at range the whole time. I can’t get close to him to CnD as I roll to him he rolls away on top of he rolls mid way through the CnD cast meaning I wasted 6 initiative while he shoots me from a decent distance with his shortbow spam. I have on occasion CnD his pet but in the end his damage just outparses mine and I’m left dead and he is not even half health. Similarly other classes that are ranged are learning that staying at max range is to their benefit and making it hard to get successful hits with CnD.

Getting discouraged with my Thief, any suggestions?

in Thief

Posted by: Akuma.7098


I ran pure berserker backstab build in WvWvW.

Thing is, I could down 99% of any player even in zerg mass. The 1% was occasional guardian bunker type.

Problem is, you are so squishy that sometimes you cant even finish player you just downed.

Then there are those that randomly or skillfully use dodge when you steal to them, which completely negates your burst and you have to get to kitten off asap. In situation when there are 2 of them, you can down 1, but the other will kill you if he is semicompetent. Oh, and any thief that survives your burst one way or other, will completely kitten you for good, and if he gets jump on you you are goner.

In zerg versus zerg your range with SB puts you in front, and believe me, thats not where you wanna be. Sometimes I get killed so fast I dont even know what hit me.

If there was no downed state in WvWvW I would be OK with this build, but thnx to downed state your every 45s burst is often made useless.

It is high risk high reward build that shines in 1v1 or small group engagements, where you have some backup, + Cluster bomb is grest for sieges and you will do ton of dmg with it. Never forget though, you are like glass, and many times you will break before you even get a chance to react.