Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)
I suppose I should say that if I find my build to be succesful, I will share it with you all if you’d like to see it/try it. But yea, thoughts? 5v1 outnumbered wvw roaming
both vidoes of hybrid thief I also had a vidoes of a different hybrid sp/pd which I am currently using
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
(edited by vincecontix.1264)
I do have a theorycrafted build, but I still need to test it, but if you are curious about what I have so far and why, ask about it here and I will gladly respond. Till then build guide in progress (assuming I deem it “viable”)
Awesome, I will defintely check those vids out. And s/p p/d is the set I plan on using! Ty for your response
Seriously though, if I find this build to be "viable in whatever I want to use it for, I will share it, ONLY if you guys care to see it. So if you guys are even remotely curious of my findings, please say so here and now, so I know if its even worth me making a build guide for it later. Thanks guys and good luck out there.
Ok everyone. After a full day of testing the build I can confidently say it is viable. By viable, I mean it did exactly what I wanted it to do (hybrid dmg) Is it the most effective damage build? In my opinion yes. According to the pve meta, no. However this build does great damage to pve mobs and to players. Also I ran cof no prob with it. So if you all are interested in how I personally make this build/playstyle viable, than ask. Otherwise thanks for tagging along and gl and hf out there
I’d be quite interested in this. Been looking to try out some different builds.
Fitheall – Warrior
IMO, in PvE even if you are just running around naked, it’s viable. You don’t believe me? Just attend one of the open world boss fights — you won’t hear anyone complaining about someone running around naked during the fight.
Anyway, if it is based on Glass Cannon, I might have already seen it since even from beta, everyone was running GC build until nerf bat starts swinging and broke all the glasses.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Ah! Ty for understanding me. Yes, I agree with you on our view of what viable means to us. In that respect, I hope you can see the logic behind my traits as a dps build in pve. Ty so much for sharing your information with me and our community.
Oh, I came on this forum SPECIFICIALLY to find a build like this
I just made my pure PvE thief and I just want her to do tons of damage and disappear. I’m looking more for a weapon combination since I am only lvl 8 so any advice on that front would be great
Ah ok. Well any weapon set can do damage. That being said. Use whatever weapons you are the most comfortable with, and can use effectively to do the “type” of dps you want to do. I hope that makes sense to you and answered your question.
Can you list all the weapons thief can use?
I’ll just play around with different combinations and see what I like
sure thing! a thief can use swords, pistols, daggers, and the shortbow. i think that is all of the weapons a thief can use. i may have left something out and hopefully i will be corrected if i did.
Hybrid build ( in my thief dictionary that would mean mixing physical and condition damage ) would not be as effective as builds that chose either conditions either physical damage. Oh and after so many ppl approving that they want to see your build you still haven’t posted it.
4 5v1 outnumbered wvw roaming
Hybrid thief game from couple months ago it is most definitly viable
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
4 5v1 outnumbered wvw roaming
Hybrid thief game from couple months ago it is most definitly viable
Your p/d build its simply not as effective as full condition p/d would be. Full zerker p/d and full carion or even dire( i doubt there is much damage loss when losing power, your main damage source is still conditions) have about the same dps, while going closer and closer to berserker all you do is lose survivability.
You can make a decent hydrid dps with celestial trinkets and rampager armor with divinity runes.
Dagger/Dagger for lots of death blossom spam and auto attacks, shortbow for nice ranged and AE direct damage plus bleeds/poison.
You end up with like 3k attack, 60% crit, 1000 condition damage, 14k HP, 65% crit damage.
It is very fun to play, but Im not sure how the dps actually compares to standard zerker.,
Wow everyone. Thank you all for sharing everything you all know in this forum. That is beautiful for me to see. Thanks for using this forum to do that.
ok everyone i can still make a guide for thief and i intend to do so as i promised. it will be a video on youtube, but my channel has just received its first video, so i extend an open invitation for you all to watch it. IT is not what i promised however that WILL come later. I Promise it will be made. This promise i will keep. ty all i hope you all enjoy the video. (its called Bunker Mesmer by Freelance. Only watch it if you want to, i cant make any of you watch it, nor would i try to.)
So umm I made this forum to share what I know not to imply my way is law. So, for informational purposes you all can ask anyone in here about the topic of this forum. If you want MY view on the topic im working on making a vid for that. Thank you all for making this forum effective at my original goal for me. (ty for doing my job for me xD )