Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: theoretical.9862


I’m currently level 69 and I’m about to mess with my Grandmaster traits. I’m currently using S/P and SB since I find that it gives me better survivability through blinds along with AoE, and I prefer not switching to a new weapon set. Even with the blind, I feel like I die too often. I don’t use stealth unless I heal or use Shadow Refuge, and none of my current traits offer vitality or toughness, nor do my armor. I thought about using PVT armor, but I want to have a lot of crits so if I get a weapon that procs weakness or quickness upon criticals, I can use it often.

So…who’s got a good build for me?

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


Sword/Pistol seems like it is revolved around control.
i have been trying this spec and it works good so far. Dont kill as quick but lots of more survial. If you can find a way to get a lot of crits good luck my friend but i think you will end up going tuff and vit route or power and precision.

What i like most about this is the blind and interupts and having stealth with vigor and regeneration when i heal my self. i can heal my self for near full. Along with an extra second of stealth just adds up.

As i do admit i did stay away from every build that did not have crit in it because i felt the thief needed it.

Sorry for going on bit i just think you will need to go one route or the other just for the fact that a jack of all trades so to say may not be the best. Become a master at something

(edited by Solrac.5264)

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: Lofat.2406


S/P is great for leveling. Add haste to the mix and you can get in 2 fast pistol whips in a row. I used S/P for most of my world completion. My favorite thing to do was trigger haste, precast pistol whip, and steal. It’s like a jacked up instant pistol whip from a distance. Fun times!

P Sutton – 80 Warrior
Ferg Crossing

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: evanovix.9718


I switched to S/P about two months ago and have never looked back =)

Lots of damage both single target and AoE, self healing and init.regen. (I use Descent of Shadows because I do alot of Jumping Puzzles, Power of Inertia would give u abit more damage though if u do not drain all ur energy with haste first that is)

I too used Shadow Refuge quite alot (especially back when I had daggers) and also the first weeks with S/P. Now I use the haste skill (4s) instead. Would also recommend Ambush for extra dps and/or decoy (as well as Thieves Guild as the elite choice ofc)

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: Husanak.3769

My build is very similer to Evanovix…
I use 3 signets and I keep them active giving me might… I run runes to boost my might duration 50%… I also have might on dodge.
I also have a ton of initiative returns… so I am almost always getting that +10% from Crit Strikes tree.

I like to shadow step in… then roll back twice… and then use my Signet step… this gives me a quick bunch of might… the endurance comes back fast enough in most cases but if needed… Agility will refill it instant like and give me even more might.

With all the control options I have never had any issues in pve with it. Combine that with pretty much perma endurance in this build… as long as you are rolling all over the place and shadowsteping aorund your golden… you should be able to keep a nice stack of might going for larger fights. One of my favorite builds and classes to play, play style wise… most pve mobs don’t even get a hit on me.

(edited by Husanak.3769)