Guide to Thief Guides;TYAqcM5ICymjLHZOA
Reverting to this one at the moment with divinity runes on. If a group comp needs me to be more dps I switch runes to the Might ones and switch the trait to might instead of vigour.
Also been using withdraw 75percent of the time unless I feel i need to switch to HS.
Time to start keeping this thread bumped up. /yawn
I still find it funny how the mods haven’t stickied this yet, but there’s no use in whining about it, I suppose.
Still need to work on those edits, too.
I’ve got one to add..
Found this build to be decent all around build for PvE and PvP..
i originally used 10/30/10/20 to get used to the dagger pistol weapon set.. I was attached to the dagger dagger set.. So i had to change slowly.. opting for a more aggressive trait set..
Once i was a little more comfortable i opted for more a defensive trait set above.. i found i rarely use mug with D/P.. so i took it off.. i lost burst but, bursting with D/P is a little hard to pull of sometimes anyway. Instead i opted for a build that will let me stil on a target and apply pressure.. This build can escape too with Blind powder HS then shadowstep away you can get the distance rather quickly.
(edited by iNaddict.8021)
Got a request for a build today, decided it would be good for all the newbies for me to bump this up again.
This build is very fun, i am tikiitaka of OdS. I am of Bahia de Baruch and this video is one build of damage 10 30 30 0 0 and very fun. i have created this video in one morning very run but is fun. Sorry for my english.
Can they please nerf thieves? This is getting out of hand.
Can they please nerf thieves? This is getting out of hand.
Wait wot.
Can they please nerf thieves? This is getting out of hand.
Wait wot.
Sarcasm wot.
Can they please nerf thieves? This is getting out of hand.
Wait wot.
Sarcasm wot.
/sigh of relief
Arga I replied to a statement you made (on another thread) on the thread Time to Adapt since some changes are definitely coming with this patch.
anybody got a good bleeding build for wvw?
this thread is awesome
If you can handle it, it’s the best pve build for dungeons imo. Easy to keep the passive from scholar runes as well. This was made after the most recent changes to thief class so it’s pretty up to date as well.
Runes: Strength.
I really like the fact that might lasts longer, it is easier to stack and also you get 5percent damage up each time you have got might. So in combination with the other sigil you apply on you weapon (5percent damage) you have got always 10percent damage on your offhand.
The sixth bonus is bugged.
Bump… Just posted a new build if anyone wants.
Damage / Survivability Build –
Bump… Just posted a new build if anyone wants.
Damage / Survivability Build –
Editing now.
Also, I’m gonna start separating the guide into three sections, with heavy damage on top, mid-damage, and then low damage on the bottom.
Arga you can add these two S/D builds and erase all my other “builds” for D/P since I might be able to make one good D/P build for TPvP in the future.
My build for TPvP.
Might-Stacking S/D.
My official TPVP Build
Non-might-sticking S/D.
Woooooo, was looking for this again! Bumpbump
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People
Can someone link me the popular S/D withdraw boon thief build I keep seeing in spvp lately? Thanks)
Thanks for the tips. I just started playing not too long ago and this guide has been awesome in helping me figure some things out. I’m definitely liking madnek’s d/d condition build as it suites my playstyle well. Just thought i’d drop in and say thanks ya’ll.
I’m sorry it took so long to get this stickied. This is a great resource, thanks everyone for keeping it as up-to-date as possible!
If you come across threads you feel are a great asset to the community and think they should be stickied, drop us an email at
Here is a nice, balanced build I made
I’m sorry it took so long to get this stickied. This is a great resource, thanks everyone for keeping it as up-to-date as possible!
If you come across threads you feel are a great asset to the community and think they should be stickied, drop us an email at
I know I haven’t been keeping this up-to-date very well as of late, but once I get back from my vacation I’ll make sure to edit it.
Thanks again.
I’m sorry it took so long to get this stickied. This is a great resource, thanks everyone for keeping it as up-to-date as possible!
If you come across threads you feel are a great asset to the community and think they should be stickied, drop us an email at
It’s okay. We realize you are most likely the first red tag to visit the thief forum in months. It’s hard to get things looked at when there’s no one around to see. This isn’t a bash. Most of the reds have vanished everywhere. They’re probably all busy working on new temp content.
do any of the dev team people actually main a thief? Im guessing no…but would love a real answer out of honest curiosity. if so …name?
I can finally crit over 10k!!
Hi guys!
I made a video of my build here where I walk through everything about the build!
But I will also write it down:
The purpose with this build is to sustain high damage while you still contribute with boons to your party! You also got a lot of different slots to swap out, just to fit your playstyle better, and I will go through a couple of them!
Berserker gear
Valkyrie sword and short bow
Berserker pistols and daggers
Soldiers accessories
Berserker amulet and rings
Sword: sigil of force
Short bow: sigil of bloodlust
Pistol: 1x sigil of bloodlust, 1x sigil of force
Dagger: 1x sigil of bloodlust, 1x sigil of force
Mainly using Sword/Pistol and Short bow!
2219 power
3219 attack
1912 precision
51% crit chance
81% critical damage (get increased if you choose sigil of perception instead of bloodlust)
Utility skills/Elite skill
Hide in shadows
Shadow refudge (or switch to “haste”)
Assassin’s signet
Signet of agility
Thieves guild
Traits: 10/30/0/0/30
Deadly arts:
III (mug, do dmg when stealing)
Critical strikes:
I (furious retaliation, gain fury when the target is on 50% health),
III, (side strike, gives you 7% more chance to crit if you are behind the target)
XII, (execusioner, deal 20% more dmg when target is under 50%)
V (thrill of the crime, gain fury, might and swiftness when stealing),
IV(flanking strike, do 5% dmg when hitting from the side or behind),
VII (bountiful theft, give vigor to allies when stealing)
The main ability for this build is “Stealth” because you got 3 trait slots with stealth-required attributes! In deadly art you get “mug” which damage the target that you use steal on. In Trickery you got “Thrill of the crime” and “Bountyful theft”. “Thrill of the crime” gives you and all nearby allies fury, might and swiftness for 10 seconds and “Bountyful theft” gives you 10 seconds of vigor. The CD on stealth is 27 seconds, so after the boons disappear you only got 17 seconds left until you can use it again and regain all the boons!
Alternativ trait slots:
Instead of “Mug”[I] and 10 points in deadly art for 10 points in shadow arts and pick “Slowed pulse”[II] which will give you regeneration if you get 2 or more stacks of bleed.
Instead of “Side strike”[III] you can take “Practiced tolerance”[VI], 5% of the precision is converted to vitality.
Instead of “Execusioner”[XI] you can take “Hidden killer”[XII], which will give you a 100% chance to crit while in stealth (a tip is to use dagger then, so you can get “ambush”)
Instead of “flanking strikes”[IV] you can take “Merciful ambush” [I], which stealth you and an ally when ressing another ally. Or “Initial strike” [IX] which gives you a 7% chance to regain 1 initiativ per attack you do (you can only use skills 1-3).
Alternatively (if you think that you die too fast) you could also swap 10 points in Deadly art and 10 points in trickery (remove “flanking strikes”) and put 20 points in Shadow arts and take “Slowed pulse”[II] and “Shadow embrace”[IV], which remove 1 condition every 3 seconds while in stealth. You could also switch to “Leeching venoms”[IX], but only if you play with daggers or use the short bow, because you need to deal poison to get healed!!
Always start with stealth, this will give you much more advantage!
As soon as you used it you press “Pistol whip” 3(sword) and if there’s a normal mob, you don’t need to do much more… Because it’s dead..
If you encounter bosses or veteran mobs you start with the same tactic, but you could also put up your thieves guild before you use stealth.
After you’ve used Pistol whip you dodge back and use “Infiltrator’s strike”2 (sword) just to have a plan B if you get low on health.
After that you encounter the mob again and start off with “Blackpowder” 5(pistol off-hand) then you go with Pistol whip again (blinds them)!
Dodge and then Pistol whip again.
Then just repeat! Stealth should be ready by this time! If not, use Pistol whip once again!
I don’t understand why there are two threads for the same basic idea….isn’t post your build thread the same as guide to thief guides…..they are both class guide threads….
Rather then spam…here is a link to my post on other side
Hey guys,
I’m updating this guide so that, rather than endlessly shoot off tons of different builds, it better represents legitimate builds that are actually half-decent for play, or, at least, are interpreted that way. Therefore, if you know of any builds that are very popular in the meta right now, if you could post them, that’d be great, thanks.
hi guys
newborn thief here.. and i think this build interest me xD, could u guys give some opinion about it? mainly for PvE and WvW
- Mug
- Infusion of Shadow , Cloaked in Shadow, Hidden Thief
- Thrill of Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
with d/d and sb weapon..
I re-recorded my build guide for d/d w/sb for wvw
better audio
better action
less mistakes
Please check it out and rate…
love it! but is it posible to put all builds in your first post? and have some categories? ^^ PvE, PvP, WvW? would be great.
love it! but is it posible to put all builds in your first post? and have some categories? ^^ PvE, PvP, WvW? would be great.
Yeah, I know. It’s a slow process right now. Mostly consisting of me having to find which builds still work and which don’t.
I used to have a ton of builds here. I’m gonna have to cut down on them and really select the best/most popular builds.
BTW, can anybody link me Yishi’s build? I don’t WvW any more, but I hear he’s a pretty famous WvW thief…
EDIT: alright guys, I’m scrapping virtually every build here and starting anew. Gotta keep up with the meta here.
hi guys
newborn thief here.. and i think this build interest me xD, could u guys give some opinion about it? mainly for PvE and WvW
- Mug
- Infusion of Shadow , Cloaked in Shadow, Hidden Thief
- Thrill of Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Handwith d/d and sb weapon..
Sorry it’s taken me a while to respond to this. As it turns out, I’m not much of a WvW thief myself, so I can’t give you much advice. However, from my limited degree of experience with the game mode, I have to say that I don’t particularly like this build. For one thing, its traits seem to focus around a 1v1 skirmisher, stealth-reliant playstyle. On the other hand, its gear would make it seem that the build relies on Leaping Death Blossom. Two very distinct goals, both of which are, if nothing else, decent. However, this build tries to hit two birds with one stone, and, in doing so, misses both of them; the build is very weak due to its lack of focus on a single aspect of play. It simply doesn’t mesh together very well with itself.
So, no, I don’t think that this is a particularly good build. Sorry.
Hey i have written 2 guides for the thief community. the first is a sword/pistol t/spvp build and the second is a d/p sustained stealth backstab build for wvw. Please check them out, and add them to the list if you approve.
Sword/Pistol T/SPVP:
Dagger/Pistol WvW:
Dragonbrand |Twitch:
fresh guide for Queen’s Jubilee High Stakes Gambler achieve
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows
Here’s my take on the little used Sword / Pistol weapon set! Have been using this build for a few months now, with great success if I dare say so!
In the right hands it will be deadly, but this is not a build for new players. You will have no access to stealth (except for Black Powder and Cluster Bomb combo), so you’ll have to learn how to survive without it.
This build was made for tournaments. Works great in team fights as well as solo fights. My use: Far point assaulter.
Here’s my take on the little used Sword / Pistol weapon set! Have been using this build for a few months now, with great success if I dare say so!
In the right hands it will be deadly, but this is not a build for new players. You will have no access to stealth (except for Black Powder and Cluster Bomb combo), so you’ll have to learn how to survive without it.
This build was made for tournaments. Works great in team fights as well as solo fights. My use: Far point assaulter.
Thats a pretty interesting build, but i dont know how you can play tournaments without shadow refuge (or occasionally shadow trap), but i guess if you took shadow refuge you would have to drop a signet and then your signet traits would be wasted for a single signet. Looks like a solid dueling setup for sure.
Dragonbrand |Twitch:
Here’s my take on the little used Sword / Pistol weapon set! Have been using this build for a few months now, with great success if I dare say so!
In the right hands it will be deadly, but this is not a build for new players. You will have no access to stealth (except for Black Powder and Cluster Bomb combo), so you’ll have to learn how to survive without it.
This build was made for tournaments. Works great in team fights as well as solo fights. My use: Far point assaulter.
This is pretty much what i’m using in tpvp for few months…
There is variant to go 20 to DA and pick poison recharge (against condi teams), to have lyssa runes effect and stun a bit more often+weak on poison, but i’ve come to conslusion that executioner is better.
And signet of agility don’t do this much business, at least with zerker’s amulet, so i’m using soldier amulet (knight’s jewel)assasin’s signet.
Today/tomorrow there will a vid with me pwning with this build
(edited by dDuff.3860)
updated the D/D dodger build topic : 14/09/2013
got removed before since outdated i think
I don’t understand why there are two threads for the same basic idea….isn’t post your build thread the same as guide to thief guides…..they are both class guide threads….
Rather then spam…here is a link to my post on other side
No, they are completely different. One is a random, disorganized list that one must shift through countless posts to find one or two builds… not to mention testing each build to make sure they work well.
This thread provides a simple, easy to read list of good builds. Thank the GW2 lords they sticked this… now if we could get one for necros and every profession.
Hey this is my revaluation to D/D Void Condition Build , first of all, I’ve seen a build similar but it was for sPvP, using carrion and to hold points so the idea was not mine, I own just this WvW version
This one is for WvW roamers, that like me, dislike the stealth mechanic
It works on perma-evade, you can troll an entire zerg until you use shadowstep, (wrong use of this means death when trolling zergs), it is condition based, so, you will suck against those condition cleaner, BUT, what makes us strong is… that our attack is AoE.
It means you can easily fight outnumbered, for example 1vs3,4,5 without fall below 50% health.
Really nice skill, with a 3/4s evade, removing those condition slowing you, gives back 50% endurance every 15 seconds, give back 4 initiative every 15 seconds.
Spider Venom
- It’s quicker than Caltrops, instacast
- More damage single target
- Even the noob player know caltrops, they will never walk on them
- You have a massive-spam of Caltrops while dodging (=always)
- With 1 Spider Venom you deal 2’000 condition damage.
I often use it as condition cleaner against heavy condition spammers, BUT, it’s also usefull to:
- Finisher Stomp, you know, the trick
- Shadowstep away after trolling a zerg
- Breakstun, especially against those mace warriors
- Move faster through the map
Agility Signet
This signet is magic with this build, it gives you 3 dodges, and clean a condition.
Thieves Guild
I really recommend this one instead of Venom or Daggerstorm.
They are your best skill against condition cleaner, they will help you a lot against them, taking Venom will not be a solution since this build is based on medium-long fights, it’s not burst and Daggerstorm… We have Death Leap Blossom that can stack 3 Bleeding on targets
On traits:
You will play on a 5/0/5/30/30, the only thing you can choose is the major trait on Trickery, I personally use Bountiful Thief to gain 19,5 second of vigor and rip 2 boons make targets more vulnerable, for example, when you see regeneration stacking on your target, steal is a MUST, to make your job easier and faster, the other traits are synergized with the other skills/dodges
Playing this build you don’t have to just press 3333, because your ini will burst up really fast, you must aim your skills, some tricks:
- Never open a fight with Spider Venom, your steal apply poison
- Before stacking 3 or 6 stack of bleeding, make sure to launch a Dancing Dagger, crippling your enemies will really help you, especially because you have to hit them 3x with your Death Blossom, if you don’t you are wasting initiative
- Before using Shadowstep as condition cleaner, wait until your enemies has finished his condition spamming, you risk to clean nothing (here you must know other classes skills and animations)
- Never swap weapon to take initiative, just do it when you need endurance
- Summoning Thieves while finihing a downed foe while fighting outnumbered will help you a lot, you don’t have stealth ability except CnD
- Keep dodging out of combat too, it will keep you 5-6-7 perma-stacks of might, they means 210 more condition damage
- Instead of using Shadowstep to run away from a big blop, just spam Heartseeker, reserve it for dangerous situations
- High survivability solo-ing small groups
- Heavy Condition Damage
- Really dextrous, it can deal with many situations
- Not use of stealth, enemies cannot cry about it
- You will kill enemies as using Stealth
- Good against Champions
- Really difficult against condition cleaner
- Condition stacking is poor, we have 3 Condition to apply only, it will make the job easier to conditino cleaner
- Need a bit of computer performance, lag and fps drop will make your life harder
Note that this build is really good in PvE too, especially soloing Champions.
If you want to play it in PvP, just go for same traits,runes, PvP Carrion Amulet and Caltrops instead of Spider Venom, your role will be Holder,
Eroto Man ~ Necromancer
Mortalis Ex Inferi ~ Mesmer
(edited by tora.3205)
Hey, just posted my current build here:
D/P swap with D/D for super aggressive play – D/P for shadowstep/blind/daze and D/D when you find an opening for C&D/backstab that won’t leave you open to being clobbered. 15-20 in Acrobatics + Withdraw + Roll for Initiative (optional) to support all the evade you need to sustain a melee fight as a non-heavy berserker.
Its very sad see that behind thief community there are only kids that in game are only good insult otheres players only because they are in a the ledearboard, ihave started the profession of thief for enjoy with all this game, but i have find only sad players as rokha, if this is the thief community a group of kids that can only insult and cry when they die… i hope you will take all a life… i hope anet make somethink abot this.