Had a nice fight with a warrior.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: koroshi.2658


So much fun, hope to meet you again demoman doomhammer!

He kept the pressure on me and didn’t allow me to attack him.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Was almost screaming when they didn’t hundred blades the downed mesmer during the stealth stomps :P

Dare say if they had 1 more stun or CC you’d have died during those fights, but was a well played warrior for sure considering you had all the advantages at the start.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Really enjoyed watching that! Well played by both of you. I love to fight people like that, and the fact that the first one to screw up are going to die. I run a similar setup like the one you got, and I dare say it’s freakin awesome ^^

Melder – Thief

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


Great play Koroshi, great warrior too. What server you on?


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Lol. There were a lot of hits and misses here. I thought that you used your Shadow Returns very well, and your diversion was excellent. That being said, there were a lot of chances for you to stunbreak via Shadow Return that you missed out on. :P also, can’t believe the warrior decided to try and revive the mes during the battle, lol.


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: anonim.5932


I read the title and thought “oh god, another one showing how awesome he is….”. Then I saw the video…. Nice! Nice battle, really entertaining. Also love the way you describe the enemy =)

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Lol. There were a lot of hits and misses here. I thought that you used your Shadow Returns very well, and your diversion was excellent. That being said, there were a lot of chances for you to stunbreak via Shadow Return that you missed out on. :P also, can’t believe the warrior decided to try and revive the mes during the battle, lol.

It seems to be something about warriors, almost every thief gib vid I’ve seen where the thief downs someone in the middle of a group fight against them the warrior ALWAYS stops everything to start rezzing…

It seems to be like a big shiny blue light to them…

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: koroshi.2658


It is one of the few times that you do find a nice player to fight against without many interuptions, had so much fun. I did miss many shadowsteps on my sword, but that this something I will have to work on personally. Personally I can not wait until the custom arena’s are out (hopefully not too expensive) so we can have our nice fights without server restrictions.

Great play Koroshi, great warrior too. What server you on?

I play on Desolation EU.

*Edit (Edited some words, should not be typing when I just woke up, haha)

(edited by koroshi.2658)

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


It is one of the few times that you do find a nice player to fight against without many interuptions, had so much fun. I did many shadowsteps on my sword, but that this something I will have to work on personally. Personally I can not wait until the custom arena’s are out (hopefully not too expensive) so we can have our night fights without server restrictions.

Great play Koroshi, great warrior too. What server you on?

I play on Desolation EU.

BAH! so do I I was hankering for a duel.


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Zumy.6318


The warrior went to the legendary guards when he got low and ran out of cooldowns.
Worth a laughter, but not aknowledgement.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Lol. There were a lot of hits and misses here. I thought that you used your Shadow Returns very well, and your diversion was excellent. That being said, there were a lot of chances for you to stunbreak via Shadow Return that you missed out on. :P also, can’t believe the warrior decided to try and revive the mes during the battle, lol.

It seems to be something about warriors, almost every thief gib vid I’ve seen where the thief downs someone in the middle of a group fight against them the warrior ALWAYS stops everything to start rezzing…

It seems to be like a big shiny blue light to them…

Warriors can’t help it. They are far too nice, while their brother the Guardian gets all the credit for being nice.


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


The warrior went to the legendary guards when he got low and ran out of cooldowns.
Worth a laughter, but not aknowledgement.

Quite right. He should have stayed and died.

Like a moron.


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


The warrior went to the legendary guards when he got low and ran out of cooldowns.
Worth a laughter, but not aknowledgement.

Quite right. He should have stayed and died.

Like a moron.

Of course, you know.. For honor! (And eventually for great justice)

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Nah, just showing a pair.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Humorless.1573


Nah, just showing a pair.

“showing a pair” and “being a kittening idiot” are different things.

If you’re fighting a thief and you need to reset the fight like every thief does as soon as anything goes south and you have the option to do so… you do it.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


tbh with as long as the fight went on before he ran back his cooldowns would have cycled around 3 times so he probably just got bored or was seeing his server was pushing something and decided that instead of spending another 3 minutes fighting the battle that the thief is sitting away hiding from he’d actually go do some WvW

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I hate to be a kitten, but you would have destroyed this warrior if you were D/P instead of S/D. You could have literally killed him with auto-attack if you kept your blind field up the entire time.

Sure, he was playing very well, but there is nothing he can do when you stand in a field that makes you almost immune to all of his damage…

Just another noob thief…

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Except stand just outside the field and still hit them

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: russia.9057


P/D would have killed him with autoattack as well.


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Except stand just outside the field and still hit them

You do know that if you are in a 1v1 with someone you don’t have to stand directly in the middle. You can just stand on the edge furthest away from your enemy and he won’t hit you.

Just saying positioning works both ways…

Just another noob thief…

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Decked.8274


With a D/D Burst Build that video would last 7 secs instead of 7 min, but it was nice to watch

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Except stand just outside the field and still hit them

You do know that if you are in a 1v1 with someone you don’t have to stand directly in the middle. You can just stand on the edge furthest away from your enemy and he won’t hit you.

Just saying positioning works both ways…

Then they just need to stand on the other side and have no problems hitting you etc etc yes if they stand in the small field they will be blinded but there is generally no reason other than to stop a second stealth stack for them to do so in most circumstances

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Then they just need to stand on the other side and have no problems hitting you etc etc yes if they stand in the small field they will be blinded but there is generally no reason other than to stop a second stealth stack for them to do so in most circumstances

You are not getting the point.

The point is that the guy in the blind field can always adjust his positioning to avoid the attacker who is trying to adjust his positioning to hit the guy in the blind field.

Both players can adjust thier positioning. You may get a hit in or two, but you aren’t going to be whacking on the guy in the blind field non-stop…

The best way to deal with someone sitting in a blind field is to hit them with a ranged interrupt. If you are good enough, hit them with it while they are in the middle of the heartseeker so that they lose a lot of init and don’t stealth.

Either way you look at it, D/P > S/D or D/D. It provides superior defenses while keeping the same offense. Im not going to compare it to P/D because you can’t really compare a condition build to physical damage build.

Just another noob thief…

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


@swinsk ……i agree. but not in zerg play. you are talking 1 v1 or 1 v 2 or 2v2 etc etc etc. but in 50 v 50 or 100 v 100. its way to delicate. u will get hit with fear…..Knockdowns….Aoe….somebody only has to jump into your blind field in order to get you out. soon as they hit u they are out. all the CCs are usually incidental and just collateral dmg aimed at a zerg . that said…. its too delicate. you die fast. i mean if u like to duel. its like a 50 – 50. i remember you playing a s/d player i9n a 1 v 1. there was def not any domination. i personally thing p/d bleed is the best overall for wvw and d/p is good for small groups. best all around dmg/survivability is 100% s/d. stunts any of the enemies ccs….drops all of their conditions…heals….still hits 5-7k and can get away alot easier….doesnt ahve to jump over a very predicatable small area 3 x to get 5 secs of stealth. plus sword has aoe dmg (melee range). so it really depends what kind of game playing we are talking about……WVW …..spvp….or the irrelevant 1v1 & small skirmish fights.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: MasterGeese.4756


Loved the video, as a S/D thief myself.

One question though, what do you have in your other weapon set? Half the time you were just keeping the warrior at a distance, why not use shortbow or p/d as your offset, so that you can keep the damage up even while he’s far away?

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: koroshi.2658


Hey MasterGeese,

My second weapon set is d/d, I only use it when I feel comfortable getting close to the enemy and am certain it is a non-bunker build. Shortbow never did feel right in my hands, same as the whole d/p combo.. It just doesn’t feel right to me.

P/d I might try out sometime soon, it has been on my mind after the 4 sec debuff which made my d/d set a weakness in fights.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


So much fun, hope to meet you again demoman doomhammer!

He kept the pressure on me and didn’t allow me to attack him.

Whaaat? Someone abusing broken class mechanics? Truly an inspiring video to watch. If only the warrior had a teleport hack..err..‘multiple shadowsteps’.

Sword thieves -or any thief- should try playing other classes where they don’t have multiple get out of jail cards. I suggest a mesmer. An easy transition for someone who relies on the class to win.

You should post it on other game forums so they can laugh as much as I do at the balanced thief class. Kudos to the class Dev team and the player.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


So much fun, hope to meet you again demoman doomhammer!

He kept the pressure on me and didn’t allow me to attack him.

Whaaat? Someone abusing broken class mechanics? Truly an inspiring video to watch. If only the warrior had a teleport hack..err..‘multiple shadowsteps’.

Sword thieves -or any thief- should try playing other classes where they don’t have multiple get out of jail cards. I suggest a mesmer. An easy transition for someone who relies on the class to win.

You should post it on other game forums so they can laugh as much as I do at the balanced thief class. Kudos to the class Dev team and the player.

Pokemon is the game for you man. This Warrior hiting this Thief with toughness gear for 50-60% HP. This Thief without these defensive skills would be dead in five seconds.
Think next time before you write such crap

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


So much fun, hope to meet you again demoman doomhammer!

He kept the pressure on me and didn’t allow me to attack him.

Whaaat? Someone abusing broken class mechanics? Truly an inspiring video to watch. If only the warrior had a teleport hack..err..‘multiple shadowsteps’.

Sword thieves -or any thief- should try playing other classes where they don’t have multiple get out of jail cards. I suggest a mesmer. An easy transition for someone who relies on the class to win.

You should post it on other game forums so they can laugh as much as I do at the balanced thief class. Kudos to the class Dev team and the player.

Pokemon is the game for you man. This Warrior hiting this Thief with toughness gear for 50-60% HP. This Thief without these defensive skills would be dead in five seconds.
Think next time before you write such crap

What defensive tactics?

Oh you mean spamming stealth? Teleport hacks(shadowstep)? No cooldowns on weapon skills? Not being removed from stealth when hit? Conjuring stealth on command

It is a weak argument that thief players keep using: Oh if you remove stealth spam we can’t survive! If you remove Shadowsteps we can’t survive.

You already hit as hard as a warrior or more with less set up. Anyone who got hit by a thief can attest to that.

There is an awesome mechanic in the game called dodge. And yes..other classes have it..but they can’t use it if they can’t see the attack coming.

Play a warrior or an engy or a necro and see how long you survive with your current player skill.

Have fun with the broken OP mechanics till people start clamoring for a much needed balance patch after the private arenas/deathmatch is revealed. PvPers will be paying money then and the devs will have to listen and take class balancing more seriously.

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: koroshi.2658


So much fun, hope to meet you again demoman doomhammer!

He kept the pressure on me and didn’t allow me to attack him.

Whaaat? Someone abusing broken class mechanics? Truly an inspiring video to watch. If only the warrior had a teleport hack..err..‘multiple shadowsteps’.

Sword thieves -or any thief- should try playing other classes where they don’t have multiple get out of jail cards. I suggest a mesmer. An easy transition for someone who relies on the class to win.

You should post it on other game forums so they can laugh as much as I do at the balanced thief class. Kudos to the class Dev team and the player.

Pokemon is the game for you man. This Warrior hiting this Thief with toughness gear for 50-60% HP. This Thief without these defensive skills would be dead in five seconds.
Think next time before you write such crap

What defensive tactics?

Oh you mean spamming stealth? Teleport hacks(shadowstep)? No cooldowns on weapon skills? Not being removed from stealth when hit? Conjuring stealth on command

It is a weak argument that thief players keep using: Oh if you remove stealth spam we can’t survive! If you remove Shadowsteps we can’t survive.

You already hit as hard as a warrior or more with less set up. Anyone who got hit by a thief can attest to that.

There is an awesome mechanic in the game called dodge. And yes..other classes have it..but they can’t use it if they can’t see the attack coming.

Play a warrior or an engy or a necro and see how long you survive with your current player skill.

Have fun with the broken OP mechanics till people start clamoring for a much needed balance patch after the private arenas/deathmatch is revealed. PvPers will be paying money then and the devs will have to listen and take class balancing more seriously.

I actually do play an engi and I do stream it every day. I have been playing thief since launch and personally feel that thieves are predictable on my engineer.

I have had no problems beating a thief and had nice duels with a thief that was using the same mechanics yesterday (recording is there).. Engi is probably one of the best counters for thief.

You are always welcome on the stream to watch.

(edited by koroshi.2658)

Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


I think ‘owned’ would be appropriate after that response


Had a nice fight with a warrior.

in Thief

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


wow, that was a nice fight. I expect to see more duels with the new custom arenas, and want to fight other people as well

I think thats the real thief, pretty trickster, you shadowstepped and went back, confused the enemy a lot, used stealth a lot. I really enjoyed that