(edited by Doomdesire.9365)
Having trouble against thieves? Click here!
Geez, has it really come down to this? Such great lengths have to be made to defend ourselves?
Don’t get me wrong. I commend you for your efforts.
Geez, has it really come down to this? Such great lengths have to be made to defend ourselves?
Don’t get me wrong. I commend you for your efforts.
Defend ourselves against what? I plan on making these for guardians as well, as soon as I level and fully gear him.
I like the idea. Maybe offer the other side as well. A thief who is losing to a particular class all the time and needs some help.
Great idea! I will surely change this in the future.
Its no secret people dont like to fight us, as If the 60+ page long thief whinefest isn’t any indicator. I remember that everytime I get sliced in two by a stray Whirlwind Attack or blindsided by a knockdown Hunderp Blades. (no offense to you warriors out there, I love ya)
Anyways, I like the cross-profession video advice idea.
Thieves have a gimmicky mechanic that requires a lot of experience and knowledge of game mechanics in order to fight against. I think educating people is a good idea, but you’re better off making a proper instructional video for people that addresses all the issues rather than expecting people to put in the effort themselves and then be told what they do wrong.
Its a nice idea.
A good one would be also get in some duels with a friend, recording both sides and make the video analysis using both views.
I think this will be much easier when they implement the expectator feature on spvp tourneys.
I know it seems like a hassle guys, but it will be worth it, especially if you want to improve yourself. A lot of these tactics can be applied to other situations. Learning from your mistakes can help against other classes too!
I can’t speak for some other classes but among the ones I have played I can offer some constructive advice on how to defeat thieves. Well, the gimmicky backstab ones. I haven’t fought enough condition thieves or sword thieves to offer any advice on how to beat them. (I have a level 80 Guardian and Ranger, and lv 2 Warrior and thief; however I have spent a substantial amount of time in sPVP with the Warrior and the thief)
For a Guardian
- Pop f3 as soon as you can (If you don’t already have aegis or another source of it). If you are quick enough you will block the thief’s Cloak and Dagger. If you are reasonably quick you should at the very least block the next backstab. (Passive aegis should take care of the first attack, which is often steal). Alternatives to f3 are shield of wrath, retreat, or protector’s strike. SoW forces the thief to either waste 3 attacks breaking the shield or risking a lot of damage in return; or it forces him to stay away from melee range for those 4 seconds. Protector’s strike will either block his attack or it will give you protection. Either way it’s good for you. (PS is on a rather short cooldown anyhow)
-Since we are tied with thieves at the lowest base health you will want to keep healing to stay at full health to keep him from getting heartseeker’s <25% health ability. (Heartseeker at <25% health hits as hard as a backstab. You definitely want to be at high health the entire time)
-Thieves don’t have many sources of stability (Daggerstorm) and their teleports either cost a lot of initiative and forces weapon swaps or blows a utility. Hammer 5 is fantastic for this and trapping them. Follow it up with a Hammer 2 for massive AOE damage. Greatsword 5 follows thieves into stealth.
-A note on hammer 5: Judge’s intervention can be activated while channeling another skill without interrupting the channel. You could do a remote ring of warding trap on him. Most people don’t realize what you are doing (most of the times I don’t, even though I use this tactic myself when I want to roll out my noob guardian build) and will dodge backwards once judge’s intervention finishes. They roll into the ring of warding and get knocked down for a second. It’s quite funny.
-Very often after a backstab, if you didn’t take enough damage thieves will spam their autoattack to prime you for their heartseekers. POP RETALIATION. It is easily the best choice against their autoattack. (multi hit comparatively low damage). Retaliation and protection in conjunction is very strong, so this would be a good time to activate both. (Greatsword 4, for instance. The symbol also damages the thief in melee range)
-Pay attention to the flames on the left of your utility bar. It will grow stronger with each attack until your passive f1 procs. If you see it growing stronger, that means you are hitting the thief (your autoattack beginning to chain also indicates you are hitting the thief in stealth). Staff 1 is possibly the best autoattack from the guardians’ weaponsets to spam against a thief in stealth.
- Shield 5 is great for knocking a thief out of shadow refuge.
- Bring a stunbreaker for basilisk venom.
-Tome of wrath is extremely good for killing thieves. Not only does it give you a condition inflicting spammable ground target AOE but it also has a cripple, applies permanent retaliation and gives you 1.5x your normal HP allowing you to facetank all but the most glassy and high damage thieves.
-Daggerstorm projectiles don’t reflect off of wall of reflection. Sorry, that’s the hard truth. Instead, if you’re in a group, pop retaliation. The thief will eat a lot of damage hitting all your allies so many times. Or go up to him and melee him. Don’t worry, daggerstorm doesn’t do much damage on its own, its main damage source through nubs who get their projectiles reflected by it.
For a ranger
We’re actually kind of limited here:
Forget the longbow. You will die with that. Shortbow is very situational. I would go mostly with the optimal sword/dagger combination. You will have an unbelievable amount of evades and mobility, which is very important while fighting a thief. The sword’s autoattack is not only a short range gap closer but also inflicts cripple. You’ll have two sources of poison as well, which is always good for stopping the thief from healing back to full and resetting. Equip traps and entangle. Bait the thief to trigger your traps, and when he does, entangle him and dump all your condition inflicting weapon skills onto him. Most of the time unless he has Shadowstep and very fast reflexes, he is dead.
Spike trap is very important, as is flame trap. The flame trap will do most of your short term dps while the spike trap will inflict a temporary immobilize forcing the thief to stay inside your pulsing traps. All traps will inflict conditions, which are awesome. Entangle is optional, but it will increase the chances of you instagibbing the thief a lot more.
As for pets, I would generally pick a CC pet. For when the thief is out of stealth, immediately pop f2 and he will either have to stunbreak or eat some of your dps.
Traps when traited have a very low cooldown. For instance the CD on the flame trap is 12s while the CD on the spike trap is 20s (traited). Traiting them makes them all the more powerful, especially since you can ground target them. I however would stack all my traps on the same spot and stand in them just to bait the thief.
(I don’t have this build in wvw, but I have done this in sPVP and have generally been successful combatting thieves, which the exception of condition thieves.)
For Warriors
-Shield Stance isn’t on that long of a cooldown and it very very good at mitigating their instagib burst. Remember to bring a stunbreaker for basilisk venom.
-Thieves themselves don’t often equip a lot of stunbreakers themselves, so if you catch one out of stealth Frenzy + Bullrush + HB generally works to kill them off pretty fast.
-Alternatively you could use shield bash + axe attacks (Axe f1)
-Whirling attack is good for both as an evade from possible stealth attacks (you move a lot with it) so the thief has to catch you again to try a backstab, which wastes his time in stealth, and as something to catch a thief who has just gone into stealth. Whirling attack does a lot of damage, and is on a relatively short cooldown as well. Additionally, the area it covers is fantastic.
-Hammer f1 is amazing. It’s a mass CC. You can follow it up with whatever suits you. You could just use hammer to chain stun him to low health and finish him off with something else, if he’s not packing stunbreakers.
-Just as a precaution, you’ll want to bring endure pain. A lot of thieves won’t realize that you’re effectively immune to their burst for 5 seconds and will keep trying to heartseeker you at low health. Use that time to kill them!
-Also something to note: Rifle 3 follows the thief into stealth as a channeled ability. And yes, it actually has to potential to kill the thief in one go (if you’re both glassy enough, but that’s dangerous against thieves).
if you’re having trouble vs thieves in wvw/spvp i suggest rolling one up, do about 100 spvp matches till you know how they work, then they are much easier to counter.
thief has the longest learning curve of any class i’ve played so far, but you’ll know exactly how they’re thinking if you play one enough.
Wow, thank you for anyone else who provided help for players struggling with this, especially you teamkiller. That is a highly detailed and solid description. +99999
The option is still open to post your videos! I am kind of disappointed nobody has yet, as it had been surely enough time
For Warriors: EP+Rush(follows stealthed chars), WA = thief dead.
It’s so easy really, the only easier class to kill is Rangers (but because most of them are terrible).
Any tips for fighting p/d thieves in general? Last time I fought one he was stealthed most of the time. I’ll admit I got hit by a fair few C&D’s but dodged a good amount of them. Problem is in WvW there are so many critters he just C&D’s them instead.
I like how the advice for Rangers is “be a trap build”. That’s great. It’s what I do, but being pigeonholed is pretty cruddy.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I like how the advice for Rangers is “be a trap build”. That’s great. It’s what I do, but being pigeonholed is pretty cruddy.
My advice would to be reroll another class until ANet fixes rangers.
I like how the advice for Rangers is “be a trap build”. That’s great. It’s what I do, but being pigeonholed is pretty cruddy.
My advice would to be reroll another class until ANet fixes rangers.
That’s why I have my Mesmer and Elementalist :-p
Engineer and Warrior coming soon ;-)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I suppose I can put my share of knowledge in there.
For the Engineer:
With all the combats I’ve seen, Engineer is probably amongst the best when dealing with Thieves due to a rather unpredictable CC spam and burst.
-All the weapon sets are viable when fighting one, but Rifle is a weapon of choice, especially if traited with range, and cooldown reduction, the Net on 7s cooldown and the Overcharged Shot not far behind are devastating interrupts.
-The Tool Kit is one of your best friends in there, an undodged Magnet hit will help you having the upper hand in fights, open up to more combos like Pry Bar or Overcharged shot, and catch the fleeing ones. But the most important part is the Gear Shield, if you’re not P/S, it will be essential, especially against the glass cannon ones. If the Thief is running straight to you, do the same and raise it; if you’re the one engaging, play offensive then directly raise the shield as the Thief will definately attack right after your first shots.
-The flamethrower comes next in helpfulness, often for conditioners because Thieves are very sensitive to oftenly reapplied conditions, especially burning, and Engies excel at applying burns. The push-back is on a rather short cooldown, and a smoke vent triggered at the right time will get your opponent to miss a CnD. On top of this, the Flame Jet itself can help you detecting a stealthed Thief if you check the damage logs in the same time, it can help you giving a direction on where to hit next.
-While I’ve never been a fan of bombs, they’re the second biggest bane the Engineer can offer to Thieves as they envelopp anything melee into a huge condition shaitstorm that includes movement conditions. The Smoke Bomb can grant a stealth if you make a Blast in it: Rocket Boots for a stealthed escape, Big Ol’ Bomb, and Supply Crate to make a homemade Thieves Guild as it grants you stealth while calling ‘reinforcements’.
Some really underrated gadgets can also make a difference:
-The Slick Shoes are a bane to any melee characters and Thieves are no exception when attacked or when attacking, with something like a Magnet as example, for maximum crowd control.
-The Rocket Boots, yes, I’m serious. If you’re pistol/shield, this gadget gives you one of the most brutal counter-attacks with its Rocket Kick after you block a hit and therefore stun your opponent.
As for the Elixirs:
-The Elixir S, of course. Your most reliable anti-gank solution, but its full potential is affected by RNG, as the Throw Elixir version is splitted in 50/50 between Stability and Stealth, if it’s the latter well, good job.
-And the Elixir R comes next, giving you a potential to dodge two more times and to rez yourself if carefully timed. If you have 15+ in tools, with even more careful timing you can rez yourself twice.
-The Supply Crate itself is very annoying for Thieves to deal with, most likely due to the Net Turret randomly crippling them and the Flame Turret next to it causing damage, a Thief would be mad to fight you within your materials. You’d want to keep this Elite in store though unless you fought poorly enough for the Thief to get the upper hand. Keep it why? Because it’s amongst the best interrupts. If a Thief looks to make a run for it and starts stealthing, drop the over his head, if too late, the stun will give you a bit of time to try to catch up, if early enough, the stealthing process will be interrupted and your Thief will be immobilized on top of it and served to you on a silver platter.
But for the most part, an Engineer is as unpredictable on what he’s going to pull off, and a Thief is unpredictable on WHEN he’s going to pull his tricks off, which turns the fight into a huge mind game that is directly decided at the start of the fight if both ennemies are glass cannon. Which is why I recommend to watch how the Thief is looking to engage the fight, if he runs toward you, drooling at you like if you were cattle (advantage to you) or if he’s cautious (advantage to him).
In what concerns P/D Thieves, even a glass cannon Engineer can potentially outlast them, as they often only apply bleeds, which are removable easily through the Med Kit’s antidote, and your huge amount of CC will disrupt their attempts to CnD you.
You may have a hard time catching a D/P Thief though, the mind game remains sensitively the same, except that in trade of the ability to nearly go perma-stealth while being independant, they can’t really afford to mess anything up due to the costs in initiative, anything interrupted will iterally break their scheme as these builds require careful timing.
PS: I’d like to post videos but I barely handle the game correctly in low graphics, I’m getting a full respec of my computer in 10ish days, if the thread still lives, I’ll eventually try to make explanations with videos.
(edited by MrForz.1953)