Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Cobrakon.3108


You use it as a gap closer. I remember people complaining about when I HS spam to close the gap but they already lost most of their health, they are running away, and it is the only gap closer for D/D set. Am I supposed to let them escape?

I just find it funny when people complain about this skill. The question is , what did you do wrong to blow all your dodges, your health, and abilities that would detour me from using HS more than once?

Do people still complain about this? I haven’t played much pvp after June Patch.

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Your first error is caring when other people complain.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


people will complain about heartsekker spam while spamming evades, people will complain about evade spam while spamming stealth , people will complain about stealth spam while spamming blinds.

It only “cheesy” it seems when someone else spams something QQ’r do not or can not spam and especially if the person “spamming” the skill kills said QQ’r.

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


meh, people complain about how you spam heartseeker if you’re not even running a dagger for a mainhand weapon shrug

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


It really isn’t even cheesy if you spam it to try and kill someone from 100-0. Why? Because it deals poor damage until 25% and is very telegraphed. If someone actually dies to Heartseeker spam, it’s nobody’s fault but their own.

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

Your first error is caring when other people complain.

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Midi.8359


Actually haven’t had any HS spam complaints at all for the current patch. Have had a number of we have a thief = gg complaints. But most people seem to be giving the thief a huge amount of slack compared to previous patches. Common perception of the class is that it’s bottom tier I suppose. So nobody has the mind to bm a thief after losing a 1v1.

Never thought spamming heartseeker was cheesy as much as it can be a bad idea. That being said though if I know someone’s blown their dodges/block/invulns I often just spam HS for the execute.

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Gallant Pigeon.5807

Gallant Pigeon.5807

Heartseeker could really do with reverting the leap distance. It was one of the many nerfs that helped consign d/d to the weapon set graveyard.

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


HS spam is good way to die

Heartseeker Spam Is Not Cheesy If...

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Hs spam in water feilds vs condi rangers that is legit

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge