Help With My Build Please
For a condition build, Pistol / Dagger is a very good combination. You stack bleeds at an incredible rate.
You can just get a pistol in the main-hand and your off-hand dagger will carry over. Although I like a P/D – shortbow combination.
In WvWvW, I find that caltrops aren’t nearly as effective as they are in PVE. Real people tend to roll out of the field quickly. So I would swap out trickery iii for v
For skills, shadow step is also excellent.
Finally, I notice that you have a lot of initiative regenerating skills. You may also consider acrobatics ix. It increases your initiative regen by about 26%.
Try a P/D build. It lacks burst but has great survivability in 1v1/2/3+ situations, and crazy bleed damage if you have the patience to experiment and learn it. I posted my P/D vid earlier. It has the build along with gear/runes/sigils if you want to give P/D a shot.
Ferg Crossing