Help me kill you
For that build time any Cc especially Immob and Stuns on the back end of the flip from DB, start cast when Thief is at Apex. And don’t stand under the Thief whatever you do it ends badly, but Necros are almost hard countered by thieves so there is that run Condi cleanses as well
The biggest thing that determines this matchup is your condi transfers. You’re likely running axe/dagger with staff, so you have dagger 4 and staff 4, plus possibly plague signet.
Let him condi you to a degree while you land some damage, time your immob/elite shout/whatever for the end of the dagger dodge animation then hit him with plague signet. If he’s at 50% when the transfer lands you can then stop attacking and heal up (this is important as he cleanses when he evades your attacks) and his own condis will melt him. Obviously, don’t try this without consume conditions or something to deal with the condis if you miss.
Condi necro has an easier time with this as there’s an on crit plague signet trait in the condi line (I forget names, but the line you’d take instead of spite), since it’s automated you just have to let him spike you, wait for the proc on crit then stop attacking basically. I’ve been on the receiving end of this a few times and it’s very difficult for the thief to recover from their own condi bomb plus your spike on top.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build
As as necro, thieves in general are going to be a problem. Between the kiting and evades you are going in against a class that is almost custom built to tear you apart.
That said, this build has a weakness as noted above. They have a hitch between each attack. It is very short. If you cast too soon or late, they will evade your attack. If you cast at the right time, it can seriously disrupt their flow.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
One of their weeknesses is distance. If possible fight them from a far
All the dodge!
Power reaper struggles tremendously with condi thief, since you need the transfers to land in order for them to work, and in many cases it struggles against Daredevil in general if it’s played well.
Honestly, I don’t have a counter for you, yes, there’s a miniscue delay between DB casts (if they alernate DB/Dodge the gap is even tinier and almost nonexistent, and if they augment this with BD every 12s to mirror your bomb casts, you have no answer). I can beat most power thieves on my power reaper, but condi D/D is something I’ve found myself incapable of dealing with even when running absolute maximum possible cleanses, which aso often do not work since most cleanses on necro depend on hitting the enemy with channeled abilities. Reaper’s too slow to keep up with the evasion and speed of Daredevil generally speaking, and can only really win the matchup when the thief commits to damage and applying tons of counter-burst (which is why power thief is fairly killable).
If you try to open the gap, they’ll either close it or swap shortbow and apply pressure from range since the shortbow also offers plenty of evasion and condition damage.
When on my power reaper ganked by a condi D/D Daredevil, I usually just try to run to a structure or blob. Unless they’re in viper gear, you have full LF, and you just go absolutely all-in to try and kill them between the frames available on DB, you’re pretty much not winning the fight unless they’re just straight terrible. Reaper’s damage is too heavily-based on multi-hits to really do much, and Daredevil cleanses and heals when evading attacks.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
I posted a D/D Condi guide specifically explaining how to kill the build. the long and short of it is, this:
- Play Deffensive
- Wait for death blossom
- Hit me at the end of Death blossom with your biggest burst.
- if you are a DH, ignore all that and juts kill me.