Help with Sword/Pistol + SB Thief equips.
I’d suggest you to go for some Emerald jewels.
Vitality without Toughness is worthless.
I’d suggest you to go for some Emerald jewels.
Vitality without Toughness is worthless.
’Cause Toughness helps a lot against condition damage, amirite?
Galsia | Jäshin | Çyndelle
[KK] – Henge of Denravi
I’d suggest you to go for some Emerald jewels.
Vitality without Toughness is worthless.’Cause Toughness helps a lot against condition damage, amirite?
What do you mean with your post?
Do you really think that stacking vitality and having no toughness is a good way to gain survivability?
Thieves have lots of skill and traits (mostly in Shadow Arts) to clean up conditions, but they have almost no way to mitigate the damage.
we also have next to no base hp, and shadow arts also raises toughness if you put points into it, not a whole lot, but enough to help.
at any rate, I like the vit, tough, power gear from wvw for sword/pistol builds, with ruby orbs. hard to kill, and control the crap out of things while hitting fairly hard. sword pistol has enough control to work ok as a glass cannon, though the lack of damage makes it a harder GC to use than a back stab build, so valkyrie may serve you better than berserkers.
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir
I’d suggest you to go for some Emerald jewels.
Vitality without Toughness is worthless.’Cause Toughness helps a lot against condition damage, amirite?
What do you mean with your post?
Do you really think that stacking vitality and having no toughness is a good way to gain survivability?
Thieves have lots of skill and traits (mostly in Shadow Arts) to clean up conditions, but they have almost no way to mitigate the damage.
I’m saying having just Vitality or Toughness isn’t worthless. If you aiming for the highest survivability, then yes, it would be better to have both. However, they’re not useless on their own; they each mitigate different types of damage.
Galsia | Jäshin | Çyndelle
[KK] – Henge of Denravi
berserk + 15 Acrobatics
I’m running in this build:
Thanks for the info guys! and @ Gunrir when you say valkryie will serve me better do you mean i should replace all of my berserkers with it? or just a few.
@ Sorrow ill try getting some emerald crystals for the toughness thanks for the help too =]
Thanks for the info guys! and @ Gunrir when you say valkryie will serve me better do you mean i should replace all of my berserkers with it? or just a few.
@ Sorrow ill try getting some emerald crystals for the toughness thanks for the help too =]
I’d mix them, you still need a crit chance that’s respectable but valk gear gives you the survivability needed to not utterly fail in dungeons.
I’d suggest you to go for some Emerald jewels.
Vitality without Toughness is worthless.’Cause Toughness helps a lot against condition damage, amirite?
What do you mean with your post?
Do you really think that stacking vitality and having no toughness is a good way to gain survivability?
Thieves have lots of skill and traits (mostly in Shadow Arts) to clean up conditions, but they have almost no way to mitigate the damage.I’m saying having just Vitality or Toughness isn’t worthless. If you aiming for the highest survivability, then yes, it would be better to have both. However, they’re not useless on their own; they each mitigate different types of damage.
You answered yourself.
Since the op said he already has some Valk equipment, the best thing to do is to put some toughness to mitigate the raw damage also.
Like babel said, mix it, but lean towards valkyrie, you will get decent crit through the crit/crit damage trait line, and some ruby orbs/berzerkers rings/earrings/necklace
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir