Hi, Im new to Thief as of 4/28/2014

Hi, Im new to Thief as of 4/28/2014

in Thief

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615



I am officially trying out theif! well not necessarily ‘trying out’ but officially playing one.
My main is mesmer.. or used to be I have 2 mesmers just bc I love them so much
my second main is warrior
Now I would love to try a thief! simply because I see some really epic thieves in pvp and wvw- and they look super fun besides their squishiness, and it’s really the only class other than elementalist and necro i haven’t played into seriously.
Im leveling her now (sylvari) she is a level 13 currently!

And any pve/pvp tips would be appreciated!

I dont plan on jumping into pvp ust yet, until i have a little bit better grasp on combos and timing and such! <33

(edited by SnowHawk.3615)

Hi, Im new to Thief as of 4/28/2014

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


pve d/d or s/p pvp run what you like. s/d is my fav imo

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Hi, Im new to Thief as of 4/28/2014

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Hi, and welcome to the forums of QQ’ers. Hope you brought your heavy armor from your second main, and use it as a bodyarmor to peel of the hate whispers you get daily.

Naaaah man, hope you enjoy the class! Enjoy the shadows

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Hi, Im new to Thief as of 4/28/2014

in Thief

Posted by: Woaden.9425


Practice shadow stepping all the time.

As you’re leveling, just load up with shadow steps (since it’s so easy to pve in the open world anyhow).

Play around with steal a lot (build towards its use, then build away from it’s use, see the difference).

Practice quickly closing on a target from across the map using shadow step+sword2 OR dagger2+steal, and various other combos.

Aggro as many mobs as possible, practicing kiting with shortbow and cluster bombing your targets down, etc. (also get used to NPC’s resetting all the time because they can’t hit you, practice letting them hit you “just enough” to stay on you, this will help with flipping camps in wvw)

Basically, practice thief mobility.

Kole —Thief