Honor is for the weak
I play to win. Whatever that may entail.
There’s always room for honor! Besides in an outnumbered situation where I’m prepared to do to anything or kill anyone who attacks me, no matter race, gender, class or level.
In 1v1 I tend to let worthy opponents live, unless they are asura, in which case I give them a slow and painful death.
No mercy. I fight dirty and use any tactic to defeat my enemies
It is easy to be a big boy when being OP
Will laugh mad and long when Stealth gets a nerf,
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I would have to go with old saying “No Honor among Thieves” and use what ever is available to give you an edge to assure your victory. We are already hated for our different play styles so we might as well become “Infamous” as well.
Thieves for the most part are the rogues of GW2 and as Webster’s states rogues are:
“a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel.”
So why bother with honor as a thief?
It is easy to be a big boy when being OP
Will laugh mad and long when Stealth gets a nerf,
Tell me about it right ?! I’ll laugh when we get nerfed even more but that warrior over there CC’ing you into oblivion and getting off bursts even higher than me sometimes is getting stronger and stronger, but no one notices him
whose the real thief here….
It is easy to be a big boy when being OP
Will laugh mad and long when Stealth gets a nerf,
What’s going to happen then is the same as what happened everytime they changed the class: I will walk away laughing from your corpse….
Battle without honor and humanity!
Versus decent opponents I tend to let them live. Other than that I’ll use what’s available to me to win, even if it require some dirty tricks. We’re thieves after all.
I drop a cow on everyone I see!!!!
I drop a cow on everyone I see!!!!
Shark Finisher + Toy Spider Tonic is eons better (freaking megalodon eating your opponent).
I drop a cow on everyone I see!!!!
Shark Finisher + Toy Spider Tonic is eons better (freaking megalodon eating your opponent).
Someone did that in wvw the other day, it was glorious.
It doesn’t really matter how you fight, being a thief you’ll be hated for it anyway! Using any mechanic the thief has to counter a particular element - whether it be something as common as, and as necessary to counter as conditions - will subject you to trash talk.
So use every trick you can think of lol.
Wow I totally lost who i was. I’ve spent the last 5 months on this game trying avoid all stealth skills and cheap tactics. This thread reminded me why i started playing thief in the first place, Because i like to win! I guess i shouldn’t whether or not other players think i’m cheap. Winning is winning lol. Here’s to Shadow Refuge!
Wow I totally lost who i was. I’ve spent the last 5 months on this game trying avoid all stealth skills and cheap tactics. This thread reminded me why i started playing thief in the first place, Because i like to win! I guess i shouldn’t whether or not other players think i’m cheap. Winning is winning lol. Here’s to Shadow Refuge!
*raises wine glass
It is an honor to die in my daggers.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I admit, I have no Honor. In Dark Souls for example I kill people on the spot who bow to me before combat during their animation. But then again sinners don’t deserve mercy from a Darkmoon.
I especially consider all warriors sinners and will fight them as unfairly as possible.
If only we have more ways to be honorless cheap dirtbags in combat~ need more thief buffs, like ones to make traps viable.
I admit, I have no Honor. In Dark Souls for example I kill people on the spot who bow to me before combat during their animation. But then again sinners don’t deserve mercy from a Darkmoon.
I especially consider all warriors sinners and will fight them as unfairly as possible.
If only we have more ways to be honorless cheap dirtbags in combat~ need more thief buffs, like ones to make traps viable.
Trip wire is fun to use. They never suspect being KD’ed for 3s.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
D: But guys… it’s not fair, i want a fair fight… If that doesn’t happen you’re OP…
If a fight is fair, and you still beat me, clearly you’re OP as well, since you beat me… but if the fight is slightly favored for me, i won’t complain…
(ugh, btw trying to get a list of “what’s not OP” on the balance forums… should be fun)
(ugh, btw trying to get a list of "what’s not OP" on the balance forums... should be fun)
Off the top of my head based on threads over the last couple of months...
* Stealth
* Black poweder + Heartseeker combo
* Stealth attack
* Heartseeker
* Shortbow #3
* Stealth
* Shadow step
* Thief dagger auto attack
* Heartseeker
* Black poweder + Heartseeker combo
* Black poweder + Heartseeker combo
* Thief mobility
* Thief movement
* Stealth
* Thief vigor
* Thief evades
* Thief
* Shortbow #3
* Thief
* Stealth
* Black poweder + Heartseeker combo
* Poison field
* Thief
* Infiltrator’s Strike/Return
Each time a non-thief encounters for the first time, one of the skills available to the thief, they do their part for the community by informing ANet of its much needed round with the nerf bat. Basically, if you press a button, and your character - a thief - reacts to the command, it’s over powered.
EDIT: We could test the theory! Get a bunch of thieves to head to WvW and PvP and actually take Hard to Catch. Within the hour there’ll be half a dozen threads explaining why it should be nerfed.
(edited by Impact.2780)
(ugh, btw trying to get a list of “what’s not OP” on the balance forums… should be fun)
EDIT: We could test the theory! Get a bunch of thieves to head to WvW and PvP and actually take Hard to Catch. Within the hour there’ll be half a dozen threads explaining why it should be nerfed.
>.< I kinda misled you there. The post’s about what builds aren’t OP, for any class…
But yeah um i think people are having a hard time listing things… Anyways… not gonna hijack this thread any further…
The one in balance:
As for your Hard to Catch idea:
[Thief ]
- Hard to Catch [Trait] – Bad design.
- Back Fighting [Trait] – ?
Could you possibly explain why Hard to Catch is bad design? And do you know what back fighting is? I assume that you don’t since you used a question mark for it’s explanation as to why it’s worthless.
Yeah i think it could work… (he’s not being sarcastic…)
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
Oh kitten you didn’t mislead me, it was a reading fail. I saw what I expected to see lol.
“I fight with honor”
~Walking Lootbag
I fight with honor if it’s a one on one fight – IE, if they manage to beat all my tricks, I won’t run away, unless I feel like they did something cheeseball. In which case, they didn’t really earn the kill, and I will indeed run.
Example: The unkillable warrior spec.
It is easy to be a big boy when being OP
Will laugh mad and long when Stealth gets a nerf,
My thief is in stealth maybe 1 second at a time for the damage buff from backstab. I wouldn’t mind stealth getting nerfed. I hate perms stealth thiefs for many reasons, mostly the fact that they are awful and give thiefs a bad name. They tend to have low damage and just be annoying more than anything, and if you main a thief you’ll know exactly when they’re gonna hit.
Anet please nerf Paper, Scissors is fine -Rock.
Just make stealth to end when taking damage, okay, maybe 5% of base health dmg tolerance. But this is just pathetic. Permastealth finishing one by one…
I have Hunter’s Shot! 3 sec Stealth! I’m just tracked down because of my pet….
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Permastealth finishing one by one…
What do you mean by that…? Stealth-stomping? Pretty sure when you’re finished the stomp you break stealth… then you re-enter it by various means (now is that permanent stealth? i think not… as it ends, and we re-enter…)
Permastealth fighting? nope, can’t have stealth permanently up either, have to re-enter by various means, sometimes after a debuf wears out too…. and if we chain stealths (and this creates the illusion of “permastealth” for scrubs like you) together, we’re not exactly doing damage either.
Permastealthing when scouting? As in blinding powder + heart seaker? Yeah, we’re not doing any damage either, just scouting/collecting information… We upkeep our stealth that has a timer by re-applying stealth before the timer runs outs, chaining it “carefully”(not really), it creates the illusion of “permastealth” for scrubs like you…
:) sorry don’t mean to rip on you in particular, i mean to rip on everyone that says “permastealth”, because they’re scrubs that either don’t understand how stealth works (the fact that it can run out, and how you can chain to fool scrubs) or haven’t looked up the word permanent in the dictionary. To a certain degree i enjoy hearing “permastealth” as I know there now exists at least one scrub that i can roll .
have a nice day.
I sincerely know, it sucks to be a ranger right now…
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
I don’t reset a fight more then 3 times.
I only drag my enemies to mobs when they outnumber me.
I give people time to recover from falldamage/taking camps, but once they’ve breathed out I show no mercy.
If you fight without honor, where’s the challenge and reward?
What I see in WvW is that thieves stalk/glitch in forts with very long stealth,
in fights, if they have ~50% HP, they just stealth, then seconds later they backstab 8Ks out from nothing with full HP. There is a new “Revealed” block, but due to server or client problem, the game doesn’t load them in time – when zerg fights goes on.
So they ‘nade to hit most of people, or rarely hunting fleeing ones from behind,
going to stealth, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed…
Then they even have teleport skills, a lot of evading, and cripple/blind/basilic venom…
So apart from the very risky Stealth mech in an MMO, they’re very good at assassinating. I just wish my main “broken” Ranger to be fixed to be like this – we’re the deisgnated Hunters by the way…
Guess what, can’t even do anything in downed. “GGAN!”
I have a thief, I know how it works
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
What I see in WvW is that thieves stalk/glitch in forts with very long stealth,
in fights, if they have ~50% HP, they just stealth, then seconds later they backstab 8Ks out from nothing with full HP. There is a new “Revealed” block, but due to server or client problem, the game doesn’t load them in time – when zerg fights goes on.
So they ‘nade to hit most of people, or rarely hunting fleeing ones from behind,
going to stealth, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed…
Then they even have teleport skills, a lot of evading, and cripple/blind/basilic venom…
So apart from the very risky Stealth mech in an MMO, they’re very good at assassinating. I just wish my main “broken” Ranger to be fixed to be like this – we’re the deisgnated Hunters by the way…
Guess what, can’t even do anything in downed. “GGAN!”I have a thief, I know how it works
To be clear, you’ve mentioned backstabs, a lot of evades, stealths and teleports. Those aren’t usually all on one thief at the same time; dagger for backstabs, sword for evades and even more teleports. I’ll give you both for stealthing. Thieves built for DD( I use this becuase you said this:“going to stealth, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed, stealth again, finishing the downed…”) Cloak and Dagger works wonders, would be inconvenient for a DP thief) don’t usually use SD since you literally need to be able to handle the sheer amount of initiative being spent and evades being done manually, hence why I said you usually don’t see a DD+SD thief. Furthermore, if you’re stealthing a lot, you would want backstab anyway for the bigger damage over tactical strike. Sword thieves don’t stealth as much since they are about controlling the battle in various ways and frankly can access heavy moves without stealth. Not to be mean, but I suggest you look at your thief more.
(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)
Its always “2 of 3”. Want me to link a video proof of how kitten ed easy it is?
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Its always “2 of 3”. Want me to link a video proof of how kitten ed easy it is?
Dont need to ask me…
As a thief, it’s expected that when we fight, it involving ducking in and out of combat either by stealth or actual distance to re-engage, but that statement can be considered too general I suppose. As a thief, do you fight your battles with “honor”? Only attacking when it’s convenient for both you and your opponent and fighting till the very last bit of hp, or do you use every trick in your book…or utility bar, to keep the fight going as long as it takes for you to win, even going as far as playing dirty enough to lure enemies to a field advantage with mobs or constant resetting til you claim the victory? Essentially, do you agree or disagree with the thread’s title?
I’m not a thief but i would like to add some comment. By the way, i really like the title and subject of the thread/
Looking at the amount of replies in the thread, it’s obvious almost no one embraces Thiefs’ Honor approach.
This is what we the other classes need, an Honorable, Sympathetic, Compassionate thief but unfortunately due to their programming to sadistically and maliciously auto kill everyone who they come accross, make it hard to find one who will make you feel your worth.
Rarely i would come across one or two, who would remorse me in my weakening state and escort me safety so no one won’t kill me.
I encourage more thieves to be honorable, sympathetic and compassionate to their enemies.
After all,
we had no choice or control in our programming and our design
we were programmed and designed to be weak, killed by you.
Try and see how much a difference it will be.. to you and us.
never forget….
“ Honor bright! Fair play is a jewel! "
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
You know as the term goes, “Honor among thieves”. The only problem is, it’s hard to be honorable to a community who is dishonorable to your kind
We don’t have health, we don’t have armor so pray excuse me but how exactly are we supposed to play with “honor”? :P This class is made to play dirty. Even it’s name suggests criminal activity. We’re no assassines, we are THIEFs.
But… people want a “fair” fight… so they QQ at classes like the thief.
Even when you use 1 random tree in the entire field to block line of sight it’s called “unfair” anyway. So why bother?
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]