How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


In regards to the difficulties the team seems to be having with dash, I think I have created a valuable solution. I imagined dash functioning exactly the same, and just as fluidly as withdraw only it would function in any direction like the dodge rolls. If it functions like withdraw, it can then retain its elongated dodge value it had just without the clunk. I imagine it would not be too difficult to use a static pose for the animation for the dash forward and then a separate pose for the dash backward. These static poses however would be coated with a few cool effects so they would not feel stale. By using static poses and the after shadow effect i suggest in my drawing, I feel it is less work for the animators while still giving the illusion of movement through the effects. Please get back to me on how you feel about this as it took me quite some time to come up with. I would love to hear your feedback. Here is the picture I made demonstrating what I mean by my statement. I hope others agree.


How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: blarghhrrkblah.3412


I like this a lot…but I can’t agree that it’s a simple task of implementing this. To be completely honest, I think that this is what the devs envisioned as a dash as well but were unable to implement it this way for technical reasons. It looks like to me that the functionality of dodges just doesn’t mesh well with new animations…for that to be reworked, it may take a lot longer than we would like. But this is just speculation on my part…I don’t really know since I’m not a game dev hehe

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


I like this a lot…but I can’t agree that it’s a simple task of implementing this. To be completely honest, I think that this is what the devs envisioned as a dash as well but were unable to implement it this way for technical reasons. It looks like to me that the functionality of dodges just doesn’t mesh well with new animations…for that to be reworked, it may take a lot longer than we would like. But this is just speculation on my part…I don’t really know since I’m not a game dev hehe

Yeah to be honest I really dont know how difficult either, I just suggested a static pose because I figured using the same tech mechanic used for the withdraw skill and adding a static pose over it as it currently exists would be easier than creating a new moving animation. I also thought mabey for the after shadow effect I drew, they could use the mesmer clone tech and just have blue models sculpted into the poses for the dash that rapidly fade behind the character. Again I don’t know how it all works, these are just my guesses at how I would imagine the tech would work with the existing mechanics in the game.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


it looks pretty cool. Especially the back dodge. The way McLain has been working weeks just to tweak a make a few adjustment makes me feel like animation are very difficult to overcome and create. I love the idea, it will kind of the Daredevil feel like a ghost.

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How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


it looks pretty cool. Especially the back dodge. The way McLain has been working weeks just to tweak a make a few adjustment makes me feel like animation are very difficult to overcome and create. I love the idea, it will kind of the Daredevil feel like a ghost.

Yeah I’m sure it’s no easy task, I am more than willing to wait for after launch to see changes like these though, so long as they are actually going to happen.. Gw2 is kind of known for the whole “so and so is going to happen and will become an ongoing thing in the game” and then it disappears or becomes irrelevant (guild missions) so I’m praying these changes are actually going to come through fully.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


Here is the picture I made demonstrating what I mean by my statement. I hope others agree.

Not to go off-topic, but are you the dude who’s been drawing all of these sweet Daredevil animation sketches? They’re pretty awesome from a clarity of what’s happening perspective and an image-in-motion perspective.

Well done.

Bonus note – this would be a cool version of the dodge as long as the shadowstep particle effects are blendy enough

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How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


The way my keys are bound whenever I dodge I also jump so that I jump up and come down rolling once into the dodge. I like the way the basic dodge works and I love the feel of jump dodging which aside from an evade, helps me position allows me move across the map pretty easily with Swiftness on dodge. I’m all for a decent working Dash, it’s my favorite of the elite dodges, but I would like to keep the combination of jump dodging.


How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Here is the picture I made demonstrating what I mean by my statement. I hope others agree.

Not to go off-topic, but are you the dude who’s been drawing all of these sweet Daredevil animation sketches? They’re pretty awesome from a clarity of what’s happening perspective and an image-in-motion perspective.

Well done.

Bonus note – this would be a cool version of the dodge as long as the shadowstep particle effects are blendy enough

I am not the guy who made those other animation ideas no, however I do highly regard his ideas for the skills and would love to see something like those used in game. I am the same guy that made the “what eternity should look like” controversy thread about a year and a half ago though :p

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

(edited by Serious Thought.5394)

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Although the idea of a shadowstep for a dodge is cool, it defeats the purpose of it being a dodge by removing the evade frames. Karl explained that if it were to have evade frames as a shadow step, it would have to have a wind up time at which point you would have evade frames. He also explained how they could not use new tech to just shadowstep as a dodge fluidly would. It would feel clunky and not path correctly. To me .. This sounds aweful as I like the overall fluid gameplay of a thief pre last betas daredevil, I hope that daredevil will play out fluid as well as they fix all of its issues.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Stinja.9612


so basically this? there’s tech to make clones of mesmers so it could prolly be copied retooled/purposed to just be a visual thing for thief dashes.

I wouldn’t count on anything happening though since we’re thieves and we’re not allowed to have nice things guys remember that.

I may be harsh but i care deeply about the game.
Twitch→ (

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


so basically this? there’s tech to make clones of mesmers so it could prolly be copied retooled/purposed to just be a visual thing for thief dashes.

I wouldn’t count on anything happening though since we’re thieves and we’re not allowed to have nice things guys remember that.

Haha believe it or not, I was thinking of alucard when drawing this, I always loved that effect on symphony of the night and would love to see it used for that illusion of speed look.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Stinja.9612


same i always think of vergil from devil may cry lol

I may be harsh but i care deeply about the game.
Twitch→ (

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


What would it look like if I dodge directly to the side?

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: thrayz.1624


I think this is awesome, my main game is GW2, however I do play Starcraft 2, and this animation reminds me of the high templars movement. That animation is so sick, if the thief got an animation similar to that as described above I would literally play nothing else. it may not be as simple to incorporate as we think, but kitten it would be amazing

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Frodood.9453


I really like this idea! The trail alone gives it a very fluid effect which is the kind of movement that comes to mind when I think of how daredevil should move. That and I’d feel fast, like moving fastly with the fastness lol

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


never played Starcraft but would love to see it happen. I don’t know how easy it will be for them to make this happen, but with Karl announcing on them creating new tech for dash every other day, my hopes are high for somthing cool

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Slowmelt.8547


Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Although the idea of a shadowstep for a dodge is cool, it defeats the purpose of it being a dodge by removing the evade frames. Karl explained that if it were to have evade frames as a shadow step, it would have to have a wind up time at which point you would have evade frames. He also explained how they could not use new tech to just shadowstep as a dodge fluidly would. It would feel clunky and not path correctly. To me .. This sounds aweful as I like the overall fluid gameplay of a thief pre last betas daredevil, I hope that daredevil will play out fluid as well as they fix all of its issues.

The impression I got from others—and I wouldn’t mind myself—is if it just looked like a Shadowstep.
You know… have the little ‘poof’ effect at the start, some sort of a vague shadowy shape or trail traverse the distance while evading, then ‘poof’ back in. Like the Rev Sword 3, but… shadowy instead of misty.

You know, just for style.
And I don’t think they’d really need to put in a ton of new effort. Shadowstep effects already exist and everyone cares more that it’s cool than they care that it’s new.

Bonus points: if you evade through the shadows, it makes a lot of sense that you could escape immobilize effects. You did just roll through an alternate dimension or something, after all.
…Actually, I’m not entirely sure I understand how Shadowstepping… actually works…?

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Although the idea of a shadowstep for a dodge is cool, it defeats the purpose of it being a dodge by removing the evade frames. Karl explained that if it were to have evade frames as a shadow step, it would have to have a wind up time at which point you would have evade frames. He also explained how they could not use new tech to just shadowstep as a dodge fluidly would. It would feel clunky and not path correctly. To me .. This sounds aweful as I like the overall fluid gameplay of a thief pre last betas daredevil, I hope that daredevil will play out fluid as well as they fix all of its issues.

The impression I got from others—and I wouldn’t mind myself—is if it just looked like a Shadowstep.
You know… have the little ‘poof’ effect at the start, some sort of a vague shadowy shape or trail traverse the distance while evading, then ‘poof’ back in. Like the Rev Sword 3, but… shadowy instead of misty.

You know, just for style.
And I don’t think they’d really need to put in a ton of new effort. Shadowstep effects already exist and everyone cares more that it’s cool than they care that it’s new.

Bonus points: if you evade through the shadows, it makes a lot of sense that you could escape immobilize effects. You did just roll through an alternate dimension or something, after all.
…Actually, I’m not entirely sure I understand how Shadowstepping… actually works…?

I completely know what you mean, I dont know why they take everything so literally. Shadow step dodge was obviously suggested for the animation without the functionality of an actual shadowstep. I dont know why they went on about how making it actually work as a shadowstep skill would be difficult. I do like the idea but I have to agree with the devs here, I want to see physical animations for the dare devil, where it never needs to vanish completely…but that being said, I would also like to see fresh animations that suggest these physical movements.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Slowmelt.8547


Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Although the idea of a shadowstep for a dodge is cool, it defeats the purpose of it being a dodge by removing the evade frames. Karl explained that if it were to have evade frames as a shadow step, it would have to have a wind up time at which point you would have evade frames. He also explained how they could not use new tech to just shadowstep as a dodge fluidly would. It would feel clunky and not path correctly. To me .. This sounds aweful as I like the overall fluid gameplay of a thief pre last betas daredevil, I hope that daredevil will play out fluid as well as they fix all of its issues.

The impression I got from others—and I wouldn’t mind myself—is if it just looked like a Shadowstep.
You know… have the little ‘poof’ effect at the start, some sort of a vague shadowy shape or trail traverse the distance while evading, then ‘poof’ back in. Like the Rev Sword 3, but… shadowy instead of misty.

You know, just for style.
And I don’t think they’d really need to put in a ton of new effort. Shadowstep effects already exist and everyone cares more that it’s cool than they care that it’s new.

Bonus points: if you evade through the shadows, it makes a lot of sense that you could escape immobilize effects. You did just roll through an alternate dimension or something, after all.
…Actually, I’m not entirely sure I understand how Shadowstepping… actually works…?

I completely know what you mean, I dont know why they take everything so literally. Shadow step dodge was obviously suggested for the animation without the functionality of an actual shadowstep. I dont know why they went on about how making it actually work as a shadowstep skill would be difficult. I do like the idea but I have to agree with the devs here, I want to see physical animations for the dare devil, where it never needs to vanish completely…but that being said, I would also like to see fresh animations that suggest these physical movements.

Honestly, I can agree with that, but…
I feel like that is the primary reason we’ve got so many placeholder animations.
Animating an entire body is a lot more difficult than chaining a bunch of discrete strikes together with a swooshy effect, and so on.
The effect is more understated but that doesn’t mean it’s easier to do, you know?
The truth is, the Daredevil’s style being done properly is probably going to take more effort on the part of the animation team, since, if you think about it, the Effects team and Animation team are… probably different teams? I’m assuming, anyway.
It’s basically loading it all on one side of that aisle, so it’s no wonder they’re struggling.
I just hope they’ll allot some time after HoT’s launch and give us an extra one or two animation passes to fancy it up after.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Someone posted this and I thought these would work as the new Dash and Bound animations. =)

Edit: Apparently can’t search it in imgur. It’s basically a near instant slide-port for Dash and a quick flip Bound (opposed to … the uh… thingie we have now).

Although the idea of a shadowstep for a dodge is cool, it defeats the purpose of it being a dodge by removing the evade frames. Karl explained that if it were to have evade frames as a shadow step, it would have to have a wind up time at which point you would have evade frames. He also explained how they could not use new tech to just shadowstep as a dodge fluidly would. It would feel clunky and not path correctly. To me .. This sounds aweful as I like the overall fluid gameplay of a thief pre last betas daredevil, I hope that daredevil will play out fluid as well as they fix all of its issues.

The impression I got from others—and I wouldn’t mind myself—is if it just looked like a Shadowstep.
You know… have the little ‘poof’ effect at the start, some sort of a vague shadowy shape or trail traverse the distance while evading, then ‘poof’ back in. Like the Rev Sword 3, but… shadowy instead of misty.

You know, just for style.
And I don’t think they’d really need to put in a ton of new effort. Shadowstep effects already exist and everyone cares more that it’s cool than they care that it’s new.

Bonus points: if you evade through the shadows, it makes a lot of sense that you could escape immobilize effects. You did just roll through an alternate dimension or something, after all.
…Actually, I’m not entirely sure I understand how Shadowstepping… actually works…?

I completely know what you mean, I dont know why they take everything so literally. Shadow step dodge was obviously suggested for the animation without the functionality of an actual shadowstep. I dont know why they went on about how making it actually work as a shadowstep skill would be difficult. I do like the idea but I have to agree with the devs here, I want to see physical animations for the dare devil, where it never needs to vanish completely…but that being said, I would also like to see fresh animations that suggest these physical movements.

Honestly, I can agree with that, but…
I feel like that is the primary reason we’ve got so many placeholder animations.
Animating an entire body is a lot more difficult than chaining a bunch of discrete strikes together with a swooshy effect, and so on.
The effect is more understated but that doesn’t mean it’s easier to do, you know?
The truth is, the Daredevil’s style being done properly is probably going to take more effort on the part of the animation team, since, if you think about it, the Effects team and Animation team are… probably different teams? I’m assuming, anyway.
It’s basically loading it all on one side of that aisle, so it’s no wonder they’re struggling.
I just hope they’ll allot some time after HoT’s launch and give us an extra one or two animation passes to fancy it up after.

At this point I personally don’t care how much extra work it is for the devs ..I know this may sound selfish of me, but in the grand scheme of things it’s not. I have supported their game for 3 years.. I never posted or complained about anything on the forums in that time for anything even though the game was clearly suffering at the time. I stuck with anet through thick and thin.. Many times wanting to drop the game and watch it burn, i am sure I was not alone here. Despite the game seemingly going nowhere, me and many many others held hope for anet and decided to give them the support they needed to progress. There’s one thing that people always seem to forget.. These companies are nothing without us, we fuel them the money they need to run the game. That being said, I don’t think it’s asking too much to have freaking new animations on the one thing I am interested in after waiting for 3 years for some major content changes…

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


There’s one thing that people always seem to forget.. These companies are nothing without us, we fuel them the money they need to run the game.

They don’t need us anymore; they have an influx of new players through F2P. They can stand to lose us, because they can repeat the sins of the last three years on a whole new batch of people who are none the wiser. Ah… the games industry.

How Dash should Function (picture attachment)

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Hmm, looking at the picture gives me a Bloodborne feel with the quickstep dodging in that game, that would be cool here

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