How Thief *SHOULD* work
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I’m just disappointed that ArenaNet hasn’t felt the need to change and balance the Thief as a whole, yet.
They should just remove all stealth triggers from weapon skills, and replace them with some boons instead. The problem has always been the ability to repetitively apply stealth within a short duration. If it was restricted to healing, utility, trait, and steal skills, it would feel much more balanced.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
(edited by Kasama.8941)
Never played that game, but similar, yes. I’m looking at more ambush/trap based. Not “I can kill 500 people singlehandedly and still leave with my bodily functions working as norm” style of Assassin’s Creed nonsense. No Thief/Assassin should ever be able to go toe to toe with a man in 100 lbs worth of armor swinging a sword that could be compared to a detached airplane wing. That is why the Ninja could never go toe to toe with the Samurai, and had to use extremely underhanded tactics to even the odds.
I want traps/ambushes/escapes. Not constant stealth/heartseeker/Sword Dagger nonsense. This isn’t a QQ about overpoweredness or anything, I simply absolutely hate how dumb the idea behind the Thief was (And Necromancer for that matter) in this game.
Im disappointed people dont use the appropriate thread for QQing.
I disappointed that you think Devs read that. I’m also disappointed that you feel you needed to post that.
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
The hell it is. No Thief/Assassin would do what a Thief does in this game. If you feel this is a correct feeling of a Thief, then maybe we should rename the class to “Dodgy Stealthy Spammer”
The hell it would. The ability to delay an entire enemy team with a well-constructed ambush? In it’s current state, Thief is already pretty much useless in sPvP. It’s nothing more than an annoying scavenger. It’d atleast be able to give Thieves some sort of purpose rather than the annoying thing that Mesmers replicate far better.
This stealth spamming is indeed quite ridiculous. If some outsider saw me playing a thief / fighting a thief, he would probably after a small while of silence just ask “Why do you play this game?”.
I just wish they had kept Assassins and Thieves as separate professions. Left the stealthy, poison, traps and damage dealing to the Assassin and made the Thief more about acrobatics, control, condition and evasion. The current Thief is a hybrid of the two and doesn’t do the profession the justice it deserves. The trickery trait line and the acrobatics trait line (minus the traps) are very close to a Thief theme, but Shadow Arts, Deadly Arts and Critical Strikes are more Assassin than Thief.
Like this ?
Shadow step and blinding powder ftw!!
Or knife specialist (that would be cool)
Ignore the music on this one :^/
Comparing thief stealth in a fantasy game to ninja/samurai interaction is absolutely silly.
Why not compare it to something remotely similar, how about Dungeons and Dragons rules
Rogue class has sneak attack, deals considerable extra damage from side/back has hide in shadows trait, to make enemies lose track of them IN COMBAT. Can gain assassin prestige class with access to invisibility spells to use IN COMBAT.
Sounds alot like GW2 thief to me, except we require stealth for backstab, but i’d happily have backstab like damage added to every weapon attack (from all weapons) from side or back
The idea of no combat stealth, completely destroys shadow arts as a trait line, and makes stealth attacks absolutely worthless, unless you buff them to a literal instant kill which would be silly. Your idea of how stealth should work is shallow and dull, and has been done before in other games, why not go play those
I have killed thieves in stealth. Its so easy to predict their movements in stealth. I have no clue why everyone has such a hard time with it.
Like this ?
Shadow step and blinding powder ftw!!
Omg… All these noob bodyguards really need to l2p…
I disappointed that you think Devs read that. I’m also disappointed that you feel you needed to post that.
And you think the Devs will read this?
If you want thieves like that. WoW is a thing, that exists.
Part-time Kittenposter
Thief already works exactly how it should with the exception of our damage being too low on some attacks. Seriously, leave the kittening class alone and go kitten about something else for once in your kitten lives.
I’ve been playing a Thief since BWE1 and surprise surprise, I can counter stealth on ANY of my characters because I know how to kittening play the game and counter what is one of the most predictable mechanics in the game. Seriously, you people just won’t stop until Thief is deleted.
all is vain
Honestly, stealth in it’s current state is dumb. Alot of the people that use it are dumb. The dumb capability allows for dumb usage.
I feel like Thief should take a considerable amount of skill, but be very deadly to compensate, which at the moment, is absolutely the opposite.
Here’s how I believe Stealth/Thief should have been implemented: Stealth on a Thief should be a toggle, not a skill/boon. It should be a permanent stealth switch. However, you would not have the ability to enter stealth in combat, and if you are hit while in stealth, you lose it. They would also have to move at 33% less speed while in stealth. Thieves would still have their escape tools, if not more of them, however their Stealth would be used as you would expect an actual stealth based class to use it.
Thieves would be used for interrupting/annoying/trapping opponents, creating massive ambushes when an enemy player walks into them, but once they lose the element of surprise, they cannot win a sustained fight.
Honestly at the moment, when I see the stealth in this game I can’t compare it to anything else. It’s like Sam Fisher just decided to murder every single person in a level in under 12 seconds. It’s not stealthy at all, nor does it make any sort of sense. It’s just plain stupid, unskillful, and lazy. They made Thief a spamming class, period. I was/am severely disappointed in their ‘ideas’ for it.
Alot of potential was lost, potential for tricks like disguising yourself as an enemy player to gain the element of surprise, or being able to steal an opponent’s rune set for 6-10 seconds.
Anyone else still as disappointed as I am?
your thief vs my thief. since its so easy to play it should be close. ill use a non stealth build or stealth build your choice. nub
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
The hell it is. No Thief/Assassin would do what a Thief does in this game. If you feel this is a correct feeling of a Thief, then maybe we should rename the class to “Dodgy Stealthy Spammer”
The hell it would. The ability to delay an entire enemy team with a well-constructed ambush? In it’s current state, Thief is already pretty much useless in sPvP. It’s nothing more than an annoying scavenger. It’d atleast be able to give Thieves some sort of purpose rather than the annoying thing that Mesmers replicate far better.
your insight comes short my friend. you are missing facts and have no idea the implications of your suggestions. with what ur saying u might as well take backstab/TS out of the game. BS already has a successful hit rate of less than 50% … with the low speed u can drop that to around 2% considering they will be moving something like 2-3 times faster than you …i mean 33% of what battle speed is? wow :P ouch not just that but it also going to kill all thieves by going stealth just bc they cant move out of reach of opponents attacks. i mean if i was a warrior and see a thief going stealth im going to swing wildly knowing that most of them are going to hit and kill him or if a necro/aoe character just drops aoe theres no chance to get out of the way… cmon man your are waaaaaaaaaaay off base here. learn the class before you clutter up the forums with this garbage. if its not a L2P issue then L2Think intelligently.
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
The hell it is. No Thief/Assassin would do what a Thief does in this game. If you feel this is a correct feeling of a Thief, then maybe we should rename the class to “Dodgy Stealthy Spammer”
The hell it would. The ability to delay an entire enemy team with a well-constructed ambush? In it’s current state, Thief is already pretty much useless in sPvP. It’s nothing more than an annoying scavenger. It’d atleast be able to give Thieves some sort of purpose rather than the annoying thing that Mesmers replicate far better.
You obviously don’t do much tpvp/spvp do you? I do agree that we are pretty low on the tpvp totem poll, but we can definitely farm people in hotjoins fairly easily.
These kitten changes you are talking about would ruin the class in both situations and I would literally just quit playing the thief because it would be lame and boring like every other MMO out there.
Why does GW2 have to be like every other MMO with their stealth class? It’s uniqueness with stealthing in combat the way it does is what got me hooked on this game.
Just stop QQing about stealth and move on already. I don’t have a problem with it when I play as other classes, why do you?
I sort of see what OP is trying to say, and I agree that Stealth should be a really momentous and important thing, not an easily-spammable trash effect that contributes nothing to skilled gameplay.
As a career thief, I feel confident in saying that stealthing while in-combat should be exactly what Shemsu mentioned: a prestige effect, something that needs to be traited for. In return, Thieves need more utility and “meat” to make us for our lack of access to easy stealth; more CC, more debilitating effects, more attrition, MORE SHADOWSTEPS.
Maybe a trait that shadowsteps us 450m away whenever we’re CC’d. Maybe a trait that blinds on dodge. There’s lots of good ideas to wean Thieves from stealth-oriented and/or gimmicky gameplay, and proper utilization and 2-for-1’s of all the Thieves’ abilities (shadowstepping, evasion, blinding, critical hits, high-damage attacks, hit volume, and initiative use) will make this class a deeper experience.
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
> sPvP – R44 | WvW – R29 Thief <———————
Got to love biased opinions
It’s not engaging instead it feels cheap and boring,
I stop playing my thief when I did realize how easy is to achieve something with this class,
I prefer challenges, not rewards for abusing an stupid mechanism as stealth and key spamming,
At this point the thief class is maybe average at best. Unfortunately, it has turned into a class that is basically only good at killing those with no skills. That is sad. Hopefully anet will buff the thief soon.
At this point the thief class is maybe average at best. Unfortunately, it has turned into a class that is basically only good at killing those with no skills. That is sad. Hopefully anet will buff the thief soon.
I demand my shadow step to give me ten seconds of stealth, end in a flame blast, heal me for 5,000 and have a recharge of 5 seconds! >: (
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