How about making steal a shadowstep/steal?
They did say that they had an idea of making it a Shadowstep with a target or not, although I have no idea how that will be implemented.
Resident Thief
Added it to my “how to improve stealing list”: here
I like your idea
They did say that they had an idea of making it a Shadowstep with a target or not, although I have no idea how that will be implemented.
Simple, if you have noone targeted and activate steal it’ll just shift you 1,200 yards in the direction you are facing.
~Eliana Veilstrike~
Yak’s Bend (TBE)
ya, just like the active of infiltrator’s signet.
While we here, can we give shadowshot a followup skill like flanking strike to steal boons? Trigger only when shadowshot lands mayhaps?
This would encourage people to use the followup instead of backstab even when they activated shadowshot from stealth, and maybe quiet down some the complains about getting bs from closer?
ya, just like the active of infiltrator’s signet.
While we here, can we give shadowshot a followup skill like flanking strike to steal boons? Trigger only when shadowshot lands mayhaps?
This would encourage people to use the followup instead of backstab even when they activated shadowshot from stealth, and maybe quiet down some the complains about getting bs from closer?
Well either way people will complain about that because shadowshot does already three things. It blinds and it’s a 900 yard teleport followed by a strike. Adding a mechanic to strip boons will make it a bit overpowered IMHO.
~Eliana Veilstrike~
Yak’s Bend (TBE)