How are Shortbows in Dungeons?
Depends – how good are you at landing Cluster Bombs (and breaking off the bombs at the last moment)?
Against packs, it’s very good. Single bosses, not so much.
Resident Thief
In TA shortbow is amazing. Especially for clearing those exploding flowers. I generally switch between P/P and Sb on a regular basis. P/P in situations where pure ranged dps is necessary or when I need to clear stacks of defiant, and Sb when I need more survival, crowd management or have a lot of blast finisher opportunities. In CM I find going full ranged very good.
Part-time Kittenposter
Yeah I was going to say that too, TA = shortbow. Otherwise cluster at point blank is viable using mad taps (longrange seems pointless). Also a purity sigil is helpful in most dungeons.
Shortbow is fine. It’s a well balanced weapon for dungeons: 3 target auto attacks, AOE blast finisher, backwards evade, cripple, poison field, shadow step. All good.
shortbow is Heinz and pistol is no-name