How do thieves stealth so much in WvW?
If a thief doesn’t attack out of stealth, he doesn’t get the revealed debuff. If timed right, an offhand dagger thief could CnD just as stealth was wearing off and stay hidden, and do damage from the CnD (and if he’s glass cannon, that can be a lot of damage).
Edit: Going 20 in Shadow Arts, with Patience and Infusion of shadow would allow this pretty easily.
(edited by Fade.7658)
Huh . . . I did not know that. Wow, how can I be such a noob after playing this game so much? :-/ My thief is glass cannon in all berserker’s gear, but I think my spec is not quite right for this. I’m not sure what the spec they’re using is. Is it 20/30/20?
Well u see, there is the difference between you playing thief and that guy that killed you and 5 other guys. He knows his kitten, u and your 5 friends obviously dont (no offence intended). There are few of builds that can do this, but they have one thing in common – 30 in shadow arts.
(edited by Karolis.4261)
Do you know what weapon set they were using? A 0/15/30/25/0 D/P thief has reliable access to stealth that doesn’t depend on the enemy.
Do you know what weapon set they were using? A 0/15/30/25/0 D/P thief has reliable access to stealth that doesn’t depend on the enemy.
I believe in www offhand dagger is way better then d/p for overall performance. manouvering inside zerg with D/P might be tricky and will suck out all of ur initiative eventually, no matter the traits. And in www there are plenty targets to CnD on.
@Karolis: I was completely unaware of that, but thanks for enlightening me. Now I know something I did not previously know.
@Maugetarr: No idea. He was visible maybe .5 seconds total the entire time.
You can hit CnD, stealth, wait for stealth to end, then attack with auto-attack a few times and stealth.
You won’t get the burst from a backstab but you will be in stealth longer more often.
Like the others said, no offense, you and your friends need to learn your classes.
They were random people I found running around out in the mists, LOL. And learning my class won’t help me fight what I can’t see.
They were random people I found running around out in the mists, LOL. And learning my class won’t help me fight what I can’t see.
Well learning game might help you fighting what you cant see. There is no possible way for thief to gun down 6 competetant players who dont run around in panick. Learning thief class might help as well. Like it was stated 875456 times, u can hit what u cant see and dont have target off. And in case of a thief, those blind hits hurt him A LOT.
Unless he’s from Blackgate.
They were random people I found running around out in the mists, LOL. And learning my class won’t help me fight what I can’t see.
Well learning game might help you fighting what you cant see. There is no possible way for thief to gun down 6 competetant players who dont run around in panick. Learning thief class might help as well. Like it was stated 875456 times, u can hit what u cant see and dont have target off. And in case of a thief, those blind hits hurt him A LOT.
(This is a joke, don’t take offence jwburks)
Well, in case you haven’t read his signature yet karolis
“We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.” It’s of no use repeating what has been said for 875456 times
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
Yeah that signature comes from an ex-Anet employee’s comments, and they were speaking of upper management there. Seems to still be the case, actually.
Ahem . . . well anyway, thanks for the advice. I guess I’ll go learn how to play now. :-P
P.S. Karolis, you told another guy in another thread that this is caused by culling. Here, you say it’s because I’m noob. kitten?
(edited by jwburks.9735)
Well, if using an offhand dagger, he could have been waiting around in stealth for it to wear off and then hitting you again right when he popped out as fade mentioned, but against 5 that would be a pretty long fight assuming it even took only 3 C&Ds to down each person (very generous with the C&D damage here) as it would have stretched the fight out to at least a full minute assuming everything hits perfectly and no one heals and he doesn’t take the time to stomp anyone. If you guys were getting consistenly blinded (before the stealth not on the stealth) he was probably using BPS and heartseeking through it. If you are patient with this type of build and use infiltrators signet, infusion of shadow, and quick recovery, you can keep up initiative pretty well. If he wasn’t using any attacks from stealth (backstab or sneak attack) in both scenarios the fight would have been drawn out pretty well. Another possibility is S/D which combined with infiltraitors strike would have allowed for powerful autoattack chains upon leaving stealth combined with a high mobility, daze and snare for consistent stealthing via C&D.
Yeah that signature comes from an ex-Anet employee’s comments, and they were speaking of upper management there. Seems to still be the case, actually.
Ahem . . . well anyway, thanks for the advice. I guess I’ll go learn how to play now. :-P
P.S. Karolis, you told another guy in another thread that this is caused by culling. Here, you say it’s because I’m noob. kitten?
I never said you’re a noob, you just said it yourself :P. I just said that you are not aware of how some thief and game elements work. And yes this is ofc coused by culling, but you can actually see when thief goes out from stealth ( black smoke) and he becomes targetable even if hes still invisible ( same as his 20 friends that just jupmed form portal )