Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
I want to turn my thief into a pistol/dagger user.
No idea what gear to use
No idea what traits to take
Someone help this noob out.
Wild Bill uses Venoms in his build, others put 20 points in the the last trait line instead.
My P/D thoughts (WvW):
It’s more of a survival build that’s extremely lacking in burst.
Kills take time and if the target starts running it’s inconvenient.
You shouldn’t die unless you take up your risk trying for a kill.
I miss having an interrupt skill.
Rolltrops can yakslap unless escorts push, pull, and turn the road into AoE hell.
Zergsurfing can be fun, but crossing the no-man’s land to reach ’em will suck.
In chaotic zerg wrecks, you are a stomp machine.
Full carrion gives you bleed damage and a lot of HP to survive. Toss in 3 Krait/Afflicted runes with Super Veggie Pizza and an Agony sigil to get to 75% condition duration.
I’m 0-0-30-20-20. SA traits to get 2 init, clear a condition on stealth and every 3 seconds in stealth, with regen in stealth. Acro traits can be customized to taste, I run Power of Inertia and Assassin’s Reward. Trickery is Uncatchable (Rolltrops!) and Bountiful Theft for vigor and opportunistic boon steal.
Hide in Shadows, Shadowstep, Shadow Refuge, Signet of Shadows, Daggerstorm/Thieves Guild.
This is really cookie cutter, but there’s some stuff you can tweak, as you get experience, to make it work best for you. Oh, shortbow is the 2nd set wep. People will love your point blank spammable blast finisher with undetonated Cluster Bomb.
5 0 30 30 5 owns. if u put 5 in for poison on steal then u dont need to take the venom and opens it up for something a lil more useful. also i like to bring hard to catch as its alot more HP and if a small group or zerg catchs u it gives u a real chance at escape everytime. plus they lose target
I use a 15/0/30/15/10 build. The 15 in deadly arts applies a weakness when poisoning someone for 3 seconds. The more conditions you can land on your enemy, the less chance your bleeds get removed on a cleanse.
I also run 75% condition duration, so that 3 second weakness is actually 5, and my poison duration is at 100%. I use sigils of doom on my weapons, so when I swap, I poison my enemy for 10 seconds, lowering the need for a shortbow to inflict poison (although it doesn’t remove the need entirely)
I want to turn my thief into a pistol/dagger user.
No idea what gear to use
No idea what traits to takeSomeone help this noob out.
cant help you out with a P/D build but …
here’s a realy fun DD condi build , thats gone make people hate you at times
i’m seeing a great boost to this build in next patch if the leaked patch notes are correct ofc
I use a 15/0/30/15/10 build. The 15 in deadly arts applies a weakness when poisoning someone for 3 seconds. The more conditions you can land on your enemy, the less chance your bleeds get removed on a cleanse.
I also run 75% condition duration, so that 3 second weakness is actually 5, and my poison duration is at 100%. I use sigils of doom on my weapons, so when I swap, I poison my enemy for 10 seconds, lowering the need for a shortbow to inflict poison (although it doesn’t remove the need entirely)
weakness? why…with all the blind and invis ….just adding in another defensive condition is a little overkill. go for the extra condi dmg. steal poison is enough. u apply steal at 60 % hp roughly so it messes up their initial heal. even if they remove bleeds …so what? add them on again. only takes 2-3 secs to add 8 stacks of bleed :P …takes anyone just as long to remove them and you can add them for days. they cant remove them for days unless you are playing the 1 nemesis build which is D/P and even thats just a draw at best….well a draw if ur playing my build…. d/p would wrekc that trait line. what im saying is overthinking it can kill ya. just do whakittens meant to do,. hence why i run 5 0 30 30 5.
Weakness is changing soon, and will make more of a difference than it does. It also may be overkill, but I’ve already seen some decent results with it vs. a great many profession/builds, especially D/P thieves using that setup. The poison damage is worth 2 stacks of bleeds, and having poison on them more limits any passive healing they might have, like regen.
It just fits my playstyle I suppose :P
what is happening to weakness?
playstyle or not …these builds have minimal burst dmg and your condition dmg is about 75% of what i listed. you trade 25% less dmg for extra poison and other silliness :P if ur going to rely on bleed/conditions by sacrificing direct dmg you really need to be exemplary at it and not just decent.
what is happening to weakness?
Weakness will now affect critical hits for glancing.
Edit: I’ve tried 100% condition duration, and I’ve noticed little difference between 75% and 100%, with the frequency of cleanses.
(edited by Fade.7658)
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