How do you guys feel about thief?

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: NaXorb.9732


I just don’t find the class enjoyable anymore.
The PVP isn’t fun (but that might just be the pvp itself)
And I find quite a bit, too many if you ask me, of traits, utilities and weapon skills weak or just unusable.

But, I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. What do you guys think?

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


The PvP is still fun but it depends on your comp or your opponent’s comp. Assuming meta builds the order of difficulty for thief is as follows:

1.Other thieves (higher if thief is good)
2.Rangers (usually, some good ones can give trouble but you can typically disengage from them)
6.Mesmer (4,5,6 are 50/50 though ele can be placed much lower if they don’t manage their defenses well most just get blown up but some take too long to be worth it)
7.Warrior (soft counter, try waiting out berserker form in stealth. Duels are winnable but the invulns, stuns, and big damage make this matchup an uphill battle for thief. An equally skilled warrior should still win)
9.Guardian. While not meta but the closest build is trouble even though engi is a hard counter you can still win by counting to three on the Elixir S proc (if you get even this far even on a rev or druid 1v1 then gratz, but you have to really time your next attack well to ensure a downed, preferably PB shot, rev staff 5, or steal and some auto as heartseeker may be too slow) and shadow shotting and saving a steal in case of dodge but it’s a very tough matchup whereas guardian wins are even rarer 1v1 since even testing their technique can be dangerous.

(edited by Agemnon.4608)

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


It’s in a good place now imo.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


If they would remove all the passive procs then thief would be in a good spot but with how almost all classes/builds have passive get out of jail free cards it’s a little overwhelming, where you need to outplay the opponents build and not the actual player.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I still love thief in PvP. D/P is a fast, versatile build with a relatively unique role.

In PvE…we’re so close to good. In speed runs, we’re awesome. In Fractals, we’re good, but a stacking MM necros with a chrono or PS war is better.

In Raids, we’re good enough for one spot…usually…on most fights. However, eles tend to overshadow us since they generally do more DPS and can do it all from range. Personally, this frustrates me since the whole message at the release of this game was that ranged dps was supposed to be lower to balance the advantage of being able to stand far away, but since eles bring top notch DPS with tons of AoE cleave and the ability to drop it at range anywhere they need, it’s often hard to argue for bringing a thief.

But at least groups will want us for stealth on the escort event of the new raid wing, lol.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Helly.2597


Honestly I’m having some of the best fun I’ve ever had on thief. It’s always been my favorite class but I’ve just been enjoying it more than usual recently.

I primarily solo roam in wvw. I find that there really aren’t any terrible match-ups as power d/p da/tr/dd besides maybe a good condition warrior and even then I can outplay them.

Just really been enjoying the playstyle and everything has to offer recently.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: NaXorb.9732


ok, so pvp wise, it’s in a relatively good spot, but what about the lack of build diversity and a good part of utilities, traits and skills being under-powered or unusable?

I think the worst offenders are our elites; Dagger Storm and Thieves Guild. DS locks you in a long animation, while dealing little to no damage (once during a fight through the whole duration no one was hit by my DS), and TG npcs bring nothing to the fight and are easily killable.

aside from that, I feel that;
- Ice drake and devourer venom are really bad if not shared with at least 4 people and venoms in general feel too weak considering they take up a utility slot and have a quite long CD
- ambush trap has the same problem as TG, only worse
- Scorpion wire misses half the time, and Impairing daggers sometimes have the same problem (which shouldn’t happen considering the game mechanics)
- pistol #2 is an overall bad weapon skill and has no use
- most short bow skills are clunky and feel awkward
and I kind of feel that most weapon skills are designed weaker with the initiative mechanic in mind, but cost so much initiative that Trickery line is almost completely mandatory, or you are only able to use 2-3 of your weapon skills in a fight before running out of it
I know that thief is supposed to have a strategic, reflexive play style but sometimes it really feels unfair and frustrating compared to other professions
And, considering that GW2 is an MMO with a “no class roles, play as you wish” mentality (at least it said it was) I find the lack of build diversity off-putting, to say the least

(edited by NaXorb.9732)

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

And I find quite a bit, too many if you ask me, of traits, utilities and weapon skills weak or just unusable.

There’s definitely a lot of those and ArenaNet had the opportunity to give Thief a different build path instead of another DPS path when they announced the Elite Traits. It could’ve been a better set than Daredevil (I still don’t see the correlation between a Thief and a Daredevil, just as Guardian and Dragon Hunter doesn’t make any sense), but here we are. As a player, there’s always a way to find something fun to do, however, this doesn’t mean that I’m happy with the Thief as a whole. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


It’s the one profession that gets the most mileage out of my two legendaries, Dreamer and Bifrost so it holds a special place (yeah I know ranger uses both but not in fractals). Wish it had that ferocity buff that Rev got for some reason…or just anything to help a party out so there was a more want for the profession other than ‘ok damage’. I’m strictly a PvE player and I find myself more on my Ele these days as they are far more welcomed in groups.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Silverbolt.2301



Thief is trash.

Ever since I picked up my revenant, I haven’t looked back…not even a glance. Which is pathetic considering I made 5 legendaries strictly for my thief.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Agemnon.4608



Thief is trash.

Ever since I picked up my revenant, I haven’t looked back…not even a glance. Which is pathetic considering I made 5 legendaries strictly for my thief.

I find revenant harder to handle than thief. Yes scrappers are far more beatable but that’s just about the only advantage. Reapers and sometimes Mesmers are an easier match on thief while ele tends to be equally weak to rev and thief (maybe less weak to rev due to headshot being a vital yet reflectable skill). On rev however thieves either get blown up or pose an uphill battle. Thief allows you to exploit your tactical vision better while revenant must sacrifice more to cap.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Thief is definitely better than it was in s1 however i absolutely hate the direction that Anet went with in HoT – low skill floor, spammy, overtuned mechanics, passives, powercreep etc. Even thief didn’t avoid it – it is all about dodge and headshot spam now. Really killed it for me.
At the end, in conquest they are still overshadowed by revs and are still +1 decap pet but you can do fairly well in yoloq if you are decent.

I miss the days when CDs mattered, when timing and positioning was important, when thief was expected to win 1v1 fights. But it is all gone and will be never back

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Thief is definitely better than it was in s1 however i absolutely hate the direction that Anet went with in HoT – low skill floor, spammy, overtuned mechanics, passives, powercreep etc. Even thief didn’t avoid it – it is all about dodge and headshot spam now. Really killed it for me.
At the end, in conquest they are still overshadowed by revs and are still +1 decap pet but you can do fairly well in yoloq if you are decent.

I miss the days when CDs mattered, when timing and positioning was important, when thief was expected to win 1v1 fights. But it is all gone and will be never back

I’m with you on this one. Thief is so different now. It’s all very spammy and much of the methodical nature of the class is totally gone. Dagger is all about auto-attacking opponents to death, staff is basically Vault spam, P/P is still Unload spam, sword is either auto-attack spam or pistol whip spam – there were always an element of this to the class, but it’s just everywhere now. But the old Thief simply couldn’t function with all the broken stuff implemented since the specialisation patch of last year. If I couldn’t evade for 27 years on my Daredevil I would die very quickly to any stray source of damage.

Sure it’s a giggle to kill people with a single Unload in WvW or remove half of a squishes health just with a single dagger AA chain, but it’s not very satisfying at all.


How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Weiter.5387


Feels lame.. PVE is just spam 1 button most times, and pray not to get 1 shot.
As for PVP, it’s a joke with all the necros, warriors and guys going invulnerable for 5 seconds and heal to full. Not enough damage or survival.
I still like for PVE, but the pvp is a joke right now

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I thought I was actually going to beat a scrapper today but he popped stealth gyro and after that got destroyed knew when to use his poison gun so I had to disengage. :( It felt like a good duel that could have gone either way too despite being at a disadvantage. Only guardian is a tougher duel as far as pure class goes. Warrior can feel tougher but that’s usually due to skill rather than class.

(edited by Agemnon.4608)

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: shi jian qiao.3845

shi jian qiao.3845

I am a strictly WvW who plays non-daredevil thief regularly. I have been growing steadily more irate of the direction of our class ever since they started nerfing crit thieves ages ago. I chose to never play that build because I felt it was abused. In retrospect, I should have spent every waking moment sneaking up on other classes, insta-downing them, and spiking from stealth, because it was the only time thieves had a definite role in WvW. They kept non-thief roamers to a minimum and forced people to travel in groups. We could enforce the open fields while scouting for the zerg, and disrupt the supply line.

Now there is nothing that gives us distinction from other classes (except shortbow – joke intended). Half of them have stealth. Half of them can reveal stealth, but we can’t. Even when in stealth, a ranger’s bow can track us with the longest range in the game. We are mobile, but other classes are just as mobile. Is there still anything we can do that another class can’t do as well? Stealth is lengthier than other classes, but we have to come out of it to be effective. Taking camps is great, but everyone can do it. Running/killing yaks is great, but everyone can do it. Sentrying and running supply is great, but come on, we all need a break from that sometimes. Why would someone who is creating a new character choose thief?

It was obvious in the design of GW2 that they wanted less developer time spent in balancing classes. We no longer have hundreds of skills to choose from. We no longer have secondary profession/class to add variety to builds. Even since GW2 launch, they have given all classes less viable build options through the new trait system that only allows us to pick one of three choices at each level of each specialization. We can no longer partially use a specialization to add variety. It is all or nothing. Despite all these things that give us less variety and should make balancing the game easier for devs, the thief seems to constantly get screwed. I feel my existence has been reduced to trying to get 25 stacks so I can almost be viable again.

Yeah. I could do another class, but I should not feel this is necessary to hold my own. I wanted to specialize with thief so I have put endless hours into it, including legendaries and ascended sets for all kinds of stuff. I built up the other classes so I could tinker with them and understand them enough to excel as a thief.

Yeah. Frustrated. The game has some great points. I’m not here to say I don’t have fun regardless of my critique. It is not a QQ session. It is just how I see it.

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Weiter.5387


lets do a group hug bros T.T

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Lexander.4579


try different specialization combinations and weapon sets, thief isnt all about braindead d/p 5-2 spam anymore, there are at least 3 other weapon sets that can get you to legend without ever going d/p while utilizing various gameplay which doesnt include being a decap sissy who cant kill 1v1 even a ranger pet

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


lets do a group hug bros T.T

i know few females playing thieves :P

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


lets do a group hug bros T.T

i know few females playing thieves :P


How do you guys feel about thief?

in Thief

Posted by: arenta.2953


how do i feel about thief
its still fun to play, daredevil is epic and insanely easy to escape fights in WvW with. and still my #1 for burst dmg

and yet they also my favorite thing to kill when i’m playing engineer. because engineer = no stealth for thief

so i’d say its fine

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri